SPS RN Team Newsletter
Spring 2023 Edition
Happy Spring!
The SPS RN Team is grateful for the community that we serve and the partnerships with our staff, students, and families. We look forward to continuing our partnership through the final weeks of the school year.
With gratitude,
Danielle Gallan, MSN-PH, RN
Wellness Fair for Teens and Parents
Wednesday, Apr 12, 2023, 03:00 PM
Stoughton High School, Pearl Street, Stoughton, MA, USA
May is Mental Health Month
If you or someone you care about is struggling with mental health or substance use know that there is help and resources in the community. 24-hour help is available for those in mental health and substance use crisis by calling 877-302-1609 or by calling 988 from a cell phone. Additional supports can be found at the MMS and Mass THRIVE websites below.
Danielle Gallan, MSN-PH, RN, Supervisor of Health Services~ 781-344-4000 ext 70107
Suzanne Barrett, BSN, RN, NCSN Stoughton High School~ 781-344-7001 ext 2131
Sue McDonnell, BSN, RN, NCSN, O’Donnell Middle School~ 781-344-7002 ext 6161
Ferisha Hassan-Seemungal, BSN, RN, SHS/OMS Float~
Ashley Santospago, FNP-C, District Float RN
Donna Kaplan, MEd, BSN, RN, South Elementary School~ 781-344-7004 ext 2
Theresa Staulo, BSN, RN, Gibbons Elementary School~ 781-344-7008 ext 2
Jennifer Slade, BSN, RN, NCSN, Dawe Elementary School~ 781-344-7007 ext 2
Emilie Driscoll, BSN, RN, Wilkins Elementary School~ 781-344-7005 ext 2
Sheray Houle, BSN, RN, Hansen Elementary School~ 781-344-7006 ext 2
Noelia Woodward, BSN, RN, Jones Early Childhood Center~ 781-344-7003 ext 3
Welcome to our newest additions to the RN Team!
We also would like to welcome Kimberly Striglio, BSN, RN, (k_striglio@stoughtonschools.org) who is filling in for Sheray during her maternity leave.