The Weekly Roar
February 24, 2024
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Spelling Bee C-H-A-M-P-I-O-N!
Congratulations to Sakina Shaiq, this year's District Spelling Bee winner! After a few back and forth words between the top 2 spellers, she confidently spelled the word S-H-E-A-V-E-S correctly to take 1st place atop 23 other spellers, taking home a trophy plus a cash prize courtesy of CCEF. Sakina was among the top 24 representatives from all elementary sites and the CCMS.
We are very proud of Lucas, Samantha and Ellie for all the hard work they put forth to prepare for this year's competition. Thank you to their teachers and their family for preparing and encouraging them to do their best. It takes lots of confidence and perseverance to stand up on stage. They were fantastic and definitely phenomenal spellers!
The Culver City Education Foundation also presented trophies and cash prizes to the second-place student of El Rincon and third-place student of Linwood E Howe Elementary School. Congratulations to them for their poise and determination throughout the spelling bee. Dr. Lucas, CCUSD's Superintendent expressed how proud he was for all of their hard work and representing their school during the district's Spelling Bee finals and received a certificate of commendation signed by him. What an amazing night!
Sakina will advance to the Los Angeles County Spelling Bee, which will be held on March 24th and potentially advance to the statewide spelling bee in Sonoma in May. Wishing Sakina all the best at Los Angeles regional competition on March 24th! Go Lions!
With Lion's Pride!
Dr. Becky Godbey, Principal
Ms. Brenda Selva, Assistant Principal
In this newsletter:
- Around the School
- Counselor Corner
- School Meal Information
- Community & After-School Opportunities
- Our Calendar
Our school website https://laballona.ccusd.org/
Our PTA website https://laballonapta.org/
Our facebook: https://www.facebook.com/laballonaelementary
Twitter https://twitter.com/LaBallona
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/laballonaelementaryschool/
Weekly Principal's Assembly
1. Around the School
Performing Arts Field Trip: El Otro Oz
So many events taking place at La Ballona! Recently some 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade classes had the opportunity for a walking field trip to the Kirk Douglas Theater to see El Otro Oz. A take on The Wizard of Oz. The show will be performed for one weekend, March 2nd and 3rd.
From Center Theater Group LA: "El Otro Oz" THE NEW BILINGUAL MUSICAL FOR KIDS! More information on how to buy tickets below. This is a wonderful family show and bilingual community opportunity.
Click your heels together tres veces and take a transformative journey with this salsa, merengue, and Mexican folk-infused musical inspired by The Wizard of Oz. As her fifteenth birthday approaches, Dora, a contemporary Latiné teenager, struggles with her family’s ideas about tradition and dreads her impending quinceañera! But, when Dora gets swept away to a strange new land, she learns how to celebrate her unique rhythm and embrace her cultural identity.
Sra. Gonzalez' 5th grade class at Kirk Douglas Theater-Picture shown
Health Corner!
Dear CCUSD Community,
We hold the safety and health of our staff, families, and students as our greatest priority. As COVID guidelines continue to evolve, Culver City Unified School District (CCUSD) will continue to follow the requirements and promote recommendations for public schools as set by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LACDPH).
Please see below for recently updated guidelines for staff and students with COVID-19:
Isolation (Stay Home):
Testing is required immediately when ill with COVID-like symptoms.
Staff and students who test positive for COVID-19 must stay home if symptomatic. Isolation can end when:
They have not had a fever for 24 hours without taking fever-reducing medication AND
Other symptoms are not present or are mild and improving
Staff and students with COVID-19 who do not have symptoms are not required to isolate as long as they wear a well-fitting, high-quality mask in all settings when around others, for 10 days after first testing positive.
Wear a Mask:
All people with a COVID-19 infection must wear a mask for 10 days from symptom onset or positive test date regardless of whether they have symptoms.
Students may stop wearing a mask before 10 days if they have two negative tests at least 24 hours apart.
Close contacts:
Close contacts should be informed of possible exposure, so that they are aware and can take appropriate next steps to protect themselves and others. It is recommended that close contacts test for COVID-19 three to five days after their last day of exposure. If they have symptoms, they should test right away.
CCUSD provides COVID tests for students and staff to take home that are available for pickup in your school's front office/health office. Please report any positive cases to your school so we can accurately monitor for any outbreaks and report to the Health Department as needed.
Click here for updated recommendations from the L.A. County Department of Public Health. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to your school’s Health Office.
