IXL Overview
IXL is a supplemental program we are using with a small number of students to get them the additional support they need in the areas of reading, language, and math. This newsletter is designed to show you some videos on how to best use the program to truly see the positive effects it can have with student progress.
Usernames and Password
When students are added to IXL, they are assigned a username. The password is always 123 unless it is changed after. Username can be found once you log in and search for the student. Below are files you are welcome to use to assist in starting up with your students. Also a parent letter to send home.
Step 1- Add Students to your rosters
Step 2- Continuous Diagnostic Assessment.
The first time students should spend roughly 40-60 minute in the assessment. After that, students should come back to it once a week for roughly 10-15 minutes.
Continuous Diagnostic Assessment Overview
Get accurate, up to the minute portrait of students' knowledge
The Student Diagnosing Experience
Help students learn abotu themselves and take an active role in their learning.
Step 2- Work on Recommended Skills
After the assessment, the student homepage will provide choices of skills for students to choose from.
Step 3- Monitor Student Progress
IXL Analytics
Discover insights about your students to help guide your instructional planning
Trouble Spots Reports
Find out how to help the most students at once.
Real-Time Center
See who needs help in the moment and keep students on task
Skill Analyisis Report
Get a complete picture of how your class is progressing through a skill
Questions Log Report
Review a student's exact answers to identify errors and prepare for coaching.
Teacher Engagement.....Which one are you?
- I have created an account
- Students have been added to my roster
First Look
- I have successfully Logged in
- Students have successfully logged in
Initial Use
- I have analytics at least once
- Students have answered 500 questions in total
Engaged Use
- I have tried analytics for three weeks
- Students have been active for 3 weeks
Parent Resources
IXL Overview