Patriot Post
December, 2020
Thank YOU!
Members of the Beckman Community,
As the semester comes to a close and we wrap up the first half of an unprecedented school year, I want to thank you for the patience and understanding you've shown over the last several months. Between opening school during a global pandemic, dealing with not one, but two wildfires that forced members of our community to evacuate their homes, and the overall uncertainty we see in our country today, you have been extremely patient and supportive of our school staff. Thank YOU for your understanding during all of this. This has not been easy, but our teachers, our counselors, our custodial crew, our campus supervisors, and all our staff have done their best to make the best of the situation. We understand it hasn’t been perfect, but it’s not for a lack of trying and we really do appreciate your patience and support.
Thank you,
Donnie Rafter
Beckman High School
Hybrid Group Tags for 2nd Semester
If the tag you see in the “Future Hybrid/DL field is inaccurate, please let us know no later than Friday, December 11th by using the form here.
Winter Recess
As a reminder, the last day of Winter Break is Monday, January 4th. Students will resume classes on Tuesday January 5th. Students in the O1 group will still report to campus for in-class instruction on Mondays and Thursday, while students in the O2 group will report on Tuesdays and Fridays. When students are not on campus, or are in the DL group, they will attend classes via Distance Learning.
Add/Drop for 2nd Semester
PSAT Reschedule...
Finals Week
Course Selection for Next School Year?!?!
Counselor Coffees in January
PTO Corner
The holidays are here, filled with uncertainty but also silver linings! Our community is a caring one. Beckman PTO raises critical funds to support programs, events and resources that benefit our Patriot community. PTO would like to recognize our Patriot, Platinum and Gold level contributors for their generosity. You can find these donor families listed here. Remember, you can donate to PTO at any time during the year simply by visiting https://www.beckmanpto1.com/
Through this pandemic, our community partners continue to find creative ways to support Beckman. We appreciate Revolution Prep and Zov’s Restaurants. And we are grateful for the commitment of our wonderful Beckman teachers and extraordinary staff in the face of adversity… whether COVID or wildfires – they show up each and every day, giving so much to our students!
Finally, If you’re looking for a fun holiday gift, our BHS spirit wear Gaiter Buffs make a wonderful stocking stuffer or giveaway! Simply go to https://www.beckmanpto1.com/event-details/bhs-pto-membership-drive-2020-2021-1-1, scroll to the bottom of the page, and click!
Happy Holidays!
EdFund Update
The Beckman Ed Fund would like to wish each of our patriot families a heart warming holiday season this year. As we all navigate through these trying times we are so grateful for all of the families that have made contributions to the Beckman Ed Fund.
If you have not had a chance, it’s not too late to make your tax deductible donation at Beckmanedfund.org. And don’t forget that you have until December 31st to enter our raffle which you can win a $250 Amazon gift card!
Thank you all for your generosity and we wish you a safe and healthy holiday season. May the new 2021 year bring our students back to campus!