Comet Connection
2022-2023-Family Newsletter #5
Watch D.O.G.S. Pizza Night!
Great time on Wednesday night with our Watch D.O.G.S. families!
We look forward to a great partnership!
“6 Houses, 1 Family ”Student Sorting Day!! We're SO excited!
Who: Kersey Creek Students (K-5)
(no guests are invited at this time - thanks for your understanding)
What: Fate will decide which House you are sorted into...
When: Friday, October 7th
Details: Wear a dark colored shirt if possible
“6 Houses, 1 Family”
*Lunch Visits
Please be advised that after lunch visits have come to an end, you MUST report back to the main office to sign out. Parents/visitors should not visit any other areas of the building. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Afternoon Dismissal Plan
If your afternoon dismissal plans change for your child, please complete the transportation form and send in with your child as we are starting to get a higher volume of phone calls to report this change.
Attendance Reminders
When your child is absent, we must receive communication within three days of the absence for it to be recorded as "excused." Absences that are not substantiated by a note or phone call to the office within three days of the absence will remain "unexcused."
- At 5 unexcused absences, you will be contacted to develop an attendance plan to resolve attendance concerns
- At 7 unexcused absences, an attendance conference will be held to discuss continued attendance concerns
- If attendance does not improve, a referral may be made to School Social Work Services for additional support
Tardy Students:
Parents, please remember that if your child is late (after 8:00 a.m.) you will need to come into the office to sign them in on the designated form. Your child will receive a tardy pass which they will give to their teacher upon arrival to class.
Upcoming Important Dates:
10/5- No school for students/Teacher Professional Learning Day
10/7- Interim Report Day
October Calendar of events:
9/6-11/5 Shoe Fundraiser
10/1-10/22 Charleston Wrap Fundraiser
10/3- Marty’s Spirit Day
10/6- Chipotle Spirit Night (Ashland 4-8pm)
10/12- PTA Meeting (Library 5:30pm)
10/17- Texas Roadhouse Spirit Night (3-10pm)
10/26- Brunetti’s Spirit Night
10/27- Reflections Due
JOIN the PTA by visiting:
SHOP using Amazon Smile. Last year we received $300, we are hoping to get that number higher this year.
SPIRIT DAY: Save the date for our spirit nights this week
10/3 Marty’s Spirit Day (ALL DAY).
10/6 Chipotle Ashland location (4-8pm)
FUNDRAISERS: We have two current fundraisers going on:
Charleston Wrap. Register at (organization ID 24799) and shop for home goods, gourmet items and more! Delivery is fast.
The PTA is also collecting gently used shoes of all types (adults, kids, cleats, ballet shoes, etc). Bins are located at KCES entrance and Milestone clubhouse. Collection is taking place through 11/5.
REFLECTIONS: Students are invited to submit original works based on the theme "Show Your Voice" in one of more of the following categories: dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, photography, and visual arts. All projects must be submitted electronically by 10/27 to For more information click here:
As always if you have any questions, please reach out !!!
Other Documents
(please be reminded to use transportation notes to communicate changes with your child's dismissal plan)
Lunch Visitor Information (Spanish)
Kersey Creek Elementary
Location: 10004 Learning Lane, Mechanicsville, VA, USA
Phone: (804) 723-3440