The CCUSD School Nurses
Sandy Aguila, RN / Priscilla Guzman, RN / Robin Rafael, RN / Amy Thiel, RN
Leo's Book Club
FEBRUARY-Yasmin the Friend/ Yasmin la amiga by Saadia Faruqi
Story Read Aloud (English & Spanish)
Yasmin knows exactly what she wants to play when her friends come over. But it turns out her friends have their own ideas. Could a creative compromise make everyone happy?
Selected Resources:
Guiding Questions:
When you and your friends want to play different games, how do you decide which to play? Cuando tú y tus amigos queréis jugar juegos diferentes, ¿cómo decides cuál jugar?
What have you learned about Yasmin’s culture? How is this similar to or different from what your family does?¿Qué has aprendido sobre la cultura de Yasmin? ¿En qué se parece o se diferencia esto de lo que hace su familia?
Look at the illustrations, draw students’ attention to the clothes her and her friends wear. Ask for volunteers who may know what a sari or kameez is. If no one does, explain that a sari is a long, loose dress, usually made of silk. A kameez is a long, loose-fitting shirt worn by both men and women. Both styles originated in the Indian subcontinent and
the middle east. If time permits, explain that the shalwar kameez consists of a long shirt (kameez) and baggy pants (shalwar). It is the national dress of Pakistan! Guide students to consider that their “normal” school clothes may not be considered “normal” in another country. Use this to jump into a thoughtful discussion about how “normal” or “other” is relative to what we are used to. —-Mira las ilustraciones y dirige la atención de los estudiantes sobre la ropa que usan ella y sus amigas. Pida voluntarios que puedan saber qué es un sari o kameez. Si nadie lo hace, explíquele que un sari es un vestido largo y suelto, generalmente hecho de seda. Un kameez es una camisa larga y holgada que usan tanto hombres como mujeres. Ambos estilos se originaron en el subcontinente indio y el medio Oriente. Si el tiempo lo permite, explique que el shalwar kameez consiste de una camisa larga (kameez) y pantalones holgados (shalwar). ¡Es el traje nacional de Pakistán! Guíe a los estudiantes para que consideren que su ropa escolar “normal” puede considerarse no “normal” en otro país. Utilice esto para iniciar una discusión reflexiva sobre qué tan "normal" u "otro" es en relación con lo que estamos acostumbrados.
Additional Book: The Sandwich Swap by Queen Rania of Jordan Al Abdullah
Incoming TK and Kindergarten Information & Tours at La Ballona
Join us for our final week of the TK/Kindergarten informational session and Campus Tour!
Dual Immersion Program!
Join us on February 29th at 9:00 am for the next discussion on the Spanish Dual Immersion program for incoming Kindergarten students. At the meeting, you'll learn more about the program, how to support and prepare your child in the dual classroom and discuss with other parents and/or educators about the program. The discussion will be led by our wonderful TLP (Teaching Learning Partner) Sandra Haro. Come prepare to ask lots of questions!
Black History Month!
February's Black History Month, at La Ballona, continues to bring opportunities for students and staff to affirm and celebrate our diverse community with engaging and inclusive events. As we reach the pinnacle of our celebrations, we cordially invite you to the Black History Month Student Performance Assembly on February 29th at 2:30 pm. We will spotlight the national theme for Black History Month 2024 and focus on celebrating African Americans and the Arts.
Each grade-level has been working hard preparing a wonderful presentation for our families to enjoy as we recognize and celebrate the contributions and achievements made by extraordinary and visionary African Americans.
School Site Council Meeting
We have an SSC meeting on Tuesday, February 27th from 2:00-4:00pm in 17A.
TK-2nd Grade Vocal Music Notes from Ms. Gallagher (Ms. G)!
Happy February! We have been having so much fun singing
all of our songs in our vocal music class. Since the start of 2024
we have been singing lots of new music and learning new
things. Your child recently received an “Ask Me” handout with
songs they can sing at home – complete with QR codes and
links to sing along! Here’s a taste:
If your student is in TK or Kindergarten, please ask them to
sing our echo song “Up Above My Head” and their hello
song in Swahili, “Jambo”. We have been learning about
Trombone Shorty by reading a book about him, which is
linked here, read aloud by Angela Basset. They can also
do a dance to one of his songs, called “Hurricane
Season”. Be sure to also ask them to tell the story about
“Grandma’s Glasses” which is included on the same "Ask
Me" sheet. You can also listen to our story “Jenny Jenkins”.
