The Good News February 25, 2024
St. John XXIII Catholic School
Second Sunday Of Lent
Leadership Message
Jesus not only lived as a human, but He died and rose again so that we could have life with God. Knowing that makes us shine with the hope of Jesus.
Each day we see staff and students eager to share their light with others, and celebrate the love that God has for us! It’s a wonderful and blessed gift, and we don’t have to go up on a mountain to witness it. We know that Jesus was the final fulfillment of all that had been hoped for, and He is still our joy today!
At St. John XXIII we have many wonderful experiences in our daily walk with Jesus. Others can see the love of Jesus in our hearts by seeing his reflection shining bright in each one of our staff and students!
February/March 2024
Monday, Feb. 26
- Lana Santana Visit (Gr. K,1,2)
- Father Abraham visit - Gr. 1
- Lana Santana Visit (Gr. 3,4)
- KMW TPet
- Pink Shirt Day
- KTR TPet
Friday, Mar.1
- Gr. 1 Clay for Kids
- No Kindergarten classes
Looking Ahead...
Mar. 5 - Archbishop Smith visit -10 am Assembly, Gr 4 Swimming 1-2pm
Mar. 6 - Early Dismissal
Mar. 7 - Hot Lunch, Choir at Music Festival, NK going to SWC
Mar. 12 - PSC Meeting 6:30
Mar. 15 - Kindergarten 3 Way Conferences
Mar. 19 - 3 Way Conferences 3:30-6:30
Mar. 20 - 3 Way Conferences 4:00-7:00, Hot Lunch
Mar. 22 - Start of Spring Break
Our Lenten Service Project
As part of our ongoing commitment to service and community engagement, we are thrilled to announce the launch of our Lenten Service Project - the Cereal Box Challenge for the Fort Saskatchewan Food Bank. This initiative aims to support those in need within our community while fostering a spirit of generosity and compassion among our students.
We invite all students to participate by bringing in donations of a box of cereal or any non-perishable food items packaged in boxes, such as macaroni and cheese, to contribute to this worthy cause. Donations can be brought to the school starting February 20th to March 20th. To celebrate the collective effort and generosity of our community, we will be organizing a special event in the gymnasium. A domino track will be meticulously set up to showcase the impact of our donations as they cascade through the track, symbolizing the ripple effect of our collective kindness and support.
Date: Thursday, March 21st, 2024
Time: 11:00 am
Location: Saint John XXIII Gymnasium
St. John XXIII Catholic School Review
From February 28 - March 1 we will be conducting a Catholic School Review in our school community.
Please take a few minutes to fillout this short survey before it closes tomorrow morning at 9am. The purpose of this process of gathering, analyzing and synthesizing information is to assist in strengthening the School Education Assurance Plan that continues to move and improve our school in the area of Catholicity. Our ultimate goal is to support faith formation and impact student learning.
Thank you to everyone who has completed or will complete the survey! If you have any questions about the process, please contact Mrs. Willis Dengler at the school.
Pink Shirt Day Wednesday, February 28, 2024
Staff and students are encouraged to wear pink on Pink Shirt Day as a symbol of love and a commitment to be kind to each other and ourselves. It is our belief that we are all beautifully and wonderfully made, created in the image of God and loved unconditionally.
Let all you do be done in love. - 1 Corinthians 16:14
2024-2025 Nature Programming at St. John XXIII
Limited Spaces Available
Nature Kindergarten
Our school offers a supplemental Nature Kindergarten program which operates Tuesdays/Thursdays and some Fridays. This paid program offers students the opportunity to spend a large part of their day outside engaged in meaningful ways of learning with their body, mind and spirit, while located in a natural setting. Enrolment in this program provides an option to attend kindergarten full time.
Nature Program Grade 1 and Grade 2
This program provides students with an opportunity to spend two half days outside each week. This paid program connects students to nature by fostering rich learning experiences, physical literacy and independence.
Please visit our website to access the Nature Programs Parent Handbook, found in the Quick Links
If your child is currently attending St. John XXIII, and you would like to register in one of our Nature Programs (K,1 or 2) please submit a B.3)Nature Program Application
This Week in Nature Kindergarten
Growing Brains & Sharing Smiles! It's a GREAT Day to be a St. John Kid!
Our 100th Day of School
Literacy and Numeracy in Pathways
Grade 1 Teacher's Pet Fieldtrip
Grade 2 Teacher's Pet Fieldtrip
Making Bread in Kindergarten
Parent School Council
If you would like to attend our next PSC meeting via Zoom, at 6:30 March 12th, 2024, please click the link below to register
Important School Information
Planning for Next Year - Next Year Intentions Declaration
All current St. John XXIII students are required to fill out the Next Year Intentions form (and not a new registration form) in PowerSchool so that we can plan accordingly for next year. Please log into your PowerSchool account and fill out the Next Year Intentions form. This form is located on the left hand side, above the Grades and Attendance dropdown. Please refer to the PowerSchool page on our website for more information.
St. John XXIII School Website
Did you know that our school website is full of important information, where you can find answers to many of your frequently asked questions? Please visit our website, where you will find information about the following (and much more):
- how to apply for busing
- details of the programs offered at St. John XXIII
- our bell schedule, school events calendar and PowerSchool support
- School Parent Council, hot lunch dates and how to order hot lunch
- how to report student absences
- how to contact staff
Report Cards are now available on your PowerSchool Parent Portal
Report cards are now available on your child's PowerSchool account. This year we won't be printing or emailing report cards. Please check your email for information on viewing report cards that was sent home on Friday, February 2nd.
Please make sure you can log into your PowerSchool account to see your child's report card. Please refer to the EICS Parent Technology Handbook which is located on our website.
If you need any help please contact the office at 780-998-7777
2024-2025 Online Registration is Now Open!
Registration for Kindergarten, Nature Programs and NEW students began ONLINE, February 1st. Please note that Nature programs will be number dependent.
- To go to the EICS Kindergarten webpage - please click here. This includes a Kindergarten calculator, programming and transportation information.
- Pre Kindergarten at St. John XXIII, screening information click here
- St. John XXIII Pathways Program click here
- EICS NEW Student Registration-click here
- To request transportation, click here
2024-2025 Elk Island Catholic Schools Pre-Kindergarten Inquiry Form
*Please note, you only need to register your child if they are entering Kindergarten or are brand new to St. John XXIII
*If your child is currently attending St. John XXIII, and you would like to register in one of our Nature Programs (K,1 or 2) please submit a B.3)Nature Program Application
Community Events
Saint John XXIII Catholic School
Email: stj@eics.ab.ca
Website: https://stj.eics.ab.ca/
Location: 9526 89 Street, Fort Saskatchewan, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-998-7777
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/St.JohnXXIII
Twitter: @St_JohnXXIII