JANUARY Huskie Howl
January 1, 2023

Happy New Year! As we kick off 2024 with enthusiasm and fresh possibilities, I am thrilled to welcome you back to another exciting semester at Shadow Butte. I hope your holiday season was filled with joy and rest, and now we're ready to dive into a world of new opportunities, growth, and learning. Our hallways are buzzing with the energy of eager minds, and I am excited to witness the amazing accomplishments and milestones that lie ahead for our incredible students. Here's to a fantastic start to the year, filled with curiosity, discovery, and countless moments of inspiration.
Principal Jodie Farnsworth
Winter Dance
1st/2nd Grade Music Concert
1st and 2nd Grades put on a wonderful Christmas Music Concert for parents on December 14th. Thank you to Mr. Conte for the work in making these Concerts so great!
January Calendar
January 8 - School Resumes for Students
January 10 - Afterschool Program First Day Session #4
January 10 - Dress Up Day: PJs/Comfy Clothes
January 15 - NO SCHOOL, Martin Luther King Jr.
January 16 - Chocolate Fundraiser Kickoff
January 16 - PTO Meeting @5:30
January 17 - Afterschool Program
January 24 - Afterschool Program
January 26 - Class Birthday Celebration
January 30 - Chocolate Fundraiser Ends
January 31 - Afterschool Program - Last Day Session #4
Looking Ahead...
February 2 - NO SCHOOL - Staff Professional Development
February 6-10 - National School Counseling Week
February 7 - Afterschool Program - First Day Session #5
February 8 - 100th Day of School
23 - 24 Calendar
Chocolate Fundraiser January 16th - January 30th
World's Finest Chocolate Fundraiser Starting January 16th
More information to come...
Happy Healthy Kids Tip
Research suggests that 20 minutes of uninterrupted, quality time with your child is more valuable than hours spent together multi-tasking. This short burst of focused time together builds your connection and makes your child feel valued, important, and loved.
After School Conversation Starters
Wondering how to talk to your child after school when all they say to your questions is "I don't know" or "good"?
Here are some ways to start a conversation with your child that can help change those answers:
Who do you look forward to seeing the most at school each day?
What are you learning now in class?
If you could pack your own lunch, what would you pack?
What is the best thing about being in your grade?
What is the worst thing about being in your grade?
Who is the friendliest person in your class?
What does your teacher do really well?
Who did you hang out with the most today?
Foster Grandparents Program
Eco World Donation Bin
Donate your gently used clothes and shoes to the Collection Bin that is located in the Southeast Corner of the Visitor Parking Lot. ECO World will be donating the items to local nonprofits. Our school will receive .04 cents per pound of the items that are donated.
Student Handbook
Student Handbook
*if you prefer a hard copy, we have copies in the office.
*Si prefiere una copia impresa, venga a la oficina para obtener una.
Transportation Changes
- If there are changes on how your children will be going home at the end of the day, those changes must be called into the office at 208-365-0877 by 2:50 pm / Fridays 1:45 pm.
- If you need to check out your child during recess, we kindly request that you wait until the recess concludes or arrive before recess. This supports the safety of all students, as our duty staff can then focus on their designated supervision areas without any distractions. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Parent Portal
Sign up Today for the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. A Parent Portal Account will give you access to pay for Lunches Online, view Student Attendance, view Student Grades (4th and 5th Grades), and receive School Correspondence. Call the School Office to be signed up and you will receive your User Name and Password to get started then you can download and use the mobile app.
Parent Pick Up Procedure
When pulling up in the pick up line DO NOT exit the car, if your student needs extra help, park in the lot closest to the school. This is safest method for all students and keeps the traffic flowing and from gathering on Idaho Blvd.
We ask that parents not park in the staff parking that is located on the corner of Idaho and Mesa so students and parents are not crossing traffic and in between moving cars.
Thanks again for helping us keep our students safe!
PTO Information
- Email the PTO at ptoshadowbutte@gmail.com with any curiosities or suggestions you have.
- Stay up to date with PTO volunteer opportunities and event reminders on our social platforms.
- Sign up to receive text messages from the PTO for events, activities, reminders, and more!
- Check our webpage on the Shadow Butte website as a resource for getting involved.
Join our PTO texting platform through Remind to receive texts for updates & more!
Stay in the loop with all things PTO! Get instant updates, event reminders, and exciting news delivered straight to your phone.
January PTO Meeting
Tuesday, Jan 16, 2024, 05:30 PM
Shadow Butte Library
Dough Night
Thursday, Feb 1, 2024, 10:30 AM
Domino's Pizza, South Washington Avenue, Emmett, ID, USA
Calling all Shadow Butte pizza-loving parents!
Mark your calendars for our next Dough Night on Thursday, February 1st!
By indulging in your favorite pizza, you're not only treating your taste buds but also supporting the PTO. Yep, you read that right – 5% of the proceeds of the sales go directly back to our fantastic PTO, helping to fund exciting initiatives and activities for our awesome Huskies!
Did you know Box Tops are still a thing?!
Take your Box Tops game to the next level and say goodbye to snipping and clipping and say hello to the improved way to fundraise with virtual Box Tops!
Step 1: Hop onto your smartphone or tablet and download the Box Top app on the App Store or through Google Play.
Step 2: Choose Shadow Butte as your school.
Step 3: Scan your store receipt (the app will automatically identify participating products and instantly add cash to Shadow Butte's earnings online).
Each participating product you purchase means more Box Tops earned for the Shadow Butte PTO. It's like turning your groceries into gold for our school.
Together, we can turn everyday receipts into extraordinary opportunities for our kids with the funds we raise collectively. For more assistance, check out these resources:
- Box Tops website: https://www.boxtops4education.com/s/how-to-earn
- About Box Tops video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hh94b2BvFK4
- How to scan video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-bNcykyK5Y
The PTO is selling Huskie shirts and hats. Just drop into the office and let them know you're interested in purchasing items.