Community Howler Hub
December 22
Goodbye Ms. Melsheimer & Congratulations!
Cypress Creek Middle School is sad to say goodbye to one of its original coyotes, Ms. Melsheimer. Starting January 8th, Ms. Melsheimer will be the principal of Chester Taylor Elementary School in Zephyrhills! Although we are sad to see her leave, we are excited for this well-deserved opportunity and promotion! No words can describe the impact Ms. Melsheimer has had on the establishment of Cypress Creek Middle School. However, her imprint will forever be seen.
Thank you to our local businesses for sponsoring this week's staff luncheon!
Thank You, Community!
The dessert bar was incredible! Our teachers and staff enjoyed all the delectable dessert options. What a way to conclude an incredible 1st Semester!
Tami Milner is Pasco School's SRP of the Year!
Congratulations, Tami Milner (CCMS Data Entry Operator), for being the District School Board of Pasco County's School Related Personnel Employee of the Year! Ms. Milner will now represent the district for a chance of being the School Related Personnel Employee of the Year for the State of Florida!
Students of the Week
Gabe Landeros
Jackson Kelley
Thy Nguyen
Julian Arrendondo
Abigail Travis
Cassidy Hubbard
Todd Zacke
Gilberto Centeno
Delilah Hurst
Mackenzie Wilson
Sebastian Aybar
Bradley Becker
Joshua Boster
Luis Horsford
Jonathan Jaris
Jase Kessler
Wyatte Loner
Mackenzie McAloney
Jasmine Wilson
Mirianyelis Paredes Alvarado
Kalyn Cullen
Elle Hoopes
Brandon Johnson
Amaya Lively
Ivana Lowery
Eli Lussier
Ashley Morrell
Noah Negron
Micah Oliver
Lilianne Parilla
Valeria Rivera-Diaz
Landen Toskas
Frank Vaccaro
Austin Moreno
Delaney Burns
Adrian Castillo
Raylan Giese
Chelsey Jones
Sophia Koziatek
Andres Lopez-Reyes
Kendall Newsome
Jadon Perez
Alejandro Ramos Jimenez
Jose Salazar Ayala
Donovan Wheeler
Hunter Young
Solana de Chabert
Taylor Green
Xiomara Green
Nicole Matsumoto
Emma Praljak
Israel Shittu
Tristen Starr
Jayden Webb
Jillian Acosta
Gabriella Crowell
Thiago Cruz Stafford
Lyra Doucette
Sienna Henrich
Riley Rivera
Delaney Ward
Kaleb Santiago
Brandon Warner
Savannah Pomales
Isaac Torres
Ammar Isleim
Brayan Kovac
Corban Golden
Dominic Grau
Luis Galdo
Easton Bryant
Jake Lawler
Zach Firestone
Bennett Hubbard
Logan Shiamone
Spencer Mulholland
Santiago Colmenares
Jackson Bryant
Austin Taylor
Omar Clifton
Liam Alfonso
Addis Blitch
Joel Ballestas
Arron Jordan
Noah Sizemore
Owen Hursey
Caleb Ritchie
David Higgins
Ezra Adams
Joseph Angarano
Staff of the Week
Amy Slusher
Meighan Melsheimer
Marc Shanberg
Angelu Samson
Marianne Borroff
Casey Deans
Crystal Thomas
Arielle McCall
Dani Sauerwein
April Figueroa
Paige Polter
Peter Nason
This Week at The Creek
Monday, January 8 - No School for Students
- Teacher Planning Day
Tuesday, January 9
- 7:40 AM - GSA Meeting
- 8:10 AM - 6th Grade Suspended Curriculum
- 9:03 AM - 7th Grade Suspended Curriculum
- 9:56 AM - 8th Grade Suspended Curriculum
- 2:30 PM - NJHS Tutoring - Media Center
- 3:10 PM - Boys Soccer Practice
- 3:10 PM - Coyote Percussion Pack Practice
- 3:10 PM - Suspended School Day
Wednesday, January 10 - Early Release Day
- 7:40 AM - SGA Meeting
- 12:30 PM - School Concludes
- 3:10 PM - Auditions (Mary Poppins) - Blackbox Theatre
- 3:10 PM - Extended School Day
- 3:10 PM - Cheerleading Practice
- Fundraiser Event during lunches
- 3:10 PM - Advanced Band Rehearsals
- 3:10 PM - Auditions (Mary Poppins) - Blackbox Theatre
Upcoming Events
Monday, January 15
- No School - Dr. Martin Luther King JR Day
