End of the Year Update
Dear Inlet View Parents, Guardians, and Students
I want to give you one last update before school is out. The intent is for you to stay informed and make plans for your summer without worrying about school stuff.
Here are the main points:
- Registration.
Online registration for students who are returning to Inlet View for the 2021-2022 School Year is open. You can access it by logging into Q-Parent Connection. When you register early you are helping us determining class rosters, teacher assignments and teacher allocation. I encourage you to do it and don't wait until the fall. If you know of a family with a kindergarten or school aged child, please share that new to school registration starts July 15th.
- Camp Fire.
Largely due to staffing shortages, campfire will not be able to open all of the same Camp Fire Programs they were operating in 2019. They are working tirelessly to hire more qualified staff, and will work with the school district to open more programs. However, campfire management has made the difficult decision not to open our Camp Fire Program at Inlet View school when school starts in August. They have expressed Inlet View is on their priority list to open next as school space and staffing allow them to open additional sites. They want to stay engaged with us and keep their license active in order to allow them to expand into more schools as things change throughout the fall.
- World Language Program- Spanish.
As we mentioned in past editions, we are excited to grow the Spanish program at school and want to hear from you. Please take 5 minutes of your time and respond to the survey in the link below. Results from the survey will guide our planning for next school year. ¡Muchas Gracias!
Link to Spanish Survey https://www.menti.com/jpfy47sww8
- ASD-Covid guidelines.
As mentioned in the last communication from superintendent Dr. Deena Bishop, ASD anticipates continuing some mitigation measures, as safety of students and staff remain a District priority. ASD will continue to monitor CDC guidelines and requirements of our city as we plan for the fall.
Thank you, enjoy the sun and have a healthy and safe summer.
In education,
Patricia Ahrens
Your Principal
Learning does not stop in the summer
I want to take the opportunity to encourage all Inlet View families to continue supporting students' learning over the summer. Our summer break is long and children will have further regression if they don't keep up the momentum that we have found since the return of in-school instruction. We know every child has lost instructional opportunities due to the pandemic. My suggestion is to at least try to keep a routine that includes reading every day (20-30 minutes) and practicing math. All students will have access to i-Ready ( time suggested is 30 minutes a day, 3-4 times a week).
Thank you for supporting your children grow socially, emotionally and academically.
Mark your Calendars!
May 21: Summer Vacation Begins
Aug 12: Teachers' first day
Aug 17: Classes start for students in grades 1-6
Aug 24: Classes start for Kindergarten students
Inlet View Mission Statement
Inlet View Elementary focuses on the development of the whole child as a knowledgeable inquirer, both in the classroom and abroad. We aim to develop caring, respectful, and mindful people who recognize their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet.
We will empower students to successfully solve real world problems and strengthen their enjoyment of working towards a goal. We will facilitate learning and support all students so they become compassionate, engaged life-long learners, who help to create a more caring and peaceful world.
Thank you to our School Business Partners for their support!
Anchorage School Board
Margo Bellamy
Carl Jacobs
Andy Holleman
Dora Wilson
Pat Higgins
Kelly Lessens
Dave Donley
Patricia Ahrens
Email: ahrens_patricia@asdk12.org
Website: https://www.asdk12.org/inletview
Location: 1219 N Street, Anchorage, AK, USA
Phone: (907)742-7630
Facebook: facebook.com/InletViewElementarySchool
Twitter: @PrincipalAhrens