Instructional Minute
December 20, 2022

Workshop Model: A Review Before Break
- A Thank You to YOU!
- Workshop Model: The 3 Components Addressed to Date
- Workshop Model: What's next?
- Where to find the standards?
- Linking the Workshop Model to a learning target
Thank You!
At the beginning of the school year, the instructional team started to break down the Workshop Model for the District. The goal was to provide tangible, explicit examples to support each of you to implement 3 of the 5 Workshop Model components in your classroom.
With over 700 classroom visits and counting, an increase in teacher implementation of the Do Now, Direct Instruction (I do, We do), and Learning Targets has been observed. Thank you for your commitment to improving the learning outcomes for all of our students!
Workshop Model: The 3 Components Addressed to Date
Workshop Model: What's Next?
There are five components of the Workshop Model. We have shared the tools and resources to implement the first three. In the upcoming weeks we will be breaking down Work time (Independent practice, small group, and collaborative learning) and intentional debriefing (closing) of a lesson, and how formative assessment is integrated into each components.
🧰 Adding to Your Teaching Toolbox: What We Teach (CCSS)
Finding your Standards in your Curriculum
In the graphic below you will find the location of your learning target(s)* within your District Adopted Materials for:
- ELA: Heggerty, UFLI, Journeys and Collections
- Math: GoMath (myHRW/AGA)
- Science: Amplify (K-8), Houghton Mifflin, SAVVAS, Oxford, Biozone, etc.
- Social Studies: McGraw Hill (6-12)
- Visual & Performing Arts and Physical Education
Linking the Workshop Model to a Learning Target
Teacher should identify the learning target(s) at each stage of the Workshop Model in student friendly language (i.e. “I can” statements) so that students know how it connects to the learning progression, connection prior learning and extension to future skills and learning. All activities support student learning as they relate to the learning target(s). See graphic below for a detailed flowchart.
📸 Share pictures of your class during the Workshop Model
- We would love to feature them in the Instructional Minute.
- Email them to: michelle.lake@lansingschools.net
- In addition to the photo, please be sure include your name, school and grade level.
- You can find all of the Instructional Minute Newsletters in one place on the Lansing School District Website with descriptions by week.
- Here is a PDF and fillable PDF of the Workshop Model Lesson Framework for your use.
- Fill out this form to request instructional support around district initiatives, feedback, and specific classroom/school needs.