February 2, 2024
Feb. 12: Board of Education Meeting, 6:00 PM at Steeby Elementary
Feb. 12: WEPA Meeting, 6:30 PM at Baker Elementary
Feb. 16 & 19: No School
Feb. 29: Literacy Night, 6:00-7:00 PM
Mar. 2: Daddy/Daughter Dance, 6:00-8:00 PM at the Middle School Gym
Mar. 4 & 6: Parent/Teacher Conferences
Mar. 8 & 11: No School
Mar. 11: Board of Education Meeting, 6:00 PM at Administration Building
Mar. 18: WEPA Meeting, 6:30 PM
Mar. 19: 3rd Grade Concert, 7:00 PM at the Fine Arts Center
Principal's Corner
February has arrived. Wow, this school year seems to be passing by very quickly. Please remind your child to dress appropriately for recess each and every day. We go outside for recess unless the wind chill temperature is below zero. Students need warm coats, snow pants, boots, hats, and gloves to ensure they stay warm and dry while they play in the snow. If you need assistance with any of these items, please let the office know and we'll get you the items you need.
Our NWEA winter testing is completed. Teachers use the results of the NWEA math and reading tests to determine which WIN group is needed for each student as well as small group instruction in the classroom. You should hear from your child’s teacher regarding these results soon if you haven’t already.
On Wednesday, February 14 we will celebrate Valentine’s Day at Steeby. Your child’s teacher will communicate with you what the celebration will look like in their classroom.
February is Kindness Month and we are focusing on random acts of kindness each and every day. Talk with your child about different ways to show random acts of kindness.
Yours in education,
Christina Johnson
Outstanding people for Education Award
The purpose of the Outstanding People for Education award is to honor and recognize people in public education who are excelling in their field and/or making an impact in the quality of education in Allegan County. Examples of whom you might nominate: teacher, aide, administrator; secretary, board of education member, bus driver, custodian, social worker, therapist, consultant, support staff, or a community member or volunteer who supports education. Follow the link below to gain access to the nomination form. All nominations must be received by March 1, 2024..
WEPA is looking for volunteers to help with Popcorn Fridays (1st Friday of the month). WEPA provides Baker and Steeby students popcorn the first Friday of every month and could use more hands to assist in this effort. Please click the link below for more information and/or to sign up to help.!/showSignUp/4090944A4AE2CA7F85-47053741-baker
Attendance Policy Reminders
Below are some reminders of our attendance policy:
1) School begins at 8:45, students are able to enter the building at 8:40. Students are expected at their desks and ready to begin learning at 8:45.
2) Students arriving or leaving within 15 minutes of our start or end time will be issued an unexcused tardy. Students arriving or leaving more than 15 minutes from our start or end time will be issued an unexcused half day absence .
3) Excused absences include: appointments with documentation from provider, funeral (day of only), and court appearance.
4) If you have a change for the end of the day for your child, please contact the office by phone or email by 3:00 and we will take them a note. Also, please feel free to contact the office if you think your child needs a reminder of their end of day plan.
5) Release time is 3:45.
Notes from Music
Greetings from the music room! January has been an interesting month in the music room - especially with all the snow days! 3rd Graders are busy learning songs for their music program coming up in March. More info to come later in February. 2nd graders have learned a new solfege word - do! (pronounced doe - like a deer). They also learned some chants and songs from Australia. I'm looking forward to February and hoping for less snow days!
Jennifer Bailey
Baker & Steeby ElementaryMusic Specialist
P.E. Fun
Supercat Winners
For Week of 1/8/24
Floyd Herron; Gavin Shoup; Emery Vanderson; Myles Yeakey; Maci Hayes; Peyton Phillips; Azlin Moore; Landon Ungrey; Savannah Brown; Aaron Jones; Kashius Chlebana; Kobe Pant; Landon Bonte; Carson Beach; Aubrey Dailey; Emma Ferris; Jenna Williams
For Week of 1/18/24
Keenan Buchino; Finn Ellis; Priya Dixon; Makenzi Hyde; Alaina Dressander; Joey Hendricks; Vrasaeis Grays; Kennedy Pool; Donovan Dowling; Gavin Edwards; Alec Ledford; Ally Smith; Bella Brandt; Michael Howe; Zayden Holmes; Gracie Kwiatkowski; Carmen Ortiz; Ximena Tovar
For Week of 1/29/24
Maryann Balasa; Annabelle Carpenter; Caleb Holly; Bruce Shanahan; Adeline Byers; Luke Pringle; Oliver Abbott; Anna DeWeerd; Olivia Collins; Stella Prindle; Nora Foster; Alyssa Kooienga; Landon Bonte; Chris Winkler; Temperance Davis; Dawsen Otis; Jayce Frantz; Skylar Harnish; Natalie Wright
Community Education Opportunities
Build a Robot (Doodle)
February 22,Thursday
Steeby Elem Cafe
Time: 6:00 - 7:30pm
This class is designed for children ages 6-9 and would be a great opportunity to build with a parent or grandparent. 5 year old can register if an adult attends.
Enjoy building your own robot, decorating it, and playing with it while you learn about how robots work! Take the robot home with you.
Online registration:
Any questions; call Comm. Ed 269.792.9153
Paper Gator Recycling
Did you know that Steeby Paper Gator gets funding for the paper that we collect for our school? Please start saving your paper at home and bring it in to the Gator, it will help us to earn money for Steeby!! Anyone in the community can deposit the items listed below in the Paper Gator. The Paper Gator is located behind Steeby in the wooden fenced in area. The Paper Gator will be the green dumpster.
Here is a list of what we CAN take in the Paper Gator:
-Junk Mail
-Phone Books
-Office/School paper
-Hard and soft cover books
-Paperboard (Grocery Item boxes, NOT cardboard)
-Standard staples & paperclips are ok
-Shredded paper (preferred in CLEAR plastic bags)