CDW Weekly Wrap-Up
June 20, 2023
A Message from Ms. Santa
We did it!
Congratulations to the CDW Class of 2023
Important Information
Summer Academic Work
Summer work is meant to guide students to review the essential skills learned in reading and math throughout the year. This allows them to transition more smoothly to the next grade level. The links are below, and the information can also be found via the CDW website under, "For Students."
Summer Reading
- Please see Ms. DiPisa's information letter, and here are the required Summer Reading recommendations for all grade levels.
- Here is the NVRHS Summer Reading 2023 for our Grade 8 students.
Summer Math
Here is the strongly suggested Summer Math Work. Please read the correspondence and complete the work associated with your child's grade level completed during the 2022-2023 school year.
2023-2024 Supply Lists
The 2023-2024 Supply Lists are now posted to the CDW website under "For Parents."
The PTO will be selling prepackaged school supplies through School Tool Box. Please see the School Tool Box information below.
2023-2024 Chromebook Insurance
Last Friday, Sunjoo Lucas Park performed Schubert’s Der Erlkönig as guest violist in Rising Stars Concert at Carnegie Hall with his violinist sister. Lucas is 4th year violist at Juilliard Pre-College.
Summer Volunteers Needed
If you will be starting Grade 8 in September, please look at the volunteer opportunities below and sign up if you are interested!
- Wednesday, August 16th~ 5th Grade Locker Day 10:00 AM-12:00 PM
- Friday, September 1st~ New Student Orientation 1:00 PM-2:00 PM
If you can volunteer for one or more events, please sign up here.
Mr. L's Corner
Reminders and Updates from CDW's Student Manager
We are excited to offer the Summer Skill-Booster Program again this summer to all Old Tappan students currently enrolled in Kindergarten through Grade 8. Sessions have been set, and it is time to register! Click here to find more information about the program and links to register for a summer session. Space is limited so register early! Registration closes on June 30, 2023.
Keep in mind when signing up for a session, the AM sessions are designed to review the material presented to your child(ren) in his/her current grade level (If your child is in 5th grade, sign him/her up for a 5th grade session.). The PM sessions are designed to preview material for your child(ren)'s next grade level (If your child is in 5th grade, sign him/her up for a 6th grade session.).
Please reach out to Mr. Lauriello at with any questions.
PTO Updates
PTO "Buddy" Program
Lovable Labels Fundraiser
Spirit Wear!
LONG TERM: Charles DeWolf Middle School
CDW Transition Meeting Presentations
Grade 4 into Grade 5 Transition Meeting
Grade 5 into Grade 6 Transition Meeting
Grade 6 to Grade 7 Transition Meeting
Your Voice Matters Survey
The surveys will close at 11:59 PM on June 30, 2023.
- Your Voice Matters – Family Survey Link
- Your Voice Matters – Student Survey Link for Students Exiting Grades 2-8: Please complete this survey with your child(ren) and/or direct your child(ren) to the link. This Student Survey will not be shared nor conducted in school. Please know that CDW students will be able to access the Student Survey, independently, through Dr. Sullivan’s Google Classroom.
Math Placement Procedures
CDW students in grades 5-7 took the Criterion-Referenced Test on Wednesday, May 31st, which will provide specific information about a student's understanding of math content according to their grade levels.
For Current Grade 5 Students:
All Grade 5 students will take the Grade 5 Criterion-Referenced Test, as explained above. This test offers us a gauge of student performance. For students who perform extraordinarily well on this test, earning a score of 95% or higher, have been asked to sit for a secondary assessment. The purpose of a secondary assessment would be to ascertain the selected students' potential success in skipping Grade 6 Math and moving directly into accelerated Pre-Algebra as a sixth grader. You will be notified by July 1st if your child is eligible to make this Grade 6 Math skip.
To be eligible for this Grade 6 course skip, the students would have to:
- Earn a score of 95% or higher on the Grade 5 Criterion-Referenced Test, as stated directly above
- Earn a score of 90% or higher on the secondary math placement test, as explained above
- Earn a minimum average of 95% or higher for each marking period in Grade 5 Math
- Earn teacher recommendation, based on class performance, work ethic, motivation, ability to work independently, and participation
- Earn a 796 or higher on the NJSLA-Math Grade 4 Assessment
For Current Grade 6 Students:
In Grade 7, we offer two courses of study: Pre-Algebra, which is an accelerated course, and Grade 7 Math, which is an average-level course. Prior to placing students into either Pre-Algebra or Grade 7 Math, the following criteria are considered:
- Teacher recommendation, based on class performance, work ethic, motivation, ability to work independently, and participation
- Criterion-Referenced Test Score (math placement test) of 85% or higher - see test explanation above
- Year-end math average of 93% or higher
- Earn a 775 or higher on the NJSLA-Math Grade 5 Assessment
Notification of course placement will be communicated to all families by July 1st.
For Current Grade 7 Students:
We use the Criterion-Referenced Test to assess students' current placement and to determine if movement into Algebra I is appropriate in Grade 8. Families of these identified students would be notified by June 1st. The purpose of a secondary assessment would be to ascertain the selected students' potential success in skipping accelerated Grade 7 Pre-Algebra and moving directly into Algebra I as an eighth grader. You will be notified by July 1st if your child is eligible to make this accelerated Grade 7 Pre-Algebra skip.
To be eligible for this accelerated Pre-algebra course skip, the students would have to:
- Earn a score of 95% or higher on the Grade 7 Criterion-Referenced Test
- Earn a score of 90% or higher on the secondary math placement test
- Earn a minimum average of 95% or higher for each marking period in Grade 7 Math
- Earn teacher recommendation, based on class performance, work ethic, motivation, ability to work independently, and participation
- Earn a 775 or higher on the NJSLA-Math Grade 6 Assessment
2023-2024 School Calendar
The School Year Calendar for the PK-8 Old Tappan Public Schools was approved at Monday evening's Board of Education Meeting. For your convenience, this calendar also will be posted on our District website.
Charles DeWolf Middle School
Location: 275 Old Tappan Road, Old Tappan, NJ, USA
Phone: 201-664-1475
Twitter: @OldTappanSD