The Royal Scroll - November
October 2nd, 2023

Aronimink Elementary School
Veteran's Day Hero Wall
Aronimink's Student Council created a HERO Wall for Veterans Day. Students and staff were invited to send in drawings or photos of friends or family members who served in the military. A few staff members and students posed with their contributions. Aronimink is privileged to recognize members of our community who served.
Fourth Grade News
In Math, students are finishing up Topic 4 Multiplication. Students are using their knowledge of place value to multiply one digit by multi digit numbers into the thousands place. Partial products is one method for students to solve these and more complicated multiplication problems like multiplying 2 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers. Students are getting ready to move into Topic 5 Division! They will use place value and partial products knowledge to solve division equations. Partial quotients here we come! In ELA, fourth grade just finished module 2 Come to Your Senses. Students are focused on reading nonfiction as well as literature in this module. Students have been busy identifying text and graphic features, text structure, plot elements (setting, conflict, rising action, climax, falling action) as well as not only identifying figurative language, but explaining what it means.
Grammar skills students have learned in this module include run-on sentences, fragments, capitalization rules for documents, countries and nationalities. Finally, students are identifying not only action verbs but linking and helping verbs. In Science, we are continuing our investigation into energy. Students have used a battery and a wire to make a bulb light. Students also used wires and a battery to make a motor turn. Then they added a light bulb and things did not work as they predicted. We are now creating a module of a wind turbine and measuring the amps our turbines produce. Students will modify their wind turbines to see if their turbine can create 2 volts of
energy. Students will continue learning about renewable and nonrenewable energy resources, as well as the positive and negative impacts they may have.
Beverly Hills Middle School
Bywood Elementary School
Earlier this month, Mrs. Lewis and her students celebrated Mrs. Meehan on principal day!
Mr. Hynd's class had a great time on their trip to John Heinz Park.
Students in Mrs. Lewis's class have been having fun practicing lighting up light bulbs.
They felt very successful when they were able to do it!
Mr. Hynd's students practicing fluency during our Drop Everything and Read Time!
This is an initiative that Mrs. Meehan has the whole school practicing to increase our fluency.
Charles Kelly Elementary School
5th Grade Student Council Elections
Election Speeches
Everyone was very excited as 5th graders at Charles Kelly Elementary presented speeches for the 2023-2024 Student Council. The 4th and 5th grade classes listened and took notes on the potential candidates.
Drexel Hill Middle School
Check out some of the things happening behind the scenes at DHMS!
Garrettford Elementary School
"Caught Being Kind" Initiative Features Amazing Student Behavior
Anthony (Tony) Bell, a 5th grade student in Mr. Donahue's class, was inspired by our school-wide initiative of "Caught Being Kind." He came up with a brilliant idea in which he proposed to Ms. Mantzaridis. "I want to start a kindness club to help teach kids how to be kind. I want to meet with students once a week for 20 minutes and have some of my buddies help me. The point of this club is to keep spreading kindness throughout our school." Tony brought his proposal and scheduled a meeting with the assistant principal via e-mail to discuss his plan. He brought raffle tickets to include with our "Caught Being Kind" rewards program, and even a large bag of stuffed animals for students to earn as rewards for being kind. Tony's efforts will go a long way in bringing positive vibes to Garrettford.
Which one is Mrs. Cunningham?
Which one is Ms. Chrisidis?
Which one is Mr. Carey?
Highland Park Elementary School
First-grade students learned about different types of lines and then decorated Pattern Pumpkins using those lines!
They are currently painting them and learning how to take care of their paintbrush.
Second graders learned the difference between warm and cool colors.
They created their own warm and cool colored fall leaves!
Third grade students learned about the famous artist, Kandinsky and his abstract color study.
They are working on painting their own color studies before adding a tree silhouette.
Fourth grade students learned about the difference between implied texture and real texture. They created implied texture leaf backgrounds.
They are currently working on creating black and white patterned leaves to glue on top of the colorful background.
Fifth Grade!
Students learned about the traditions of the holiday Dia De Los Muertos.
They designed their own versions of Sugar Skulls, Marigold flowers, and/or Monarch butterflies.
Theatre Arts
Mrs. Cleary started teaching the music to Finding Nemo.
Theater Arts Club members are practicing songs for their upcoming auditions.
