HSD News Round-Up
February 8, 2024
Levy Spotlights: New HHS Nurse Amber Bordak, HMS & HHS Wrestling
Thanks to your levy support, the Hockinson School District is able to provide our students with top-quality activities, sports, and staff. This month, we are putting the spotlight on two of our talented staff members: Nurse Amber Bordak and Paraprofessional and Coach Brandon Redeau.
Welcome to the team, HHS Nurse Amber Bordak!
Beginning this school year, Amber Bordak joined the HSD as school nurse at Hockinson High School. Before her arrival, HHS did not have a nurse of its own, splitting its nursing hours with the middle school.
HHS students, families, and staff are thrilled to have Nurse Amber on campus and the feeling is mutual. "I am grateful to be a part of this community where there is such a shared enthusiasm and compassion for our students," said Bordak.
Many of our families may not know that without levy funding, the state would only provide funding for 1/3 of one nurse position shared across all three of our schools! Thanks to the community’s support of the 2022 Levy and enhanced student safety funding from the state, we are now able to fund three nurses to support Hockinson’s 1,970 students. This four-year levy not only means that the high school has a dedicated nurse to staff the HHS Health Room, it means that the HSD is able to provide teachers, athletics and the arts, extracurricular activities, classroom support staff, special education, and more beyond what the state provides to meet the needs of our school communities.
Wrestling Coach Brandon Redeau Bring Passion, Leadership to HHS
Although this is only Redeau’s second season with the HSD, his experience with coaching and his involvement with the sport stretches back decades. After all, Redeau grew up in a wrestling family and first stepped onto the mat as a young boy.
Growing up, Redeau always had his father, uncle, and grandfather as his coaches and mentors on and off the mat. He observed the positive impact they had on his teammates and fellow students, even filling in as father figures for those without a role model at home. After graduating college, Redeau felt like it was his turn to give back. The Portland native visited Hockinson after hearing of an open wrestling position and fell in love with the school’s strong sense of community and family support. Redeau and his fellow coaches have taken HHS (and HMS) student-athletes to a whole new level ever since, most recently with HHS placing 2nd overall at the Battle of the Bridge Tournament.
Reaching Postseason
Hall of Legend Inductee
Redeau's Inspiration
Redeau would like to thank his parents, uncle, and grandfather along with his coaches Christian Swain, George Epinoza, Wendell Malone, and John Thompson. All are huge sources of inspiration to him.
For Redeau, the most fulfilling part about coaching is seeing his wrestlers develop not only their wrestling skills, but their life skills. He takes pride in helping cultivate athletes that are not only positive leaders on campus, but also productive citizens off campus. Redeau believes that the same way athletics prepare students for competition, they prepare students for the challenges of growing up.
“Life is going to throw many things at you,” Redeau said. “If we are able to teach and prepare [students] how to maneuver obstacles and even switch their mindsets in certain situations, we have succeeded.”
As his team prepares for this weekend’s Regional Wrestling Tournament, Redeau is both exhausted and energized. How is that possible? Redeau explains that he and the HHS Wrestling community have hosted not one, not two, but three wrestling tournaments at the high school this year! “Hosting tournaments is incredibly tiring,” said Redeau. “There are so many details from set up to scoring systems. However, they prepare our athletes and help to establish Hockinson as kind of a center for the sport.”
It Takes a Village to Attain, Maintain Excellent Schools:
Hockinson Helpers & Upward Together Committee
“Hockinson Helpers” is Here!
Excellent public schools don’t just happen; they require a team effort. Hockinson Helpers is a place to find opportunities to pitch in for Hockinson’s students. Hockinson Helpers helps to lift HSD students to new heights by linking community expertise to HSD needs in a collaborative and financially responsible way. You'll find volunteer opportunities, call-outs for equipment rental needs, donation requests, and more on our newly launched webpage here.
Thank you, Hockinson community, for helping us create exciting educational experiences for our kids and maintain high quality school facilities for everyone.
Upward Together Committee Preparing for Take-Off
The Upward Together Committee will support the upward progress of the Hockinson School District by aligning its focus and efforts with:
The HSD's motto: "Preparing all students for lifelong success";
The HSD Strategic Plan (Academics, School Climate & Facilities, and Communication & Community); and
The "Four Bs" of student-centered improvement: Remove barriers to student participation, learning, and success; monitor and broadcast student voice; enhance student belonging; and show and support a belief in the unlimited potential of every student.
