Stewart Stampede
February 2023
Club Pictures
2022 Federal Report Card and Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR)
Our Federal Report Card has been posted on our Stewart website. It can be accessed using the following steps:
From your school’s website:
- Go to "Our School/Campus"
Click “View School Profile"
Select “Accountability Reports”
Click “2021-2022"
Select "Texas Academic Performance Report" or "Federal Report Card"
February & March Lunch Reservation
In order to allow more families to come please limit your visits to one per month.
What's for Lunch?
Use the link below to see what the students will have for lunch.
Celebrating our Mustangs
Mighty Mustang Celebration - February 15, 2023 Students will celebrate at lunch with counselors and principal.
Mrs. Fittler
Congratualtions Mustang Staff!
Ms. Armijo
Teacher of the Year
Humanitarian of the Year
Rising Star of the Year
Book Fair
We will be using a new company this time. We will have online sales, in person bookfair and the company offers a Kids Book Club. Parents can sign up to receive 5 books per month to preview, buy the ones you want and send back the rest. You will get 1 free book in your first 6 boxes.
They will donate 10% of all the sales back to our Mustang Library. If interested you can sign up for this book club anytime starting now using the link below.
Just search for Jean E. Stewart Elementary
Watch D.O.G.S.
WatchDOGS are fathers, grandfathers, uncles, and other father-figures who volunteer for at least one day each year. During the day, WatchDOGS may read and work on flash cards with students, play at recess, eat lunch with students, watch the school entrances and hallways, assist with traffic flow and any other assigned activities where they actively engage with not only their own students, but other students as well. Please click on the following link to find out more and/or to sign up.
If you have any questions about Watch DOGS, please contact our counselor Tonya Mathews at
PTO Updates and News
Yearbooks are still for sale! Deadline to order a yearbook is 1/27/2023. Once yearbooks sell out, they are gone. We will not place another order of yearbooks. Yearbooks are expected to arrive by the last week of school in May. If we have any yearbooks left after 1/27/2023, they will be listed on our website for sale. Yearbooks can be purchased using the following link:
February’s PTO Meeting
Join us on Friday, February 3 at 9:00 a.m. for our PTO meeting. We will review survey results and begin the decision-making process for our campus enhancement. The meeting will be available in-person in the PTO room or online via Teams.
PTO Campus Enhancement Survey
Stewart PTO needs your input on the campus improvements you would think would most benefit our school community. Before we left for winter break, PTO and Stewart administration met with members of CISD's Planning and Construction Department. We met about an outdoor pavilion, installing turf on the back playground, adding irrigation and sod to the playgrounds, and other possible campus improvements. Unfortunately, turf and irrigation/sod are not possible due to the daily wear on the playground. We would love your feedback on what you think would be most used and valuable for our students and school community. Please fill out the following survey by Wednesday, February 1. Thank you!
Valentines Grams
PTO will be offering Valentine Grams! Valentine Grams will be available for sale February 6-10 online or at lunch (cash only).
Carnation, Mini Swirled Lollipop, and Card: $4
Heart Shaped Swirled Lollipop with Card: $3
Valentine Grams will be delivered to homeroom classrooms on February 14.
We need volunteers to make this a success. If you would like to help with Valentine Grams (sales, prep, and distribution), please sign up here:
Son & Someone Special Bingo
We had a FUN Bingo night with some amazing community support! A huge thank you to:
Steve and Victoria Callander, The Callander Group
Victoria Callander, Montgomery County Jazzercise
Loren David, Magnolia Yard Card
Kelly Albritton Dueñas and Brandi McGaugh Crouch, Premier Martial Arts
Aimee Christiansen, Makeup Junkie Bags
Tessa Galloway Halbrooks with Scentsy
Arron and Heather Martin, Sweetwaters Tea and Coffee
Emil and Anna Hermis with Czechmate Meat Market and Town and Country Pools
Wo Sushi
Crust Pizza
Grab and Go Tacos
Picture This Memories To Go
Thank you all for your continued support of our Stewart Mustangs!
Dudes & Dolls Dance - Friday, February 10
Stewart PTO is excited to present our Dudes & Dolls dance. Girls, grab your dad, uncle, grandpa, or other special person and join us for our Hollywood red carpet event on Friday, February 10. Tickets are $20 per family in advance and $25 cash at the door. Watch for the flyer coming home in Tuesday folders for more information.
Conroe ISD YOUniversity
Moving on to Peet......
See below information on upcoming events that will help them get ready.
February 22nd Peet JH counselors will present course selection options to 6th graders during their specials time.
February 22nd Peet will host an Electives Night from 6-7:30pm.
May 18th students will have the opportunity to get their UIL required physicals at Peet. They will be taken to Peet on the bus.
Look more more information to come.
Safety- We want to hear from you.
Stewart Elementary accepts and encourages comments or suggestions regarding safety. We are consistently monitoring our procedures and are open to what you suggest. Additionally, if you see something that concerns you, please take time to make us aware of your observation. You can do this by accessing a form through the QR code below. This QR code will be placed on each entrance door as well. Please access the link to the safety suggestion google form:
If you have any special concerns or comments, please contact our campus safety coordinator, Chelse Rothe. You can email her at
Volunteer in Conroe ISD
Text messages and Emails
Contact information
Karen Scambray
Thank you for the gift!
Upcoming Important Dates * Subject To Change*
3rd - PTO Meeting
6th - 10th PTO Valentines Day Grams Sales
7th - Club Pictures
10th Dudes & Dolls Dance
13th - 17th Random Acts of Kindness Week
14th - Valentines Grams Delivery
15th - Mighty Mustang
16th - Stellar Student
17th & 20th - Student holiday, no school
22nd- 6th Peet JH presentation
22nd- Peet JH Elective Night @ PJH 6-7:30pm
24th - Go Texan Day
6th - 10th Book Fair
7th - 3rd Grade Music Program / Class Open House
10th Last Day for Watch D.O.G.S. Grades 3rd-6th
13th - 17th Spring Break , no school
20th - Inclement Weather Day , no school *TBD
21st - Mighty Mustang
24th Stellar Student
29th - Spring Pictures
31st - Last day for Watch D.O.G.S. grades K-2
4th - 2nd Grade Music Program/ Class Open House
6th - Kinder Graduation Pictures
6th PTO Meeting
7th & 10th Holiday, no school
12th - Mighty Mustang
13th - 3rd & 4th Grade Choir Concert
14th - Stellar Student
11th - K-2 Field Day
12th 3rd-6th Field Day
15th - GT Expo
18th - Awards Day / End of Year Class Party K-2
19th Awards Day / End of Year Class Party 3rd - 6th
24th - Kindergarten Graduation
25th - 6th Grade Clap out/Promotion Ceremony
25th - Last Day of School - Early Release