RMS Wildcat Weekly
January 24, 2021
Contact Us
Find Their Purpose & Fuel Their Passion
Our Vision:
Renaissance Middle School prepares students to achieve their dreams by charting a path to their purpose.
Email: hawkc@fultonschools.org
Website: https://www.fultonschools.org/renaissancems
Location: 7155 Hall Road, Fairburn, GA, United States
Phone: (470)254-4330
Twitter: @RMS_Wildcats
Greetings Wildcat Family!
The Ronald McDonald Care Mobile®, a mobile clinic of Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta and Atlanta Ronald McDonald House Charities is coming to Renaissance Middle School this Friday, January 29th from 10:00 am - 5:00 pm to offer FREE immunizations and health screenings. As I am sure that you all know, many students entered the 2020-2021 school year without school-required vaccines, especially those in middle school. While they do not aim to replace primary care visits, they understand that many barriers have kept children from their regular wellness checks this year. We hope to help bridge the gap so there are no lapses in school enrollment.
If you have students in need of immunizations, particularly our rising 7th graders, we invite you to join us this Friday, January 29th. All care will take place on the 40 ft x 8 ft mobile clinic staffed by two nurses, a nurse practitioner, and our driver. This opportunity is for any student (face to face or virtual) from the age of 4 years to 18 years old. The mobile unit will be parked at the carport of the school and we ask parents/guardians to bring their children to receive immunizations on a first-come, first-served basis. Virtual students and parents may attend without having to ever enter the school. All face-to-face students will receive consent forms that may be filled out by the parents and returned with the child to school. Please feel free to download the attached consent forms below.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact the school at 470-254-4330.
Tips and Reminders from The Ronald McDonald Care Mobile®:
- We will have school-required vaccines for Medicaid-eligible students (students with Medicaid, uninsured students). We will not be able to offer vaccines to children with any private medical insurance. Our supply is from the state and is designated for children who do not have private insurance. If you have a question about this, please feel free to contact us.
- Students must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. If this is not possible, we must be able to reach the parent/guardian by phone to obtain consent and health history, or the student may bring the attached paperwork completed by the parent/guardian.
- Students who need their immunization records merged from out of state will need to provide the official out of state record and a birth certificate. The person accompanying the child must be a parent listed on the birth certificate if the student does not have an established GRITS record.
- Students in need of other modifications (i.e name change, etc.) will need a birth certificate, proof of name change or adoption, etc.
- Children must be at least 4 years old to be seen
- Families will be served on a first-come, first-served basis
- We will also offer school-required hearing/vision/dental screens as needed. The parent and/or the school will need to notify us of students in need of this service.
- Flu shots may be available
We are so happy to serve you and your students! Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
See you next week,
RMS Clinic
RMS 1st semester award's day
Greetings Wildcat Families,
Due to the pandemic and CDC guidelines regarding large gatherings, we will not hold a formal award's day program for our scholars. However, on January 28, 2021, the scholars at RMS in the F2F setting and Remote setting will be honored for their first semester accomplishments in All A's(Principal List), All A's and B's, Most Improved(Teleschool Exemplar), and Good Citizenship. We are asking all face to face award recipients to wear black and white on Thursday. The students in the remote setting will receive their certificates via their student emails. The Remote students can take a picture with their certificates and email their pictures to their assigned counselor. The F2F students will receive their certificates via their First block teachers for 6th and 8th and Second block for 7th grade. A PowerPoint will be created of our scholars that will be shared and displayed on the school's webpage, newsletter, and Twitter account.
Thank You,
RMS Counselors
6th Grade - Mrs. Rainford: rainfordd@fultonschools.org
7th Grade - Mr. Andrews: andrews@fultonschools.org
8th Grade - Ms. Milligan: milligan@fultonschools.org
Protocol For reporting student exposure or positive covid case
Wildcat Families,
As we return to face-to-face instruction, it is important that we ensure the safety of all students, staff, and visitors in Fulton County Schools. The Fulton County Board of Health and Fulton County Schools have developed an online portal for FCS parents/guardians to report student COVID-19 related cases.
At this time we are asking that parents/guardians of FCS students submit a COVID-19 Report ONLY if your student fits into one or more of the following categories:
a) Has tested Positive for COVID-19 in the past 15 days
b) Currently waiting for the results of a test for COVID-19
c) Has been in close contact (within 6 feet for at least 15 minutes) in the past 15 days with someone diagnosed with COVID-19
If your student fits into one or more of the above categories, please begin the form by clicking the link below. Your report will be sent directly to the Fulton County Board of Health.
If your student does not fit into any of the above categories, a COVID-19 report is not required at this time. Please monitor your child's symptoms and follow-up with your healthcare provider or contact the school clinic, if you have any concerns.
Please DO NOT send your child to school if he or she fits into any of the above categories or is otherwise ill or unwell If your student meets any of the above criteria or is ill or unwell, DO NOT send your student to school until you have spoken with your healthcare provider, one of the FCS Student Health Services School Nurses, or a public health official.