This committee, consisting of staff, students, and parents, will meet four times a year and look for opportunities to improve HSD schools and engage the larger Hockinson community. Space is limited. Interested? Please fill out this form by Friday, February 21, 2024.
Get to Know HMS Student Landon Brown
We are aiming to feature a Hockinson student in every HSD Round-Up this year. This month, we asked Landon Brown, a 7th grader, a few questions about his time at HMS. This is what Landon had to say:
What are your favorite classes right now?
My favorite classes would probably be Spanish and History.
What do you look forward to most at school?
I look forward to seeing my friends and playing football and basketball at lunch.
What are your favorite after-school activities?
My favorite activity to do after school is to go to my baseball and basketball practices.
Do you have any advice for incoming 6th graders new to HMS?
My advice for the upcoming 6th graders is that if the school year seems like it is tough, it gets better, I promise. Make sure to get all your homework and work done as it will definitely benefit you in your classes and grades.
Have you thought about any plans for the future?
My plan for high school is to play basketball, baseball, and football. I would also do track but I can’t because it is during baseball [season]. But in college, I hope to play baseball for either Oregon State University, Stanford, or Vanderbilt and later in life it is my dream to get drafted and make it into the MLB and be a really successful baseball player.
Thank you for sharing a little bit about yourself, Landon. Best of luck with your classes, sports, and achieving your dreams. We believe in you!
HHS Kettle Crew Treks for Team Bonding, Better Health
Last year, a number of HHS staff shared a common desire for a better connected workplace community. Following winter break, staff also expressed an interest in getting healthy after the holidays. Enter the Kettle Crew, a committee dedicated to finding creative ways to foster professional bonds and better health. (In case you are wondering, “kettle” doesn’t refer to a container for tea, but a group of hawks soaring together in the air.) Who comprised the crew? Eleven teams were organized to bring together staff who otherwise may not have crossed paths throughout the workday.
The Kettle Crew recently wrapped up their January Wellness Challenge. Underpinning the challenge was a figurative trek from Marseille, France to Florence, Italy. Competitors put their pedometers to good use and earned additional steps towards their destination by completing positive wellness habits, such as strength training and eating lunch as a team. Teams’ steps were tallied each week, and their progress was tracked via flagged pins on a map-progress board in the main office. This high-visibility location helped to sustain participants’ motivation and generate interest. Even students took notice, and with some keenly following the leaderboard and letting participants know about it!
This month-long focus helped to build positive habits for both physical and mental health. While the challenge ended on February 4th, many staff hope to continue their new habits long into the future. Next up for the Kettle Crew is a “Souper Bowl” event featuring a soup potluck and a cooking challenge.
Read the full-length version of this article on our website here.
Dave Wilson: Dedicated to Maintaining Safe, Quality HSD Schools
You may not know him, but you see the results of his leadership on a daily basis. Just last month, HSD Operations Supervisor Dave Wilson and his team of grounds workers and custodians executed a meticulous plan of attack to respond to snowy and icy conditions. Wilson contracted with an excavation company to clear snow from the HSD’s higher-elevation bus stops and district parking lots and prepare all HSD buildings and portables for freezing temperatures by keeping faucets running and heaters on. Wilson came in every day during the storm to do a status check on every HSD campus.
On a day-to-day basis, Wilson bases his action steps on the School Culture & Facilities Goal of the HSD Strategic Plan. That goal identifies the importance of providing “a safe, welcoming, and positive learning environment that supports high academic and behavior expectations for all.” With a focus on safe and quality schools, he and his team have moved forward on a variety of improvement projects across the district, many of which are featured in our weekly Facility Fridays posts. Although he has only been in the HSD for two years, Wilson led his team in:
Pressure washing and resealing the entire exterior of HHS
Completing a retaining wall on the HMS track
Retrofitting lighting at HHES, HHS, and HCC with energy-efficient LED lamps and fixtures
Replacing HHS entry carpet with new walk-off carpeting at all entrances
Sanding down, repainting, and refinished the HHS main gym floor
Installing new security fencing around the HMS play area
Replacing damaged asphalt in the HCC parking lot and sealing the entire surface
Upgrading the MPR’s halogen lights with new LED stage lights (featured in our latest Facility Friday)
According to Wilson, these facility improvements symbolize the HSD’s commitment to proactive building maintenance. “I enjoy working in the HSD because our Superintendent and School Board place a priority on addressing building repairs rather than deferring them,” said Wilson. He finds it rewarding to protect the Hockinson community’s investment in its school buildings by prolonging their usable life and enhancing their appearance and functionality. With nearly 40 years of experience working in schools, Wilson prioritizes student wellbeing above all else. “I have always enjoyed working in schools. It makes me happy to see students safe, happy and enjoying the schools,” he said.
