The Prowler
Week of November 27, 2023
From Mr. Moreno's Desk:
Teachers, Staff, Parents, and Students,
Welcome back! Here's hoping everyone enjoyed the opportunity of relaxing and spending quality time with those they love the most and doing the things that make them the happiest during our Thanksgiving holiday break! I am elated to say say that our Thanksgiving Luncheon was a great success. It was great seeing parents enjoying Thanksgiving lunch with their children once again as we the Covid pandemic had deprived all of us of this opportunity for a couple of years. Today we start the countdown toward our Christmas Break which is only four weeks away. Second six weeks report cards will be issued out this Wednesday, November 29, 2023. Please ensure that report cards are signed by parents and returned to your child's second period teacher in a timely manner. As you will see from the pictures below, great things continue to happen for all our students at RHMS. Thank you to each and everyone contributing highlights to be shared in our weekly newsletters! Let's keep them coming!
Monday, November 27, 2023
- Begin 3rd Six Weeks
- RHMS 7th Grade Girls Basketball @ La Feria
- RHMS 8th Grade Girls Basketball vs La Feria (Home) 5:30 p.m.
- Tutoring 4:00-5:30
Tuesday, November 28, 2023
- Texas Strategic Leadership Session #5 9:30 a.m.
- GT Training Day 5
- Tutoring 4:00-5:30
Wednesday, November 29, 2023
- 6th-8th Grade Writing Training (Full Day) @ RHMS W/S#285558
- TRS 6th-8th Grade Social Studies W/S #279013
- Chess Practice 4:00-5:30
- Tutoring 4:00-5:30
Thursday, November 30, 2023
- RHMS 7th Grade Boys Basketball vs Raymondville (Home)-5:30 p.m.
- RHMS 8th Grade Boys Basketball @ Raymondville
- Migrant Tutor Meeting 8:00-3:30 p.m.
- College/University Day
- Tutoring 4:00-5:30
- Region One 13th Annual Assessment Conference 8:30-4:00 W/S#272048
- RHMS Bobcat Spirit Day
Mighty Bobcat Band Middle School Students
The Mighty Bobcat Band ended the season ranked 11th in the state of Texas 3A Bands. We are incredibly proud of our students for giving their best effort all season long. Our 11th place final ranking puts the Bobcat Band in the top 5% of Texas 3A Bands! Pictured are RHMS students who actively participated in the RHMS marching band this year! Thank you to Ms. Diana Pena, RHMS Band Director, Mr. Juan Cantu, Mr. Boris Lisbon, and Mr. Marc Montelongo for your hours of dedication in making our band students the best they can be. Congratulations to all on making our community proud!
Mrs. Quintana's 5th Grade Math Classes
Mrs. Quintana's 5th grade Math students are at work completing a multiplying with decimals group activity. Students are practicing math concepts by using real world examples. They are comparing prices of a weekly ad from one store to a sales receipt of a second store. They are dividing decimals to figure out which store has the lowest price on each grocery item. Lots of GOOD MATH discourse today!!!
RHMS Thanksgiving Luncheon 2023
RHMS Jazz Band Entertains At Migrant Conference
RHMS Administration is proud to announce that our RHMS Jazz Band was invited to perform at the Association for Migrant Educators of Texas Conference held on Friday, November 17, 2023. Below are a few pics of the event. Congratulations to all our students and kudos to Ms. Diana Pena, RHMS Band Director for yet another spectacular performance!
”If we can't think of a single good quality about a child, we haven't build good enough of a relationship YET to figure it out. EVERY child has good qualities!" #HacingSchoolDiscipline
"Every day is a new chance to CONNECT with your most difficult students. They are used to people giving up on them, even blaming them when things go wrong. We must find a way to make students WANT the change, instead of forcing them." #KidsDeserveIt
Rio Hondo Middle School
Vision: Academic Excellence and Success
Mission: The Mission of the Rio Hondo Independent School District is to educate every student by creating an environment of high expectations, innovation, and strong partnerships.Email:
Location: 23001 State Highway 345
Phone: 956-748-1150
Twitter: @rhms_bobcats