Headteacher's Newsletter
June 2023
Welcome to the final half term of the academic year 2022/23. Time really has flown again this year and it's hard to believe our Year 11 and 13's are almost at the end of their exams; I hope that all the hard work the students have put in preparing for their exams has paid off and I very much look forward to seeing all our students in August at results days.
Far from calming down at the end of the year, this term is full to the brim with House activities, rewards trips, awards evenings, sports day, Pride week, work experience, not to mention our Year 7 Graduation Day. All students across the school will also be sitting their end of year assessments over the next few weeks to show the progress they have made over the course of this year. These exams are important not only in judging progress but also getting the students used to preparing for exams, ready for their future GCSE and A Levels.
In September we have another 249 students joining the school in Year 7 and this year we have had more appeals than ever from families who sadly did not get the place they had hoped for. Although it is always hard to listen to parents who want to send their children to our school and haven't been offered a place, hearing them speak so passionately about the school and our students made me proud of the community we have developed and the expectations we have of both academic and personal development. It is particularly heart warming to hear how these families talk about the students conduct outside of the school gates and you should be proud of your children and the reputation they have in the wider community.
As always this newsletter is a mix of important information and celebration; I hope you find it useful.
Uniform Reminder
Can I also remind parents to speak to their children about skirt length. I have seen a very small improvement this week since my letter, but not enough to change the decision to move to a new skirt. I will be changing the language in relation to skirts moving forwards, it will no long be 'to the knee' but will be expected to be 'on the knee' to avoid any misinterpretation of the school's expectations. This should not impact the students current skirts as they should already be that length. Please check and ensure your child's skirt meets this expectation ready for September.
Equality and Diversity
West Hatch Parents & Friends Association
The Association is made up of parents & carers who help raise funds for the school, for the benefit of the children. They are looking for new helpers & new ideas and it is a great way to meet other parents and teachers, and to help enhance and improve the community, and learning experience at the school. Whether you want to take a lead or just help out on a stall occasionally, they would love to hear from you. If you are interested, please get in touch at pfa@weshatch.net.
Reminder To Park And Drive Safely Outside The Front Of School
Library Event
At West Hatch we are very fortunate to have a number of students who regularly volunteer to help in the school library. Eight of these students were selected to attend a Pupil Library Assistant Training Day at The Elmgreen School in South London.
Mrs Sheikh, our Library Manager who accompanied them to the event said that the morning consisted of essential training for students covering topics including data protection, health and safety, and customer service. They answered questions based on different scenarios and shared ideas with other schools. This was followed by presentations from each school highlighting the best thing about their school library. Both Hannah Javed (Yr.10) and Sanaa Chaudry (Yr.7) proudly stood in front of a packed hall and delivered their presentation. (picture below)
There was also a creative task where students had to design a poster for a book, the title was supplied on the day so there was no preparation. The team all worked extremely well together, from discussing ideas to submitting a completed design using oil pastels. They all got involved! The judges were clearly impressed with their creativity and awarded West Hatch first prize, a box full of new books!
The afternoon included a talk from author Sufiya Ahmed followed by a Q&A session. For many, this was their first experience of an author visit which they found inspiring. Our students left the event feeling motivated and full of confidence.
Culture Week
District Sports Champions
A huge congratulations to our Year 9 Netball and KS3 Football Teams who are District Champions 2023. Those students involved are named below. Well done to you all, a great achievement and thank you for representing the school so brilliantly!
Netball Team
Josie Comerford
Ava O’Reilly
Amber Cooke
Lily Hayward
Ava Bristow
Jazz Molloy
Ellahe Safaei Keshtgar
Ambika Dayal
Abbie Seabrook
Amber Higgs-Smith
KS3 Football Teams
Millie Blain
Italia Wright
Simran Patel
Ava O’Reilly
Lexi Yeo
Jessica Hazell
Daisy Sherrin
Aaliyah Mansouri
Gracie Jenkins
Trips and Visits
All trips take a huge amount of effort to organise and are only run because of the goodwill of our staff, often giving up huge chunks of their own time for the benefit of our students. Thank you to all those staff involved in organising and running trips and to our students who have behaved so impeccably on all of them; they really have been a credit to the school.