Tuesday, January 16
- Report Cards Available in myStudent
- 3:10 PM - Dance Auditions - Dance Studio
- 3:10 PM - Coyote Percussion Pack - Gym
- 3:10 PM - Mary Poppins Auditions - Black Box Theater
- 3:10 PM - Extended School Day - Cafeteria
Wednesday, January 17
- 3:10 PM - Cheer Practice - Building 2
- 3:10 PM - Coyote Rock Band - Band Room
- 3:10 PM - Mary Poppins Auditions - Black Box Theater
Thursday, January 18
- 3:10 PM - Mary Poppins Auditions - Black Box Theater
- 3:10 PM - Extended School Day - Cafeteria
- 3:10 PM - Junior Thespians - Black Box Theater
- Semester 1 Howlabration Ceremonies - Times TBA
- 3:10 PM - Mary Poppins Auditions - Black Box Theater
Holiday Door Decorating Contest Winners
Best Overall
Mrs. Booker
Most Awesome!
Ms. O'Neal
Most Festive
Mr. Nason
Most Original
Ms. Albury
Best Interactive
Ms. Figueroa
Most Funky
Mrs. Stevic
Most Creative
Mrs. Sauerwein
Most Funny (Tie)
Mrs. Meza
Most Funny (Tie)
Mrs. McCall
CCMS Rock Band Brings Down the House!
CCMS Science Showcase
Our CCMS students competing In Pasco County Science Showcase
District level finalists:
Kylie Vohra
Ezra Adam’s
Noah Abraham
Rowan Smith
Elizabeth Corchete Macias
William Hill
Audrey Hoopes
Lilly Wiseman
Sofia Collett
Nathanael Scott
Connor Harman
Nathan Boghosian
First Place
Nathan Boghosian
Second Place
Noah Abraham
Third Place
Audrey Hoopes
Visual Mastermind Award
Quintin von der Embse
Visual Mastermind Award
Mariska Jarboe
Visual Mastermind Award
Alexander Leung
Welcome Ms. Moline!
Ms. Moline will be our new assistant principal for 8th grade! She will be starting with us on January 8th. Ms. Moline comes to Cypress Creek Middle School with vast experience as a school-based administrator from Pinellas County. We are looking forward to have Ms. Moline join our Coyote Family!
Exciting Fundraiser Happening!!!
During lunches on Friday, January 12th, students will be able to engage in an exciting fundraising opportunity that will not only raise money for student and staff incentives and rewards, but will also earn them cash on the spot and a PRIVATE tour of Raymond James Stadium! More details to come!
January 9th Second Semester Schedules
On Tuesday, January 9th, all students will get a GREEN schedule in their 1st Period class. Students are to access their 2nd Semester schedules via myStudent to locate their classes when we return from Winter Break. On January 9th, staff will be positioned throughout the campus to assist students, with a new 1st Period, with finding their new classrooms.
Early Release Day - January 10th
Please mark your calendars that January 10th is an Early Release Day. School will conclude at 12:30 PM for students. All after school activities are cancelled.
eTickets for Events
Impact Counseling Partnership
As the need grows, these free mental health services will increase to support our students. If you are interested in having your student participate, please complete the two consent forms found below and email them to your child's grade level counselor:
6th grade - Kaley Balfour - kbalfour@pasco.k12.fl.us
7th grade - Marc Shanberg - mshanber@pasco.k12.fl.us
8th grade - Tessa Melson - tmelson@pasco.k12.fl.us
Join the Coyote Percussion Pack!
Yearbook Sales
Parent Consents
It is important to complete these items. Otherwise, most incomplete consents will be viewed as permission granted by the parent or guardian.
Staff Member of the Week Nominations
Staff of the Week
Nominate a staff member that has demonstrated the HOWL this week!