Cougar Community Connection
A weekly newsletter from your principal, Shannon McPherson
It was a short but jam packed week. It was great to see our families this week for conferences. The partnership between your child's teacher and you is one of the most important relationships when it comes to ensuring that our kids are thriving. Parent/ Teacher conferences are a great way to get that relationship going and keep it fostering throughout the year. There will be good days and challenging days, but when teachers and parents are connected, the support for our kids can't help but ensure they thrive. We can't thank our community enough for the generous display of food items that were donated to feed our teachers on our later conference nights. The taco bar on Monday night was incredible and then "game day" themed meals on Thursday allowed our teachers to worry about one less thing, not having to plan dinner, while conferencing with our families. We are incredibly grateful for this CRUNFamily and the way that you take care of our people.
The home stretch of our Fun Run Fundraiser is in full effect. Thank you so much for continuing to reach out and gather up any donation that are folks are willing to give to our sweet, little school. Please take a look at the PTA section for the last few details as we wrap up the Fun Run Fundraiser. Thank you so much for your commitment to our school.
HRHS Homecoming Pep Rally
HRHS Homecoming Pep Rally
23-24 One Word Project Staff and Students
A Note From PTA
Thank you to everyone that brought food for the Taco Bar to feed our teachers at conferences on Monday. Crockpots are ready to pick up at school at your earliest convenience. The teachers can't wait for Game Day Favorites on Thursday.
There are still some openings for Game Day Favorites: HERE
Fun Run Update
We are over half way to our essential goal of $50,000! We have raised over $27,000!
Our dream goal is $65,000... Can we make it happen?
- Venmo: @crunpta in the Charity Section, make sure to include the student's name
- Our Fun Run Website: https://app.memberhub.gives/crunfunrun/Campaign/Details
(If you wish to donate anonymously on the website, don't forget to click that box.)
- Cash or Check made out to Cougar Run PTA with the student's name in the memo
We still need volunteers for the Fun Run! Volunteer HERE
Mark your calendars...
- Fun Run: Friday, September 29th
- Last Day to Donate: Friday, September 29th by 11:59pm
- Fall Spirit Week: September 9-13
- October PTA Meeting: Friday, October 13
- Donuts with Grownups: Friday, October 27
Spotlight on~ The Response to Intervention Team
Reminder: Drop Off Times in the Morning
Breakfast at Cougar Run
The Harlem Wizards at CRUN and HRHS
Yikes, Scary Stuff Going on in our school zone!!!
- It is against the law to text in a school zone and is punishable by a 307.00 fine and 4 point ticket. (CRS 42-4-239 5.5a)
- It is against the law to flip a U Turn ANYWHERE in a school zone. That sign is posted, but most folks don't know that that fine is 161.00 and a 3 point ticket. 42-4-902 (3)
- There are posted signs that the speed limit while the school zone lights are flashing is 15 MPH. Depending on how fast, the fine can be up to 485.00 and up to 12 points and mandatory court appearance. 42-4-1101
- Failure to yield right of way to pedestrian in the crosswalk is a 73.00 fine and 4 point ticket. The crossing guard is considered a pedestrian so cars should not enter the intersection while the crossing guard is there. CRS 42-4-802
We have had some VERY close calls while our crossing guards are out there risking their lives to keep our kids safe. Please pay attention, abide by the laws and help us keep each other safe on our way to and from school.
Counselor's Corner
World Day of Bullying Prevention - Embracing “Unapologetically Kind” is October 2, 2023. If you are interested, here is the link to order the shirt for this year.
Helping Hands for the Holidays is an Integrated Family Community Service enrichment program that provides children aged newborn to 10 years old with holiday gifts through the generosity of community sponsors and donors. Please visit this site to apply.
Enrichment topics/lessons this week (Blue 9/25-29)
K: Self-awareness in the classroom
1: Perspective-taking
2: Self-Advocacy
3: Growth Mindset / Goal Setting
4: Executive Functioning / Goal Setting
5: Grit / Problem Solving
6: Executive Functioning / Goal Setting
Why do we need a bond/mlo to pass?
Why Does Attendance Matter?
HRHS Haunted House Event
HRHS Relay For Life
Upcoming Dates to Remember
September 26- 9:00 CRUN SAC Mtg
September 30-HRHS Haunted School Event
October 9-13 Spirit Week (More info to come.)
October 10-CRUN Restaurant Night
October 16-20- No School Fall Break
October 23- 6:30 Harlem Wizards Event at HRHS
October 27-Donuts with Grownups
October 30-November 3- CRUN Bus Canceled
October 31-9:00 Halloween Parade/Celebrations
December 11-15- CRUN Bus Canceled