MBMS Paw Print
Dates to Remember
Winter concerts are scheduled for the week of December 4. See below for specifics.
December 8: Two-hour early dismissal (Interim of the 2nd MP)
December 18-January 1: Winter Break (No school for students)
Winter Concerts are Coming
Winter Chorus Concert: Monday, December 4th at CHS Auditorium starting at 7:00pm. Doors open to parents at 6:30.
Winter Band Concert Tuesday December 5th in the MBMS Cafeteria starting at 6:30pm
Winter Strings Concert Thursday December 7th in the MBMS Cafeteria starting at 6:30pm
Updates from the MBMS Career Advisor
Upcoming events:
December 4-5: Ms. Snowden will visit 8th-grade Science classes to deliver the lesson Success, Risk, & Failure.
Objective: Students will be able to explain the value of taking risks and determine an actionable step to accomplish a personal goal of theirs
December 12-13: Ms. Hildenberger and Ms. Snowden will visit 7th-grade Social Studies classes to help students complete the Career Cluster Finder.
A “career cluster” is a group of occupations that are related because they belong to the same industry and share similarities, such as required skill sets or training experience.
Objective: After answering questions about their personality and preferences in Naviance, students will be able to choose their top career clusters from a list of personalized suggestions.
January 2-3: Ms. Snowden will visit 6th-grade Social Studies classes to deliver the lesson My Foundation.
Objective: Students will be able to explain what makes a person unique and identify the interests and values that make up their own “foundation.”
Recent events:
Students had the option to decorate a letter like a career at lunch with Ms. Snowden for a chance to win PAWS tickets. The winners have received their prizes, and their letters are being displayed in the counseling office.