Mustangs Newsletter - Nov. 1

November 1-15, 2023
Upcoming Dates
- October 30-November 3 - School Spirit Week
- November 1 - Picture Retake Day
- November 2 & 3 - MGMS Proudly Presents: "Sherlock Holmes and the First Baker Street Irregular" - 7pm
- November 4 - MGMS Proudly Presents: "Sherlock Holmes and the First Baker Street Irregular" - 3pm & 7pm
- November 7 - No School - Licensed Staff Workshop
- November 8 & 9 - 8th Grade Students in Advisory Class Have "Tell Me About It" From People in the Medical Field
- November 13 - PACT - Online
- November 15 & 16 - 7th Grade Students in Advisory Class Have "Tell Me About It" From People in the Science & Engineering Field
PACT Update
Similar to elementary school PTOs, PACT (Parents and Community Together) works to build a strong, inclusive community at MGMS. Every MGMS parent, caregiver and staff is a member. Primary ways to make an impact include donations, volunteering and advocacy.
Annual Fundraiser Results
MGMS families and friends raised $25,134! Your generosity strengthens our collaborative efforts as parents, caregivers, staff and scholars to create a strong school culture and enrich the learning environment. Funds will be used for:
Social events for students and the MGMS community to come together.
Student leadership projects so students can give back to the community and school.
Staff appreciation & support to boost morale and provide additional classroom materials.
Special projects to enhance the MGMS experience.
Congrats to the Advisory classes with highest participation: Jacobsen (6th), Melland (7th), Herdan (8th).
And congrats to the 6th grade class for winning the battle of the grades, bringing in the most fundraising dollars.
Thank you for your generosity!
Volunteer Opportunities
The three student leadership groups at MGMS (Student Council, Fuel Up Team and WEB Leaders) will help define and host social and service events for the school community throughout the year. Watch for details and future volunteer opportunities related to these events:
Fall Social Event (Fuel Up Team)
MGMS Night at Ninjas United on 10/8 was a success!
Need parent coordinator for next year.
Fall Service Event (WEB Leaders)
Food drive
Winter Social Event (Student Council)
Winter Service Event (Fuel Up Team)
Spring Social Event (WEB Leaders)
Spring Service Event (Student Council)
Volunteers also needed for:
Book Fair (winter)
8th Grade Celebration (spring)
Staff Appreciation (periodic)
Wanna get involved? Email mgmspact@district279.org
Remember to vote on or before Nov 7th! On that day, our Osseo Area Schools community will determine whether critical school building needs will be addressed through Building a Better Future, Phase II. Please make a plan to vote and ensure family, friends and neighbors have one as well:
Remember: the one-question ballot focuses on critical school building needs with regard to safety, learning and space.
Learn more by watching the short overview video, visiting district279.org/BetterFuture, emailing BetterFuture@district279.org or calling 763-391-8990.
PACT Meeting
Join us to hear an update from Principal Smith and learn about positive MGMS initiatives.
Monday Nov 13
7:00-8:00 PM
Online only: https://meet.google.com/bgp-ndvo-fcq
PACT website: https://mgms.district279.org/families/pact
Facebook: Maple Grove Middle School - ISD 279
School Spirit Week
School Picture Retake Day
We have picture retake day on Wednesday, November 1. If your student missed picture day in September then tell your child to listen to the announcements and come to the auditorium when their group is called.
To Order Pictures:
You will receive a link to your students personal gallery in your email 7-10 days after their picture day. Order and choose your yearbook photo. Follow the "How to Order Instructions".
Once your order is placed they will be delivered to your home within 5-7 days. If you experience any issues please contact mailto:info@k-photography.com or you can call (952) 473-2142.
MGMS Proudly Presents...
3 Accounts Parents Need to Have
We have three accounts parents should have; ParentVue, Schoology and EduTrak. ParentVue allows you to see attendance, testing scores and report cards (we do not mail them out). Schoology allows you to see assignments and communicate with the teachers. EduTrak is how you add money to your student's lunch account, pay fees for sports, or other fines. Attached below is a document that will help you set up accounts and answer any questions you may have.
Teacher of the Year
Everyone remembers a favorite teacher, someone who motivates and inspires students. If your student has a teacher that has positively impacted them, please nominate that educator for Minnesota Teacher of the Year. Online nominations are open through November 15.