COVID Reporting Link: https://fultonschools.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6hWlX46FNk8pNlz
DISCLAIMER: Please note you may be asked some sensitive health and personal questions in this form. This information may be transmitted and used by Fulton County Board of Health and/or Fulton County Schools Student Health Services for case investigation and contact tracing, reporting purposes, and any necessary follow-up from the school district. However, the information is strictly confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law.
The district will continue to monitor community coronavirus data, but decisions about potential closures of schools due to new COVID-19 cases will be made using the FCS Closing Matrix. The process will allow for localized closures based on each case, giving the district the option to close and/or quarantine within a limited, impacted area, such as an individual classroom or school.
Parents, please click here to view the most recent Fulton County Department of Health Epidemiology Report.
Thank you and please stay safe.
Thank you,
RMS Administration
Please encourage your scholar to complete their 2nd Smester I-Ready Diagnostic
Greetings Wildcat Family!
We kicked off our Winter iReady Diagnostic testing on January 8, 2021. We have made significant progress but unfortunately, we have not met our goal of 95% participation rate. The district has extended the testing window to close on February 1, 2021. We need your support with ensuring we accomplish our goal so please encourage your scholar to do their very best to complete this task. To assist you with knowing when your child has completed their diagnostic, we have included the image below for your reference.
Stephanie Botley-Glenn
Literacy Instructional Coach
Updated Attendance Rules for Virtual and Face-to-Face Students
In an effort to ensure all virtual scholars are engaged during the entire instructional period, please see below for the updated attendance rules for virtual scholars only. Virtual scholars will be marked as participated when they meet the following requirements.
Attendance for Participation and Engagement during the Live Session: Scholars who meet the criteria below will be marked ‘Participated’ for the day.
Any virtual student in class must:
1. Class Attendance: Log on to class within the first 15 minutes.
- All students must type “present” into the chatbox when they arrive in class, and
- Remain for the entire class period.
2. Class Engagement: Respond (verbally or via chat box) at least once (Scholars will be given a minimum of two opportunities to respond during the class period).
Attendance for Non-Participation in the Live Session: Scholars who do meet the criteria above but complete the following criteria will be marked ‘Participated’ for the day.
Any virtual student not in class (a student who does not attend the virtual session or logs in after the first 15 minutes) must:
Submit all incomplete assignments within three school days from the first date of their return to school.
Attendance Rules for Face-to-Face Scholars
The attendance rules will remain the same for all face-to-face students. If they are physically sitting in the class, they will be marked present for the class period. If they are not physically sitting in class, they will be marked absent for that class period. Students must attend over half the school day to be counted as present for the day. Face-to-Face students who are absent can earn up to (5) days per semester as present by participating remotely (in this case, students must meet virtual participation requirements to be marked as participated).
If you have any further questions or concerns regarding your scholar's attendance, please first email your scholar's teacher. If you cannot reach a resolution, please email the grade-level administrator.
Rising 9th Graders Virtual Field Trip: Transition to High School
RMS Instrument Distribution This week
Greetings Parents,
The RMS Instrument Distribution (Parent Pick Up) for our 6th-8th Band and Orchestra scholars, who are participating in Remote Learning instruction will take place this week. Our Band and Orchestra scholars, who are participating in Face to Face instruction have received their instruments, during their Connections classes, upon their return to RMS on Wednesday, January 13, 2021.
What: RMS Instrument Distribution for Remote Learning Scholars only.
When: From 3:00 p.m. - 4:50 p.m. on Tuesday, January 26, 2021 , Thursday, January 28, 2021, and Friday, January 29, 201
Where: Front Parking Lot area near the Tennis Courts (outside of the C Hall Entrance/Exit Doors).
Parents, please feel free to contact Ms. Sophia Miller, RMS Band and Orchestra Instructor, at miller91@fultonschools.org for questions and/or concerns.
It is time to sign up and audition for the RMS Drama/Debate Club…I am so excited about this opportunity for us to share our talent and our voices. We will explore the art of Acting, Directing, and Debating. If you are interested please click the audition link. Your audition submission is virtual, so please read the requirements on the form carefully. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Smith at smithm18@fultonschools.org.
Flyer: https://spark.adobe.com/post/3TUuiN9kcFjCV/
Audition Form: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=mLHcDGmBcEu6n9p-O6cAwl56eHUrQVBHsBhjVf5GmORUOVdBV1ozWFg2WVFLRk1CSFdXVlRHTUdaMi4u
Community Corner
Please see the reminders and flyers below for events that are happening throughout our community! If you have an event that you like to be included in the community corner, please email Diantha Parker at parkerd3@fultonschools.org
KUDOS to everyone that attended the ELA-GA Milestones Family Night. If you missed the meeting or would like to review the presentation please visit our website and click on the Title I tab, for the recording & presentation.
Remember, the first ten parents that complete the Evaluation/Survey for the Family Literacy meeting by scanning the QR Code or clicking on the link (right above the recording) will receive an ELA Book Bag with tons of GREAT resources.