Nixon School - Family Check In
December 22, 2023
Upcoming Dates:
December 25 - January 1 - School Closed / Winter Break
January 2 - School ReOpens
January 9 - NES PTA Meeting @ 7 PM
January 10 - RoxBuddies and Early Act Clubs after school
January 15 - School Closed for Students / PD Day for Staff
- NES PTA Aspen Ice Fundraiser
December's Monthly Themes:
Portrait of a Graduate Theme: Emotional Intelligence
SEL Theme: Self Efficacy
Inclusive Celebration Theme: Family
Sustainability: Storm Water (Winter)
Ask your student to consider joining me on Morning Annoucements to offer a Public Service Announcement regarding this month's sustainability theme! Sign up here.
Holiday Smiles!
Check Out Dr. Santora's Winter Newsletter!
Nixon School Winter Parade - A Showcase of Creativity!
Fourth Grade Winter Concert for Staff & Students... Great Job, Fourth Graders!
Early Act Delivers Smiles!
Thank You to Early Act for Sharing Holiday Cards and Our Candy Donations with the Roxbury Police Department and Roxbury Fire and First Aid Company 2! And thank you to everyone who donated to this cause, as well as the Teddy Bear Collection!
School Threat Assessment Teams
Please utilize this link to access resources (i.e. district policy 2419) that can help you to increase familiarity with Behavioral Threat Assessments and what you as a parent/guardian need to know about this important topic.
Happy Holiday's from Special Services!
Looking for: Gently Used & Clean Sweatpants and Leggings
As many of you are aware, accidents happen :). In turn, our Health Office needs to be equipped with clothing to provide children in an event that they experinece an accident of any kind. If you have gently used & clean sweatpants or leggings that your child has outgrown and you would be willing to donate them to the Health Office, please send them into school with your child and direct them to drop them off to Ms. Warden on their way in during morning arrival. Thank you in advance for any items that you are able to donate!
Sustainable Jersey - PSA Submission for NES Students!
All it takes is a student, possibly along with their family, working together to complete and submit this form with a suggested, BRIEF Public Service Announement focused on one of our Sustainability themes. Suggested PSA's will be considered and then potentially scheduled to take place during the respective month.
We look forward to our students being stewards of our community's sustainability efforts.
Know Someone at NES Who Has Filled a Bucket?
Fill Out our Bucket Filler Nomination Form and we will recognize that individual (student or staff member) during Morning Announcements. Click the button below for the nomination form.
Nixon Elementary School
Location: 275 Mt Arlington Blvd, Landing, NJ, USA
Phone: (973) 398-2564