M 'n M
August 27, 2021
From the Desk of Mrs. Boytim, SMS Principal
It is such a pleasure having all of our students in our building this year. We appreciate their positive attitudes and attempts to work hard, show expected behaviors, smile and work together every day.
The week ended with many students showing school spirit, wearing green and white! We also celebrated our Vikings team on Friday, as they are the PBIS Behavior Award winners of the week, showing the best PRIDE and positive behavior this week! Great job to our 6th grade team!
We hope all enjoy the weekend and we look forward to seeing our students Monday.
Mrs. Boytim
SMS Fall Sports Update
Cross Country:
Congratulations to the Boys and Girls Cross Country team. They ran their first meet on Monday in the grueling 90 degree heat. The boys finished 2nd out of 14 teams and the girls finished 3rd out of 14 teams. The hard work pays off!
Volleyball 7th Grade GREEN: The 7th grade Green Lady Mustangs started off their season with two thrilling 3 set victories against Brunswick and Highland Middle Schools. Our great serving and communication were key factors in the victories this week. They are off to a great start. Keep up the hard work ladies!
SMS Sports Picture Day
Student Shout Outs of the Week
Announcements & Reminders
Behavior Notifications
This system was created to help support students in learning expected behavior and create a consistent system for progressive discipline. It is our hope, through a supportive system of feedback and consistency, that we prevent students from getting to a level of discipline and they can learn from their behavior.
Major behaviors that violate our Student Code of Conduct will be handled immediately by administration and parents will be notified.
Thank you for supporting this process.
Art Picture Collage!
Art class getting to know you project while learning about art supplies and using different materials! Then they turned the project into a photo frame!
Please join the SMS PTA. This year we will be accepting memberships through our online store only. The link is https://strongsvillems.memberhub.com/store.
Our meetings will be held the first Tuesday of every month at 9:30am at the middle school.
The 2021-2022 SMS Board Members:
Haley LaBahn - President
Krista Searles - Vice President
Jessica Boytim - 2nd Vice President
Lillian Longley - Treasurer
Marina Maenza - Recording Secretary
Amanda Warvel - Corresponding Secretary
Cinnamon Cifani - Council Delegate I
Jackie Saggio - Council Delegate II
Lesley Placeway - Council Delegate Alternate
PTA Meeting Dates
2021-2022 SMS PTA Calendar
Meetings - First Tuesday of every month
September 7 – 9:30 AM SMS
October 5 – 9:30 AM SMS
November 2 – 6:30PM TBD
December 7 – 9:30 AM SMS
January 4 – 9:30 AM SMS
February 1 – 6:30 PM TBD
March 1 – 9:30 SMS
April 5 – 9:30 AM SMS
Drop Off and Pick Up
- Please be sure to drop off and vacate the parking lot as soon as you can as we utilize morning spaces for staff parking as well.
- Please be sure to move your car as far forward as possible along the curb lane prior ot letting your student out at arrival. This helps not block the entrance and pushes traffic off of Pearl road.
Thank you for making our parking lot situation manageable.
SIMB Annual Mattress Sale
Strongsville Instrumental Music Boosters Annual Mattress Sale at the high school this weekend. This fundraiser benefits both the band & orchestra programs 5th gr thru 12th grade. Faculty & Staff also get 10% off.
Stay Safe, Speak Up student hotline
Strongsville's Stay Safe, Speak Up student hotline is located on the district website. It is located on the main page on the top green bar. Students who believe they have been harassed, bullied, victimized by fellow students, or have other concerns which may jeopardize the safety of students, employees, or school facilities, are asked to Speak Up! and promptly report the issue using our District’s student/parent hotline – accessible both online and by telephone.
The “Back to School” online Mustangs Team Shop is open now through Sunday, August 29.
Shop for lots of great Strongsville gear, including personalized items! Visit https://mustangsteamshop-fl21.itemorder.com/ for the complete selection of items.
A portion of sales will be donated back to Strongsville City Schools.
Mustangs Lacrosse - FREE Skills Clinics
It’s that time of year again! Time for free lacrosse Fall skills clinics. These are for current players as well as kids who want to try out lacrosse as a new sport.
We are also looking for donations of old equipment for new players to try the sport. Please contact us if you have some to borrow or spare.
SMS School Hours
School Day Starts: 7:55 a.m.
School Day Ends: 3:00p.m.
Office Closes: 3:30p.m.
Follow Mrs. Boytim and School News @MrsBoytim and @TheSMSMustangs on Twitter!
Strongsville Middle School
Mrs. Boytim: jboytim@scsmustangs.org
Mrs. Peters: jpeters@scsmustangs.org
Mrs. Bailey: jbailey@scsmustangs.org
Mrs. Ray (6): eray@scsmustangs.org
Mrs. Gerber (7): kgerber@scsmustangs.org
Mrs. Pietrocini (8): spietrocini@scsmustangs.org
Website: https://www.strongnet.org/Domain/411
Location: 13200 Pearl Road, Strongsville, OH, USA
Phone: 440-572-7090
Twitter: @mrsboytim