News from the Health Office
We have been experiencing an increase of illness at school. Below are helpful tips for when students should remain at home to help avoid the spread of illnesses.
Please consider keeping your child home if they show signs of:
- Consider calling your child’s primary clinic to assist you with any questions or concerns.
- Headache
- Sore throat
- Earache / ear drainage
- Stomachache / nausea
- New or persistent cough
- Runny nose / nasal congestion
- Unidentified/Suspicious skin rash
- Pink eye (conjunctivitis) in one or both eyes
Students must stay home if they are experiencing:
- Vomiting, or diarrhea (must be vomiting/diarrhea free for 24 hours before returning to school)
- Oral temperature of 100.0 degrees or higher (your child must be fever free for 24 hours, without the use of medication (Tylenol or Ibuprofen) before your child returns to school)
- If diagnosed with strep throat, your child may return after taking the prescribed antibiotic for 12 hours and has been fever free after 24 hours (if they had a temperature over 100.0)
- Tested positive for COVID, stay home for 5 days, then may return and encouraged to wear mask.
- Live Lice, students cannot return to school until treated for lice (medication can be purchased at any Target, Walgreens, etc.)
Helpful Tips for Parents
- Healthy children learn better - please encourage healthy habits.
- Encourage adequate amount of sleep each night (8-10 hours is recommended)
- Encourage healthy foods: Fruits, vegetables and whole grains; limit junk foods, sweets and chips; have regular mealtimes; encourage water for thirst instead of soda pop or juice.
- Encourage daily exercise out in the fresh air whenever possible.
- Teach your child hygiene routines (daily showers/shampoo/brushing teeth)
- Wash hands often!
Medications in the school health office
- All medications (prescription or over the counter) that need to be administered by the nurse during school hours must have a physician’s order and a signed medication administration consent form.
- Please contact the nurse prior to sending any new medication. The nurse will assist you with all the necessary documentation needed for your student’s new medication.
Thank you,
School Nurse’s Office
Order A Yearbook Today
Jostens is the company that will be doing our yearbook. These hardcover books are $30 and will help preserve your child's memories for years to come. Please click on the link below.
What to Do
If your child is going to be late or absent from school, please call the school with the reason for the absence. The telephone call eliminates the need to send a note with your student when he/she returns to school. Excused absences consist of illness, medical appointments, and family emergency situations such as a funeral. Oversleeping, missing the bus, or skipping school are not excused and are considered truancy.
MGMS 24 Hour Attendance Line: 763-315-7603.
If you received a call saying your child was absent one or more periods, please check your ParentVue account for the period your student was absent. Have your child talk to the teacher for the class that they were marked absent. The teacher will then communicate with our attendance person.
1. Send a note with your student in the morning
2. When the student gets to school they go to Student Services to get a white pass
3. At the stated time on the pass, your student leaves class and comes to the office with the white pass and signs out in the main office
4. The person picking up can wait in the car (very helpful on cold winter days)
If you didn't send a note, you will need to come in with your driver's license and we will call your student down when you arrive.
This procedure is in place to ensure student safety.
Building a Better Future, Phase II
Who to Contact
School Phone: 763-315-7600...............................Website: https://mgms.district279.org/
Attendance: 763-315-7603………………………………..Transportation: 763-391-7244
6th Grade
Jennifer Hinker, Assistant Principal.....Email: HinkerJ@district279.org
Kaia Paquin, Counselor 6th Grade.......Email: PaquinK@district279.org
7th Grade
Jason Olson, Assistant Principal……..Email: Olsonj@district279.org
Katie Gerdts, Counselor 7th Grade......Email: GerdtsK@district279.org
8th Grade
Patrick Smith, Principal………………….Email: SmithPatrick@district279.org
Megan Woods, Counselor 8th Grade...Email: :WoodsM@district279.org
Student Management Specialists Assist With All Grades
Candice Ledman - (Grade 6) - Email: LedmanC@district279.org
Levy Jones (Grade 7) - Email: JonesL2@district279.org
Nathanial Davies (Grade 8) – Email: DaviesN@district279.org
District Tip Line.........763-265-3636