We Are Bremerton!
Bremerton School District community e-newsletter
September 2023
We had a great first day of school!
We had a great first day - and two weeks of school! We look forward to many more weeks of discovery, growth, and achievement in the months ahead!
More than 120 families who shared their first day of school photos with us on Facebook - and we loved EVERY ONE OF THEM!
It is Homecoming Week!
Join us for our first ever Homecoming Fan Fest!
Construction of the Sports Complex at Mountain View Middle School is underway!
As you may have seen, there is lots going on with the school and community sports complex at Mountain View Middle School. We made a lot of progress over the summer. A few noticeable components:
While some of the more visible work will stop during the winter months, construction will continue behind the scenes to keep the project moving forward.
- September: Multi-use field base stone installation
- Late-September / October: Field lighting installation
- October: Football field/track base stone installation
- October/November: Multi-use field elements installation (such as home plate and soccer goal anchors)
- October / November: Concessions building walls constructed
- November / December: Concessions roof framing to be built
September 15 - October 15 is Hispanic Heritage Month!
Hispanic Heritage Month is recognized in the U.S. September 15- October 15. In Bremerton School District, our second largest student group is Hispanic/Latino.
Students from Armin Jahr Elementary were invited to wear clothing representative of their heritage on Sept 15th, the first day of Hispanic Heritage month (see photos below).
Why does it begin mid-month?
September 15 is the recognized independence day for Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Mexico (Mexico's is technically the 16th, but the celebration starts on the 15th with the "Grito de Dolores").
Learn more (and find additional resources) through the Library of Congress's Hispanic Heritage Month Webpage.
Thank you, Bremerton Fire Department!
Back-to-School Bash at the Marvin Williams Center
We were so glad to join community partners offering resources and information at the annual Back- to-School Bash at Marvin Williams Recreation Center in August!
Fun at the Farmers' Market!
We hosted a table and fun activities at the Back-to-School Night at the Bremerton Community Farmers' Market in August. We loved seeing many of our families - and meeting some families that are new to the District who stopped by to say "hi" or to get their questions answered!
September 11: We will never forget
Artwork created by Mountain View Middle School students was on display at the annual 9/11 Memorial ceremony at Evergreen Rotary Park.
Bremertron is back in action!
The Bremerton High School Robotics Team "Bremertron" recently held their first meeting of the year. The team set up an old robot as a demonstration to the students in attendance who were new to the Team.
This fall, the team's focus is fundraising, outreach/recruitment and safety/technical training. After winter break, they will start the process of designing, building and programing a new robot from scratch!
Bremerton School Board Highlights
Dr. Crawford took his Oath of Office administered by ESD Superintendent Aaron Leavell at the Olympic Education Services District, and attended his first official BSD Board meeting on July 13th.
The following policies were updated over the summer:
- Procedure 2161P; Special Education and Related Services for Eligible Students
- Policy 3416; Medication at School
- Policy 4120; School-Support Organizations
- Procedure 4120P; School-Support Organizations
- Policy 6114; Gifts
- Procedure 6114P; Gifts
- 6114F and 6114F1 Acceptance of Donation forms
- Policy 3230; Searches of Students and Student Privacy
- Procedure 3530P; Fundraising Activities Involving Students
At the September 7th meeting, the Board welcomed its two new Student Representatives to the Board, Dillon Lovestedt and Nora Ramstad. They will be sworn in at the upcoming September 21st Board meeting.
Bremerton School Board meetings are in-person and online! All are welcome at Bremerton School Board meetings. Meetings are held in person, and broadcast on Zoom. Interested in participating in a meeting? Access the meeting schedule and learn more at BremertonSchools.org/SchoolBoard.
What's happening at the PAC?
Find out what's happening at the Bremerton High School Performing Arts Center (PAC) at www.BremertonSchools.org/PAC!
Join our team!
The Bremerton School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employee(s) has been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Garth Steedman at 360.473.1031 or the Section 504 Coordinator, Mark Mayfield at 360.473.4702. Mailing address: 134 Marion Avenue North, Bremerton, WA 98312.
Bremerton School District
Email: communications@bremertonschools.org
Website: www.BremertonSchools.org
Location: 134 Marion Avenue North, Bremerton, WA, USA
Phone: 360-473-1000
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