We have received a few messages from parents about their children being unable to get onto some of the trips this year. We are talking to other schools in order to come up with a solution on the best way students can access as many opportunities as possible, so please bear with us.
Maths Challenge
Year 13 Leavers Day
Year 11 Leavers days
I hope both our Year 11 and 13 leavers event are days that will live long in the students' memories and ones that they will look back on fondly in the future.
Jack Petchey
Tayyab Mubashar – Year 10
Gowri Nair – Year 7
Sarah Barzoi – Year 7
Rebecca Popescu – Year 10
Leah Cartwright – Year 13
Nathan Richards – Year 13
I would particularly like to note Leah and Nathan who are part of our Senior Ambassador Team and have done a huge amount for the students across the school; they are real role models for students at West Hatch.
Target Team Silver Success
Congratulations to our Target Team students who took part in the Panathlon 10 Pin Bowling Competition in Romford. A group of our Year 7 and 8 students brought home the 2nd place Silver Trophy, by competing against 15 other teams. What a great achievement!
Shrek the Musical
Important Dates for the Diary
Parent & Student Events
26th June - Awards Evening (invite only)
5th July - Sports Awards Evening (invite only)
6th July - Summer Solstice Event at 6pm
8th July - Yr.7 Graduation from 11.15am
21st July - Last day before the summer break students dismissed at lunchtime.
19th June - Yr.10 Sixth Form Taster Day
20th June - Yr.10 RS Drop Down Day
29th June - Yr.11 Prom at the Prince Regent at 7pm
6th July - Yr.10 Mock Interview Day
10th July - Yr.10 Work Experience begins
12th July -Yr.12 Mock Interview Day
17th July - Yr.12 Work Placement Week
20th July - Sports Day
Our Students' Achievements
Toby Taylor (Yr.7)
Toby competed in the Essex Track and Field Championships at Blackshots Stadium in Grays last month. He placed 3rd in the 75m Hurdle event and received a bronze medal. His time was 12.54 seconds, which would have been a new personal best for him, had it not been an illegal wind! Great work Toby.
Sammy Geist (Yr.8)
Well done to Sammy who recently competed in the Essex County Athletics Championships, winning a silver medal for Triple Jump. He also competed at the Woodford Open winning both 100m and 200m in his age group.
Aaron Gelkoff (Yr.12)
Congratulations to Aaron who has recently featured in a campaign to keep everyone safer on Instagram and limit daily screen time. If you would like to watch the video click on the link below.
Richard King (Yr.9)
Congratulations to Richard who has been offered a place at The BRIT Performing Arts School from September, where he will be studying Musical Theatre alongside his National Curriculum subjects. This course is designed to explore a variety of performance styles, with an equal focus on acting, singing and dancing, as well as developing a wide range of practical and theoretical skills. We wish Richard all the best at his new school.
Echo Band Year 10
Lily (Yr.9) and Charlie Hayward (Yr.8)
Daniel Carbonara (Yr.10)
Congratulations to Daniel, who along with his team Shield Academy U15 Blue, won the U15 Echo Junior Football League B Division Cup Final which was played at Aveley Football Club. The final score was 4-0 against the Essex Comets Reds.
Jessica Koffman (Yr.8)
She arrived at 10am and worked all day with the team from Haven House and they were all very complimentary about her. She really enjoyed finding out more about the charity and helping them on their stall. She wants to do more voluntary work for them as soon as she’s old enough!
She actually received a lovely message afterwards from the Volunteer Development Manager, who wrote "All the volunteers said how lovely you were and wanted to pass on their thanks for all your help." Great work Jessica for a great cause.
Ahren Manucha (Yr. 7)
Ryan Foster (Yr.10)
And finally....
In my Year 6 Open Evening Speech I talk about school being a partnership between home and school and these young people wouldn't be where they are, doing the things they are doing without the support of their parents; whether it be helping them to learn lines or driving them around, thank you for all your to support to them and the school.
I'll be writing again to round up the year on the last day of term but for now enjoy the improving weather and I look forward to seeing many of you at Awards Evening, Sports Awards Evening, Graduation Day or results days in the summer. Good luck to all those parents with students in Year 11 and 13, I know this wait is probably worse for you than them!
Daniel Leonard