BHS Principal Update
January 17, 2024
Please read below for important BHS information!
Attention Class of 2024 Graduates!!!!
Graduation is fast approaching! The BHS Class of 2024 graduation date has been set for Monday, May 20, 2024 at 7:00pm in the BHS stadium. Each graduating senior will receive 8 tickets for their family and friends. Seniors are required to participate in mandatory graduation practice that morning (May 20th) starting at 9:30am in the BHS gym lobby.
9th Grade Presentation
Brevard Public Schools is sponsoring a special presentation for all ninth grade students in our school district. On January 30, 2024, BPS will host Erik Weihenmayer at the Florida Institute of Technology. Mr. Weihenmayer is a motivational speaker and author best known for summitting the highest peaks on each continent even though he is blind. He will be speaking to BPS students about his adventure kayaking through the Grand Canyon. Mr. Weihenmayer's presentation will connect with his book, No Barriers, that ninth grade students will be reading in their English classes in all Brevard high schools. You can see reviews of this book by clicking the link below. I have also included some YouTube links of Mr. Weihenmayer speaking. I have seen him in person and can attest that he is a truly inspirational figure and a wonderful speaker.
We are limited to taking 180 students to the FIT Clemente Center for the live presentation. Please complete the attached permission form and return it to your child's English teacher by Friday, January 26 if you would like your child to attend the live presentation. Since space is limited we will hold a lottery if more than 180 permission forms are returned.
All other freshmen who do not return permission forms will view the presentation via live stream in our auditorium with our staff.
We will need parents who are registered BPS volunteers to help us chaperone this trip. Please contact Teena Bianco at 321-956-5000 x21507 or email bianco.teena@brevardschools.org if you are interested in chaperoning.
YouTube videos about Erik Weihenmayer:
Bayside College and Career Center and Website
The new Bayside College and Career Center is located in Room 626 and is open from 8:00-8:30 AM, from 3:35-3:50 PM and during all lunches, as well as by appointment (email Davidson.Jennifer@brevardschools.org).
Mrs. Davidson is ready to help students plan for their next steps after high school, whether it’s university, Eastern Florida, military, or any other path.
Check out the link for helpful resources and follow the BHS CCC on Facebook (Bayside College and Career) and Instagram (bayside_college_and_career) for updates!
College and Career Events Calendar
Upcoming College and Career Events:
January 25 3rd period: UNOH rep on campus (see Mrs Davidson for details)
January 25 4:30-7:00 pm: Horus College and Scholarship Fair
January 29 – February 1: “Future Planning” Presentations in 11th English classes
February 7 6:00-8:30 pm: HBCU Fair at Viera High School
February 12 2nd period: UCF rep on campus
February 14 2nd period: FAMU rep on campus
February 15 6:00 pm: “College Bound” Presentation for 9-11th graders and families (BHS theater)
February 21 6:00 pm: FAFSA Night #1
Academic Supports Reminder:
BHS faculty supports students with academic tutoring after school throughout the week.
In order to participate, a parent permission form must be provided in advance. One form will support all tutoring opportunities for the school year.
Yearbooks are on sale for $80.00 until March 30 and can be purchased online at www.yearbookforever.com. Get yours before they sell out!
BPS Student Code of Conduct Reminder:
Please be sure you are up to date on BPS Student Code of Conduct as it outlines the expectations for all students including information on dress code, tardies, electronic device usage, and more. The information can be found on the district web site at the following link under Documents: Student Services / Welcome (brevardschools.org)
No Go List Reminder:
As posted throughout the school, students with 1 or more out of school suspension(s), more than 2 in-school suspensions, or with any financial obligations will be placed on the “No Go” List for the marking period. Students placed on the list will not be eligible to participate in events such as field trips, dances, senior events, and other special activities. If a student is placed on the No Go List, there will be NO Refund(s) for previously purchased event tickets (that includes Homecoming, Grad Bash, and Prom)!
Shop Now for BHS Items
Interested in BHS merchandise? Click here for various options:
SpeakOut 800.423.TIPS and FortifyFL (App):
SpeakOut 800.423.TIPS
SpeakOut Hotline is designed to help you anonymously report any threatening behavior or situation that endangers you, your friends, family, community, or your school campus. Reporting isn't "snitching,” reporting is when you need to keep yourself or someone you know safe from threats, harmful behaviors, or dangerous situations.
By guaranteeing a caller's anonymity, SpeakOut allows the caller to give information without the fear of retribution.
FortifyFL (App)
FortifyFL is a suspicious activity reporting tool that allows you to instantly relay information to appropriate law enforcement agencies and schools’ officials.
Cafeteria News Reminder:
Apply today for free and reduced lunch benefits! Please use the attached flyer/QR code.
Important Dates:
Continue to check our calendar on the school web page for more important dates!
January 23 - AP Biology Field Trip
January 24 - 9th Grade BETA Field Trip
January 27 - All County Concerts
January 28 - Start of South Area Art Show (Melbourne Square Mall)
January 30 - No Barriers Presentation/Trip (9th Grade)
Feb 2 – Brevard South Regional Science and Engineering Fair (Melbourne Square Mall)
February 8 - Machining and Technology Field Trip
February 13 - Freshman Experience Night
February 13 - Secondary Report Cards Published in FOCUS
February 14 - SAC Meeting at 5:00pm in the BHS Media Center (All Welcome)
February 15 - Parent Conference Night 6:00-8:00pm
February 19 - President's Day - No School - Teacher Professional Development Day
BHS Mission: Empowering students to embrace learning by promoting excellence and independence to become responsible citizens.
BHS Vision: Through a supportive culture, we will engage every learner in academically challenging activities and build strong relationships that inspire responsible citizenship and foster readiness for college and career.