The Dolphin Whistle
WLES Family Newsletter
Sunday, December 10, 2023
Phone: (240) 740-1020 Fax: (301) 601-0392
School Office Hours: 8:45am-4:45pm
Mrs. Lara Fisher, Registrar/Attendance Secretary
Mrs. M. Deneise Hammond, Principal
Feel free to text (240) 753-9472
Ms. Sheia Jennings, Registrar/Attendance Secretary
Mr. David Kim, Assistant School Administrator
Mrs. L. Orinda Nelson, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Padma Radhakrishnan, Administrative Secretary
Wake Up Waters Landing!
Good evening, Waters Landing family,
We raised even more money since my last report...we are at $9738! We have ALMOST reached our goal of $10,000! If we reach it, I will be kissing Leo, our counselor's Bearded Dragon. Every donation, no matter how small, will make a difference for our school community. It's not too late to donate! We can accept donations until Thursday, December 14, 2023 at MYBOOSTER.COM.
Mother Figure Monday and Father Figure Friday are this week. Please remember to sign up to let us know you are coming. Sign up for Mother FIgure Monday here. Sign up for Father Figure Friday here.
We are starting an AmeriCorps Senior Foster Grandparent Program at the Landing, in collaboration with the Jewish Council for Aging. Our first foster grandparent is Judith Tyree, who retired from the Regional Board of Dental Examiners in 2019, after serving there for 20 years. She has one daughter and now she has 720 grandchildren. She will mentor 3 students, and provide social emotional support in their classrooms throughout the day when she is at the Landing. We are very excited to start this mentoring program, which will benefit all of our students in understanding the importance of having relationships and caring for our elderly members of society.
Attention Waters Landing Artists- Are you in 3-5th grade and love to draw? If so, this message is for you. The yearbook committee is looking for this year's yearbook cover. The contest will run until December 15th. If you are interested in creating a drawing for the yearbook cover, check out the slides to get all the information. Can't wait to see your creation!
It's almost time for the winter music concert! Just like last winter, we will have a dress rehearsal assembly on Thursday, December 14th for students, and an evening performance for the community at 6:30pm . Performing groups are Advanced Orchestra, Advanced Band, 4th Grade Chorus, and 5th Grade Chorus. Student performers should arrive at school by 6:00pm.
Friday, December 15, 2023 is our first annual WInter Wonderland Family Formal Dance from 6:30-8:00pm. It is going to be a fun evening. This is an opportunity to dress up, but if you don't have dress-up clothes in your wardrobe, please come as you are. Please see the flyer below for ticket information.
Students will be taking the Winter administration of MAP testing during the month of January. MAP stands for Measures of Academic Progress. The MAP measures your child’s academic progress or growth in reading and math. All students in K-5 take the MAP-P or MAP-M for math, but only students in Grades 3=5 take the MAP-R for reading. Students in Grades K-2 take a different assessment, DIBELS, to measure reading progress.This testing keeps us informed on the progress of your child in basic skill areas. MAP tests are adaptive, which means that the difficulty of each question is based on how well the student has answered the questions up to that point. As the student answers correctly, the questions become more difficult. If the students answers incorrectly, the questions become easier. Scores ultimately depend on two things: how many questions are answered correctly and the difficulty of each question. Test results are visible under the documents tab in Synergy shortly after testing.
Waters Landing Elementary School is part of the No Place for Hate initiative, which teachers students to respect everyone's differences. We are getting ready to identify some students to be No Place for Hate Rangers, but we want to hear from parents. During the month of January there will be focus groups of 10 or less parents, as well as individual meeting times offered to meet with Principal Hammond to share your thoughts and ideas
December is spirit month at the Landing! We are showing spirit throughout the month of December as we countdown to Winter Break. Your student is welcome to join in the fun!
Have a wonderful week.
With Dolphin pride,
Mrs. Hammond, Principal
Mrs. Nelson, Assistant Principal
Mr. Kim, Assistant School Administrator
A Message from the Health Room
December is Spirit Month at the Landing! Join in the fun!
Community Partners
If you know of any organization who would like to partner with us, please let us know.