Husky Highlights:
Mt Vernon Elementary News: October 2023 Edition
From the desks of:
Shelley Nurre, Principal
Keith Manring, Assistant Principal
Website: https://mtvernon.springfield.k12.or.us/
School Hours: 8:35-2:50, M-F (Classroom Doors open 8:30)
Early Release Fridays: 8:35-12:30 (Classroom Doors open 8:30)
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Tell Us How We Can Do Better!
At Mt Vernon, we continuously aim to create a welcoming environment for our students and families. How did we do the first few weeks of school? Please give us your feedback!
September 15 - Oct 15 is Hispanic Heritage Month!
October is Disability Awareness Month!
- 10/6 (Fri) Kindergarten field trip (see teacher communication for details)
- 10/9 (Mon) Curriculum Night Grades 1, 3, 5: 5:30-6:30pm
- 10/16 (Mon) Curriculum Night Grades K, 2, 4: 5:30-6:30pm
- 10/11 (Wed) School Picture Day: students wear uniforms
- 10/13 (Fri) Early Release 12:30 pm
- 10/24 (Tues) 4th Grade field trip (see teacher communication for details)
- 10/26 (Th) Spaghetti Feed Night 5:30pm
- 10/27 (Mon) Early Release 12:30 pm; Spirit Day!
- 10/31 (Tues) No costumes please!
- 11/2 (Thur) PTA Meeting online 6:00 pm
October's Spirit Day
Our first Spirit Day is Friday, October 27th. Students are invited to wear mismatched socks with their uniform! Socks can be any color on this day!
Ten Ways To Help Your Child Succeed In Elementary School
Adapted from Source: Kidshealth.org
1. Go to Back-to-School Night and Parent-Teacher Conferences
Kids do better in school when parents are involved in their academic lives. Attending back-to-school night at the start of the school year is a great way to get to know your child's teachers and their expectations. School administrators may discuss school-wide programs and policies too.
2. Visit the School and Its Website
Knowing the physical layout of the school building and grounds can help you connect with your child when you talk about the school day.
On the school website, you can find information about:
- the school calendar
- staff contact information
- upcoming events like family fun nights
3. Communicate Regularly With Your Child's Teacher
If you've not yet joined the Seesaw app, you're missing a great opportunity to communicate with your child's teacher, to see some of your student's work, and to receive important information. Join today!
4. Send Your Child to School Ready to Learn
Help boost your child's attention span, concentration, and memory with breakfast foods that are rich in whole grains, fiber, and protein, and low in added sugar.
Kids also need enough sleep to be alert and ready to learn all day. Most school-age kids need 9–12 hours of sleep a night.
5. Teach Organizational Skills
When kids are organized, they can stay focused instead of spending time looking for things and getting sidetracked. Have a routine and special place to keep your child's backpack and other school items that go back and forth between home and school.
No one is born with great organizational skills — they need to be learned and practiced.
6. Teach Study Skills
Introducing kids to study skills now will pay off with good learning habits throughout life.
Teach your child how to break down bigger tasks into smaller, manageable chunks so completing longer projects isn't overwhelming.
7. Know the Disciplinary Policies
Your child should be aware of what's expected at school and know that you'll support the consequences if expectations aren't met. It's easiest for students when school expectations match the ones at home. That way, kids see both settings as safe, caring places that work together as a team.
8. Get Involved
No matter what grade your kids are in, consider volunteering at school. It's a great way to show them you're interested in their education and to send the message that education is important.
Parents can get involved by:
- joining our PTA
- being a classroom helper or homeroom parent
- organizing and/or working at fundraising activities and other special events, like bake sales, car washes, and book fairs
- chaperoning field trips
- reading a story to the class
- giving a talk for career day
- attending school concerts or plays
9. Take Attendance Seriously
It's important for kids to get to school on time every day, because having to catch up can be stressful and interfere with learning. But sick kids should stay home from school if they have a fever, are nauseated, vomiting, or have diarrhea.
10. Talk About School
Usually, it's easy to talk with elementary students about what's going on in class and the latest news at school. But make time to talk with your child every day, so they know that what goes on at school is important to you. When kids know parents are interested in their academic lives, they'll take school seriously too.
Morning Drop Off
Thank you for your cooperation!
Please remember the EARLIEST DROP OFF IS 8:00 am! Students arriving prior to 8:00 a.m. will be asked to remain in their vehicles until 8:00.
Also, please no unintended vehicles in the car rider line. Unfortunately, it backs up the line into the street during a high traffic time. Please park in a parking space if you need to walk your student to the door or if you have office business. Together we can keep our husky drop off zone a safe, friendly place!
Questions about social media and your child?
Last spring, the US Surgeon General issued a warning that social media is not safe for children under 14. We know many of our older students are anxious to have access to TikTok, Snapchat and more. That can put parents in a tough spot.
Here is one article about the Surgeon General's announcement.
Childcare at Mt Vernon!
Willamalane Kids Club Provides After School Care at Mt Vernon
If you are in need of onsite childcare after school this school year, sign up here. Space is limited.
Parent Volunteers
Looking to volunteer at Mt Vernon? We need YOU! Please complete the following SPS Volunteer application to start the process.
https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/MzU2ODplbi1VUw==# (English application)
https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/MzU2ODplcy1VUw== (Spanish application)
Join Our PTA!
Our Parent Teacher Association is comprised of parents/guardians of Mt Vernon students and Mt Vernon teachers/staff. Collaboratively they:
- Plan fun and enriching events for our students,
- Provide funding for student materials and incentives, field trips and assemblies, musical instruments, library technology, PE and playground equipment, and uniform assistance,
- Encourage and boost family involvement in our school.
It's never too late to join! We have four general meetings throughout the year (attendance not required to join, and membership is not required to attend the meetings).
Meetings at 6 pm rotating either in person (at Mt Vernon) or via Zoom.
Check out our PTA Facebook page!
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Husky Happenings
Family Resource Requests
Need Help?
Phone: 541-744-6403
email: jessica.knight@springfield.k12.or.us
Thank you!
Office Directory
Hours: 8:00-4:00, M-F (Holidays may affect hours)
Fax: 541.744.6405
Shelley Nurre
- Campus community
- Instructional leadership
- Overall supervision and operations
Keith Manring
- Campus community
- Instructional leadership
- Overall supervision and operations
Keryn Wilson
- General inquiries, information
- Administration office
- Enrollment
- Attendance
Tina Antonovich
- Immunizations
- Health records
- First Aid
- Medications
Lovena Benedick
- Student records
- IEP/504 coordination and scheduling
Jessica Knight
- Family outreach
- Resources
- Family engagement
Lora Davis
To Be Announced
- General inquiries, information
- Attendance