ESC 18 - Taco Tech Tuesday
Minus the Tacos, Extra Tech!
April 14, 2020
Some of My Personal Favorites!
Many households don't have a printer or if you are like me it seems to always run out of ink. So we have used Kami to streamline the process at home. Using Kami my son can write on a PDF, annotate, illustrate and then save and resubmit without having to ever print the document.
Teachers can aslo utilize Kami to add, edit or illustrate before sending the assignment to students. Thus making the pdf or file truly interactive,
Kami is a leading digital classroom app for Chrome. It allows you to take any existing document, including scanned PDFs, and write, draw, type, annotate, comment, augment, enhance, and otherwise bring it to life – all within your browser. Kami’s intuitive design and collaborative features are specifically designed to improve classroom engagement and interaction – all while making the task of providing and completing classroom assignments effortless. Learn more about Kami and create a free account here.
Remote for Slides
Well with Remote for Slides you can move seamlessly through your slides with just your cell phone in hand. Simply add a Chrome Extension and by using a secure 6 digit code your cell phone can move forward or backward through slides.
Watch the video below and learn how to add the Chrome Extension and utilize your phone as a slides remote.
Here is a great list of examples from presentations, KWL, Biographies, or even research. https://jn.padlet.com/category/211-example-padlets
There are a number of possibilities for the classroom! Learn more about Padlet and get started here.
Presenter View- Q&A Slides
Blended Learning Sessions
ESC 18 Virtual Professional Development Opportunities
ESC 18 is offering virtual professional development opportunities for K-12 educators who are working remotely.
These engaging sessions will provide an opportunity for collaboration and learning as teachers step into their new roles as online instructors in the virtual classroom.
Information and session registration is located in the link below.
Technology Help Desk
Google Educator Level 1 and 2 Certification
Chris Enriquez
Email: cenriquez@esc18.net
Location: 2811 La Force Blvd, Midland, TX 79706, USA
Phone: (432)- 567-3249
Casey Ritchie
Email: critchie@esc18.net
Location: 2811 La Force Boulevard, Midland, TX, USA
Phone: (432)-567-3250