Have fun!
If your student is in 1st grade, ask them to sing "Johnny Works with One
Hammer”. You can also ask them to perform "Up Above My Head," which was
included on the "Ask Me" sheet that was sent home this month. What else can
be above your head in the song? Feel free to make up your own verse! We also
listened to the story “Jenny Jenkins”. Listen along and enjoy! Students have
been learning about Stevie Wonder. Feel free to try out the dance to his song,
If your student is in 2nd grade, ask them to sing our echo
song “Purple Light”, which was included on the "Ask Me"
sheet. And ask them to sing their hello song in Swahili,
“Jambo”. We also learned a fun partner dance called
“Sasha”! Find a partner to teach this to and have fun! This
month we are learning about musical canons by singing
the French song, “Frere Jacques”.
If you have any questions about the vocal music program, feel free to reach
out directly to Ms. Gallagher (Ms. G) at: kimberlygallagher@ccusd.org
I hope you are having fun listening to your students' wonderful singing voices!
PIQE: Parent Engagement Classes Begin on Tuesday, February 27th!
The Culver City Adult School is offering, funding, and sponsoring an 8-week Family Engagement Workshop for families. We encourage our Spanish speaking families to register. These classes would be completely free for families, offered at La Ballona, and include free childcare. The CC Adult School and PIQE (Parent Institute for Quality Education) are facilitating the courses.
Topics covered include:
-Building student's positive self-esteem
-Navigating the school system
-Preparing a college-going plan
-Expanding your digital skills for today's online world
-Gaining new family resources and academic supports and more
There are two workshop strands, both begin February 27th.
The first includes courses taught in Spanish and meets Tuesdays 9:00-10:15 am (with optional English Support class on Friday 9:00-10:15 with an adult school teacher).
The second includes courses taught in English and meets Tuesdays 6:00-7:15 pm. Link to register is here: https://bit.ly/3UChntM
2. Counselor's Corner
The CCUSD elementary school counseling team is collaborating to deliver a parent education workshop on Growth Mindset and Building Resiliency on Wednesday, February 28th at 6:30 pm. The English and Japanese Zoom link is http://tinyurl.com/EngResilience Meeting ID: 816 0537 0995 Passcode: 009328
The Spanish Zoom link is http://tinyurl.com/SpanResilience Meeting ID: 872 7690 8519 Passcode: LBC
Counselor Serrano will be delivering the Spanish workshop. Attached is the flyer.
This is the link.
3. School Meal Information
4. 5th Grade Information
5th Grade Parent Night
Thursday, February 29th, 5:00- 7:00 pm in the CCMS Back Gym
5:00- 5:45- school tours & gallery walk of departments & electives
5:45- 7:00- presentation by principals & counselors, followed by Q & A
Parents & students are welcome to attend
CCMS School Tours for Incoming Parents
CCMS will be hosting School Tours for incoming and brand new families to CCUSD on the following Wednesdays from 4:00- 5:00 pm:
Wednesday, March 13, 2024 4:00 pm
Wednesday, April 24, 2024 4:00 pm
Wednesday, May 22, 2024 4:00 pm
EACH person (not family) attending must sign up for a spot on a tour. We are limited to 100 spots per tour date. Tours will begin and end by the CCMS front office. Adult participants must bring valid ID.
The school tours will include a 30 minute presentation and 30 minute walking tour which will be about 1 hour total. Spanish translation will be available.
You will receive a reminder email the day before your tour**
For questions, please contact Ms. Karla at karlaavalos@ccusd.org.
Link to post on the CCMS website: https://ccms.ccusd.org/apps/news/article/1869313
5. Community & AfterSchool Opportunities
Here Comes the District Chinese Dragon!
Students throughout all five CCUSD elementary schools decorated scales used to build an enormous Chinese dragon for Lunar New Year, 2024, Year of the Dragon! It has been traveling throughout our schools. Please join us on Friday, March 1st as the Chinese dragon, parades the campus of La Ballona as part of our Family Friday event! In addition to the parade, join us for a mixer with officers from CCPD. Come listen and cheer on our 1st graders as they lead us on our school song!
No Coffee with the Principal or Tea with the Counselor for March.
Family Engagement Meeting
Please join us on Wednesday, February 28th at 5pm for a Family Engagement Meeting with our new CCUSD Superintendent, Dr. Brian Lucas and Interim Superintendent, Dr. Maria Martinez-Poulin. The meeting's focus is the Facilities Master Plan and Measure E.