News Bites
- Thank you, HSD Counselors: National School Counseling Week ends this Friday. This annual event highlights the tremendous impact school counselors have on student wellness, academic success, and career preparedness. Parents, students, and staff are encouraged to reach out to say “Thank you” to their school’s counselor: Vickie Hermann, Nicole Starkey, Wayne Swilar, and Chantelle Henry.
- February is National CTE Month: Every February, educators celebrate Career and Technical Education (CTE) to raise awareness of the role that CTE has in preparing learners for college and career success. CTE Month is also a time to recognize and celebrate local CTE programs such as HHS’ work-based learning, wood tech, and entrepreneurship programs and achievements like HHS senior Charlie Varney placing 1st in a recent regional Skills USA Competition: Job Interviewing. Way to go, CTE!
- HHES Teachers Receive Instructional Grants: Congratulations to Jennifer Siebert, Erica Bason, Brooke Hieter, Michelle Perry, Crecia Page and Laurel Waliezer. Last week, these six teachers were presented with mini-grants from the Southwest Washington School Retirees' Association! The mini-grants will be used to support special classroom projects that enhance student engagement and learning.
- Community Ed to Host 1st “Silver Social”: HSD Community Ed has organized what it hopes to be a monthly opportunity for Hockinson’s older residents to gather, socialize, and participate in engaging learning activities and presentations. They are called Silver Socials and the first one is slated for Tuesday, March 5 from 11 am - 1 pm. It will feature local historian Louise Tucker, author of Battle Ground…In and Around and Battle Ground Lake Before it Became a State Park. Please RSVP at (360) 448-6480 or katie.omalley-soot@hocksd.org
- Catch up on HSD’s Nutrition News: Chartwells’ January Dining Newsletter is available here. Articles include: How to keep your New Year’s Nutrition Resolutions, The HHS Hot Cocoa pilot, January “Cheers” recipient Kade Hoots, and more!
- WIAA Classifications Announced for 2024-28; HHS to stay 2A: The WIAA Executive Board finalized classification numbers for the 2024-28 cycle at its January 21 meeting. A detailed breakdown of each of the six WIAA classifications is available HERE. It appears that Hockinson will remain at the 2A level and that the GHSL 2A League will consist of all current members except Fort Vancouver, which will be shifting to the 1A classification.
- Heads Up Class of 2024! HPSF to Open Scholarship Applications Feb. 14: The Hockinson Public Schools Foundation will activate its website on Valentine’s Day so families can access and apply for nearly $50,000 in local scholarships. The application deadline is April 15, 2024.
Upcoming Events:
- Feb. 5-9: Counselor Appreciation Week
- Feb. 9: HHES Super Bowl Dress Up Day
- Feb. 9: HMS Academic Awards 2:35 - 3:15 pm
- Feb. 12: HSD School Board Work Session at DO @ 6:00 pm & Zoom
- Feb. 12-16: HMS Spirit Week * More info to come in the HMS Newsletter & Social Media
- Feb. 13: HHES Self Manager and Superstar Hornets Assembly 12:55 - 1:40 pm by grade level
- Feb. 14: Valentine’s Day
- Feb. 26: First Day of HHS Spring Sports
- Feb. 26: HSD School Board General Meeting at HCC @ 6:00 pm & Zoom
- Feb. 27: Incoming Freshman Forecasting Night at HHS
- Feb. 29: It’s a Leap Year! There is a Feb. 29 in 2024!
- Mar. 5: HCE Silver Social at HCC @ 11 am
HHS Winter and Spring Sports Schedules available HERE
Contact Us
Email: justine.hanrahan@hocksd.org
Website: https://www.hocksd.org/
Location: 17912 NE 159th St, Brush Prairie, WA 98606, USA
Phone: (360) 448-6400