Discovery Update
November 4, 2020
Principals' Message
Well just like that it is November! We are learning more and more about instruction during our remote learning adventure this fall. I had the opportunity to observe several lessons recently and am in awe of how independent and flexible our students are becoming with their remote. They use skills with the technology that we have never thought of using with this age group before. I have witnessed students logging on and completing assignments with some independence. They pop in and out of break out sessions like they have been doing it all of their lives. While I have only gotten to see a few classes I look forward to more observations as we go.
One thing that was brought to my attention is that in some of our classes were saying the Pledge of Allegiance daily and some we were not. That was not an intentional decision, just an oversight on our part. We are required to start each day with the Pledge of Allegiance. In our remote world some of us simply forgot. When we are in school we always start our school day as well as every assembly with the Pledge. We will be saying the Pledge of Allegiance at every morning meeting for the remainder of the year.
When we are in the school building we are busy during the month of November. The same is true for our virtual world. We have been working hard on developing activities that will help students and families make connections with each other. This newsletter is filled with invitations for you this month. We are having a GREAT BOOK HUNT, Veterans Day presentation, and Spirit Week activities for students. Parents we would love for you to join in on our PTO meetings and join our first webinar (see below).
If you have any questions about Discovery please ask. Your questions are probably questions that other people have and we would like to hear them. Our goal is to serve the needs of students in our school. My contact information is at the bottom of this newsletter.
Happy November all!
Julie Bartlett, Principal
Discovery Primary School
Students Fantastic Work
Veterans Day
We're In This Together: Fife Family Webinar Series
Join us next Monday for our first Zoom webinar for families! Teachers and parents will answer questions and share strategies they use at home or in the classroom to support student success.
Topic: Helping Kids Focus, Get Motivated, and Get Work Done
When: Monday, 11/9 at 10:00am
Click here to sign up!
Have a question you want answered in the Webinar? Let us know!
PTO Meetings
December 1 6:30-7:30
January 12 6:30 - 7:30
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 827 2583 7951
Passcode: a3Je0m
Discovery Primary School
Location: 1205 19th Avenue, Milton, WA, USA
Phone: 253-517-1200