PTA Honorary Service Awards!
Is there an extraordinary person or organization that you'd like to thank for their contribution to La Ballona Elementary? The California State PTA Honorary Service Award is a great way to say thank you for their service to our children and community.
¿Hay alguna persona u organización extraordinaria a la que le gustaría agradecer su contribución a la escuela primaria La Ballona? El Premio de Servicio Honorario de la PTA del Estado de California es una excelente manera de agradecer su servicio a nuestros niños y a la comunidad.
Community members, please nominate our La Ballona superstars for PTA Honorary Services Awards by March 15th. Survey Link
Congratulations to 33rd District PTA Reflections Art Contest winner Lucas Vila!
We're thrilled to announce the outstanding achievement of Lucas Vila, a talented 5th grader, who emerged victorious in both the CCUSD and PTA 33rd District levels of the Reflections Art Contest!
Lucas will proudly accept his award at a ceremony in Palos Verdes on March 2nd, marking a momentous occasion in his artistic journey.
His exceptional music composition will advance to compete at the State level, showcasing his remarkable talent and dedication to the arts.
Let's all join in congratulating Lucas on this well-deserved recognition, and wish him continued success as he continues to inspire through his creativity and passion.
(This slide has a link to his performance video.)
La Ballona PTA endorses Measure E
During our Special PTA meeting on 2/7/24, the PTA voted unanimously to endorse Measure E. Thank you to all the members who joined us to vote!
Photos needed for our school yearbook!
Do you have great photos taken on campus or on a field trip? Did you take photos at one of our after-school events, grade level playdate, or a school-related community event? The yearbook is looking for a variety of photos of our students. Please choose a few favorites from each event, email them to laballonayearbook@gmail.com and let us know who is in the photo and where it takes place. Thank you!
PTA Volunteers Needed!
After school Enrichment: Volunteers are also needed for our afterschool programming, including breakdancing, science lab, tennis, lego building and many more! Any parents interested in Robotics? (Clearance needed). Teen volunteers can receive volunteer or community service credit. Contact: laballonaenrichment@gmail.com
Black History Month Student Performance - February 29th- 2:30-315pm, Ms. Serrano and Ms. Bannerman are looking for 4-6 parent volunteers
Dragon and Lion dance for Lunar New Year - March 1st-7:30-930am, 6-8 parents needed to assemble/disassemble a 50-person long art piece designed by CCUSD students. Contact: LBDEICommittee@gmail.com
PTA Board Information Meeting
Join the 2024-25 PTA Board and make a difference in our school community! We need your talents and voice to help our students and school thrive! We’d love to talk with you more about the many roles and ways to be involved - with different levels of time commitment and involvement. Join us next Tuesday, February 27th at drop off for coffee in front of the school, or at The Cozy Inn next Wednesday, February 28th from 6-9pm to chat with current members and learn more! We hope to see you there!
Walk & Roll to School
Join us on Wednesday, March 6th for our next Walk & Roll event at La Ballona. What a great opportunity to take the 3 block challenge and enjoy some fresh air as you walk & roll to school! Don't forget your key chains.
Be Committed-Get Admitted!
Hear from college admissions expert, speaker, and author of 'Be Committed. Get Admitted!', Dr. Cynthia Colón, a 1st gen, Latina, and daughter of an immigrant mother who is on a mission to close the education gap by first closing the information gap for Latino/Hispanic students and families. Students and parents are encouraged to be a part of this important conversation and come away informed, and empowered with resources geared towards supporting Hispanic and Latino/a families navigate this process. Dr. Colón is a TedX Speaker who has been featured in Latina Style as well as a frequent guest on KTLA, ABC, NBC, and FOX5 networks for her extensive expertise in the field of college admissions and working with many students and families who come from similar backgrounds. ALL CCUSD students and families are welcome and encouraged to attend.
***The first 40 families to register, request a book, -AND- attend in-person will receive a free copy of the book, and there will be additional books available for purchase the night of the event. Dinner will be provided.
DATE: Thursday, March 14, 2024
LOCATION: Multipurpose Room of Culver City Middle School
6:00 pm - 6:30 pm - Dinner is served, book signing of 'Be Committed, Get Admitted!'