Fall Festival
Hillcrest Elementary School
PBIS Assembly
We had our PBIS assembly this month. Students had an opportunity to wrap their teachers in a streamer race! Two students from each grade were able to wrap a teacher from their grade in streamers! Students in the assembly were able to vote on who they thought was wrapped up the most. It was a blast!
McTeacher Night Recap!
THANK YOU to the staff and families that came out to support Reading and Literacy at Hillcrest at our McTeacher Night! We had a blast getting to talk to everyone and seeing all the friendly faces.
Kindergarten Center
Unity Day
October was National Bullying Prevention Month. Throughout October, teachers and staff explicitly taught our students about kindness, acceptance, and inclusion. Students wore orange as a visible message that no child should ever experience bullying.
Red Ribbon Week
Wear Red To Show You Love Yourself
Wear a Hat and Be Kind to Your Mind
Team Up With Your Classmates and Wear Your Favorite Sports Team
Primos Elementary School
Royals Spirit Day!
Stonehurst Hills Elementary School
PBIS Rewards and Incentives
Students have been working hard following the 3 B's!
* Be Safe * Be Respectful * Be Responsible *
These students have been earning Royals Cash to spend at the school store.
Recently, a student earned enough Royals Cash to toilet paper Mr. Chisholm's office!
News from the Art Room
In Art, we have been learning about the Elements of Art!
Line, Color, Shape, Form, Value, Texture, Space
These are the building blocks of visual art and discussed how these elements are involved in the artwork that we create. 1st and 2nd grade learned about 3 of the 7 elements of art including Line, Shape, and Color.
3rd, 4th and 5th learned all 7 elements, Line, Shape, Color, Form, Value, Texture, and Space. When you draw, you start with the element of Line connecting lines together to create the element of Shape. When you paint or color with crayons, you add the element of Color. As you progress through the 3 basic elements you get into more detail by adding:
3D shapes for the element of Form
Shading and light with the element of Value
Details to the look/feel of a surface with the element of texture
Establishing foreground, middleground and background with the element of Space
Everyone got to learn how to see the elements of art in everyday life and how art is in more places than we might think! So many things around us have been designed and influenced by an artist in some way and we learned that art is EVERYWHERE!
Rewards Week
Once again, rewards week was a success!
Students who earned enough points were allowed to participate in various fun stations!
Westbrook Park Elementary
A Note from Ms. Ashworth
We celebrated Red Ribbon Week with the theme Be Kind to Your Mind! We had a fun week of spirit days and my lessons were focused on healthy and safe choices where we did some drawing, singing and bingo that all discussed what is healthy and safe. Students rocked the spirit days to celebrate as well! We kicked off the Golden Spatula and so far have had two successful weeks. Classes are excited to earn and be recognized for showing our cafeteria golden spatula expectations and earning a reward. You can see golden spatulas hung outside of our winners classrooms! We are continuing to focus on our 3 B’s to earn royals tickets and to have some rewards given out to our royal ticket winners at our monthly assemblies. I am looking forward to watching our students make healthy and safe choices as we go throughout our school days!
Occupational Therapy Classroom
In OT this month we investigated pumpkins and the sensory aspects, we took the insides out with our hands and talked and wrote about how it looked, felt, smelled and sounded. Some kids loved it and some kids did not like the feel of the insides!! Overall a fun session for most!
Autistic Support Classrooms
Students in Mrs. McConnell's class worked to make jack-o-lantern magnets. They also got to carve a real pumpkin into a jack-o-lantern!
Fall Festival
Upper Darby High School
Mrs. Sharkey's Class Cooks Up an Early Thanksgiving
Students in Mrs. Sharkey's class spent a busy Friday afternoon preparing for an Thanksgiving feast to be celebrated the week before the holiday. Mrs. Sharkey paired her students with adults and made such dishes as mac and cheese, green bean casserole, corn casserole, stuffing, sweet potato casserole, and chocolate chip cookies. The class froze the dishes, with the intention of heating them the following week to have along with turkey and gravy and rolls. In addition to the cooking, students learned how to set a table and how to roll silverware. Many skills were learned during this lesson that the students can take with them when they graduate.
Powderpuff Game
The annual football game, which features female Junior and Senior students battling for victory, was a "thrilla in Drexel Hilla," culminating in a win by the Juniors with a score of 28-14. While the Seniors did not come away with a win, the game was a lot fun and everyone had a great time.