WMS Counseling Program
August/Sept 2020
We Are Here To Provide Support For You
We are so excited for the new school year and cannot wait for all that is in store for WMS. We will be sending out a quarterly newsletter to keep you informed about the activities of the Counseling Program this school year and encourage students to get involved and get connected with their Counselor. We are looking forward to a fantastic school year!
A comprehensive school counseling program is an integral component of our mission. Comprehensive school counseling programs are driven by student data and based on the Texas Model for Comprehensive School Counseling Program guidelines.
Guidance - Counselors visit classrooms 4 times per year to deliver lessons based on the Great 8 skills
Responsive Services - Individual and small group counseling support
Individual Planning - 504, course selection process, behavior plans, goal setting, etc...
System Support - Support to staff and Parents: newsletters, website information, College Corner, Trainings for Staff, Mentoring Program for Students, Open House, Community Outreach, School Counseling Advisory Council, and much MORE!
Please know that we are always here to assist you. Seeing one another face to face is ideal, and working with students directly is the best part of our job! That said, we are prepared to start seeing students in-person who are in need of emotional and social support. All students are welcomed to come in to visit with a counselor throughout the school day.
Ms. Sheena Watkins
Mrs. Adrienne Cavazos
Mrs. Mariana Reyna
Student Learning Support Form (Hybrid/Virtual)
In Person Counseling Is Available For All Students Both Virtual & Face To Face
The WMS Counselors are now available to all students for in-person counseling appointments. We welcome students who are studying both face to face or virtually. **Virtual students can come in and meet with us in person as long as they are accompanied by a guardian. Guardians will be allowed to sit in a comfortable waiting area while student visit with their counselor. Virtual students will only be allowed in the counseling center.
WMS Counseling Team
WMS Counseling Guidance Curriculum
All of the Advisory guidance lessons are aligned with the Texas Model for Comprehensive School Counseling Program guidelines for school counselors. The lessons are based on the Great 8 Skills which are our district’s guidance program that focuses on the whole child so that each individual is healthy, safe, supported, challenged and engaged. Learning and practicing the Great 8: Super Powers for Daily Life helps our students create and connect to their own successful future story. The lessons also include dynamic metaphors from the WhyTry Curriculum.
Each nine weeks we are focusing on a different Great 8 Skill:
- Optimistic Thinking - Growth Mindset
- Self-Management
- Relationship Skills
- Goal Directed Behavior
The WMS Counseling Team will meet with all students by grade level each quarter to complete college and career lesson in Naviance. We will send students and parents invitations to attend lessons each quarter.
New Student Information
We are excited for the year ahead. Although, these are strange and unprecedented times we are here to support you through this journey as always. Please be sure to reach out to your counselor or assistant principal at any time if you have any questions or concerns.
~WMS Counseling Team
Weekly Meeting With Counselors: Parents Of New Students Enrolled To WMS
Don't Forget About The Zoom Parent Grade Level Meeting This Thursday
Click here to list any questions or concerns that you would like for us to discuss at the
Returning to School During COVID - Discussion With Licensed Psychologist Dr. Megan Mooney
Dr. Megan Mooney, PLLC
Join the Community Learning Center and Licensed Psychologist Dr. Megan Mooney, PLLC, via ZOOM on Tuesday, September 22, for a discussion on helpful tips on how parents can support their student's mental health and how best to navigate their feelings during school re-openings.
6 to 7 p.m. via ZOOM
Mental Health Support 24 Hours/7 Days A Week
Additional Mental Health Resources For Children
Having Trouble With Your MyHumble Login?
Questions or Concerns About Schoology?
Need Information About Returning To School?
Need To Change Your Child's Learning Location?
Check the comprehensive Fall 2020 Overview to learn more about what Humble ISD is doing to provide the best environment for our In Person, Online, and Online+ UIL students.
Guardians may use the Learning Location Form to change their choice of instructional setting for their children.
Is Your Child In Need Of School Supplies?
Is Your Family In Need Of Food Assistance?
Need Tips For Dealing With Stress?
Need Tips For Communicating With Your Teen?
Parents often say getting their child to talk to them is like pulling teeth. Sometimes the hardest part is to just listen to what your child is saying without interrupting, offering advice, or passing judgement. Below are some helpful tips for being an effective listener.
1. Concentrate - Focus on what is being said. Turn off the TV, radio, phones, etc. to minimize the distractions.
2. Limit Your Own Talking - You can’t talk and listen at the same time.
3. Don’t Interrupt - Let your child finish their thoughts.
4. Turn Off Your Own Worries - Don’t let your own worries prevent you from focusing on what your child is trying to communicate.
5. Listen For Ideas - Not Just Words - Don’t get lost in the details of the story. Listen for the main ideas of the story and try to understand why those ideas are important to your child.
6. Listen For The Themes In The Examples That Are Given - Your child may describe several examples of their feeling. Try to connect the different examples together by listening for the common themes within the examples.
7. Don’t Jump To Conclusions - Don’t assume you know what you child is trying to communicate. Let them finish their thoughts.
8. Ask Questions To Clarify Meaning - If you get mixed messages or don’t understand the intended communication, ask questions.
9. Paraphrase - After your child has finished talking, paraphrase what you heard. This will help ensure that you have understood the intended communication.
10. Summarize - If you have understood your child, you should be able to summarize their intended communication within a single sentence. If it takes more than this, you have probably missed the meaning they were trying to communicate.