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm - Presentation by Dr. Cynthia Colón
7:30 pm - 8:00 pm - Q&A
To register: http://tinyurl.com/mpfnv34c
This event is sponsored by Culver City Council PTA (CCCPTA) and is organized by the following volunteers:
* Gina Polesetsky, DEI VP of - CCCPTA & Parent - CCMS
* Candice Mackey, Parent - La Ballona
* Evan Smith, Parliamentarian - CCCPTA & Parent - CCMS & CCHS
* Monika Okker, Treasurer - CCCPTA & Parent - CCHS
* Sara Pirooz, Parent - Farragut
* Funmi Showole, Parent - El Rincon & OCD
For questions, please reach out to Gina Polesetsky: gina.polesetsky@gmail.com
2024 Lions Pride Run
The La Ballona PTA is excited to announce that our annual Lions’ Pride Fundraiser will take place on Thursday, March 14, 2024!
This year’s event will be a JOG-A-THON held during the day’s PE classes.
Students are encouraged to skip, hop, jog and trot with their classmates for up to thirty minutes. We’ll have a ROARING good time running as much as we can and raising money for our school!
Classrooms can earn incentive prizes for collecting donations:
- Classrooms who achieve 100% participation (meaning every student has collected at least one donation) will earn a pajama day
- The classroom that raises the most number of donations will win a popcorn party
- The classroom that raises the highest dollar amount in donations will win a pizza party
Use the link below to view your personal fundraising page and upload a photo if you’d like. You can then share your page with your family and friends to ask for their support.
Donations can be made as a flat donation OR for each minute your student runs (up to 30 minutes). Our school depends on donations from our community to provide programs for students and much-needed resources for our school. Any and all donations are greatly appreciated! The Lions’ Pride Jog-a-Thon is organized entirely by volunteers, so every dollar we raise supports La Ballona students.
For more information, visit https://laballonapta.org/lions-pride or email us at info@laballonapta.org. To make a donation, visit https://app.99pledges.com/fund/lionspride24 today!
Culver City's Screenland 5K!
Show your Culver Pride in the Screenland 5K and win a special movie night for your school and other awards and prizes! Be the largest, most creatively costumed, best movie-themed, and greatest pride and spirit team! Your classmates and families will together follow the yellow brick road into motion picture magic at 9 a.m. on Oscar Sunday, March 10 at Ivy Station (8840 National Blvd. in Culver City), and enjoy movie and TV-themed experiences along your journey.
Sign up at www.Screenland5K.com and save 30% by entering the code STUDENT. Make sure you select a school team because revenue from every student, school employee, and family member will support the Culver City Council PTA!
5. Our Calendar
This Week at La Ballona
All new events, will be in italics
Monday, February 26
- Before/After-school Tutoring
Tuesday, February 27
- Before/After-school Tutoring
- PIQE: Family Engagement class, 9:00-10:15am (Spanish)
- School Site Council meeting, 2:00-4:00pm
- Disney Musical Rehearsal 3:30-5:00pm
- CCUSD School Board meeting, 6pm
- PIQE: Family Engagement class, 6:00-7:15pm (English)
Wednesday, February 28
- Dental Screening
- School Dismissal, 1:45pm
- Family Engagement Meeting w/Dr. Lucas, 5pm
- Growth Mindset and Building Resiliency: Parent Workshop, 6:30pm
- PTA 202-2025 Board Information meeting, 6pm
Thursday, February 29
- Choir
- Before/After-school Tutoring
- Dual Immersion Information Session, 9am (English)
- TK/Kindergarten Information & Tour in English, 10am
- Black History Student Performance Assembly, 2:30-3:15pm
- Disney Musical Rehearsal 3:30-5:00pm
- 5th Grade Parent Night at CCMS, 5pm
Friday, March 1
- End of the 2nd Trimester
- Before/After-school Tutoring
- Family Friday, 8:35am
- Lunar Year Chinese Dragon Parade
- Mixer with CCPD after school-wide assembly
Upcoming Dates (New Dates in Bold)
March 6- Walk & Roll to School
March 8-Pupil Free Day-No School
March 14-Joa-a-thon
March 25-April 5- No School Spring Break
April 10-Open House, 5:30pm
April 13- Math Olympiad Tournament
La Ballona Elementary School
Culver City, CA 90232
Email: rosyreyes@ccusd.org
Website: www.laballona.ccusd.org
Location: La Ballona Elementary School, Washington Boulevard, Culver City, CA, USA
Phone: 3108424334
Facebook: facebook.com/laballonaelementary
Twitter: @LaBallona