Westbrook Families Weekly Updates
Week of February 27, 2023
Welcome Back to Week Eight!☺️
Hope everyone is enjoying the rainy weather 😊
We would like to ask all of our Westbrook families to help spread the word - We are hosting an Open House this Saturday, March 4th from 9am to noon, for any student and their family, interested in enrolling with us during the 2023-2024 school year.
Westbrook Student News!!!!
It's Awesome
Highest Lexile Growth!!!
- 9th grader - Cindy Rodriguez
- 10th grader - Valery Ramirez
- 11th graders - Cesar and Javier Aguilar
- 12th grader - Maria Godoy Ochoa
Coffee with the Principal families
Remember - we all have the same goal, to help students succeed and working together, makes our goal achievable.
Attendance Counts
All persons under 18 years of age who have not graduated from high school are required by state law to attend school.
Students are expected to attend each of their scheduled classes promptly and regularly. Regular attendance is one of the greatest contributing factors to success in school. Absences should be avoided whenever possible.
Please help us, help your student achieve academic excellence by making sure they are in school daily.
When Absent...
Ms. Rubio at yanellyr@lapromisefund.org or Ms. Avalos at gabriela@lapromisefund.org
Providing a note allows our office staff to mark the absence as "Excused" and thus allows teachers to provide students with an extension on any missing work.
Uniform Policy
Students who are not in uniform will…
Lose PBIS points
Serve nutrition and lunch detention that day
Receive a parent phone call home, asking to be brought a change of clothes
If you need to purchase additional uniforms, reach out to Faith Uniforms at (323)432-2388.
Consequences for ordering food will include...
- 1 week of nutrition and lunch detention
- A parent conference
- Confiscation of the food order, which will only be provided to the students guardian after school
If you have any questions or concerns - please feel free to contact the office directly.
School Bus Behavior
We have recently been informed by our bus company that some Westbrook students have been damaging bus seats through graffiti. We are asking all families to talk to their student - as this behavior is illegal and if a student is caught, parents will be responsible for graffiti removal and will loose the daily bus privilege.
Remember the expectation is that students...
- Remain seated the entire time that the bus is in motion
- Noice level should be at a minimum - since it is important for them to hear any instructions that the bus driver sees fit to deliver
- Nothing should be thrown in or out of the bus
- There is no eating on the bus
- Destroying property (including tagging) is not only against the law but agains the bus rules
Lastly, please remember that riding the school bus is a privilege that is contingent upon the continuous observance of bus rules and established regulations.
This week...
Monday 2/27/2023
Lunch Time Clubs
NHS (room 102)
Promise Alliance (room 103)
Karaoke Club (room 8)
- Mr. Valdez room 105
- Mr. Figgins room 103
- Mr. Celentano room 114 (for those interested in a space to work on APEX)
- Mr. Le room 102
- Boys Soccer with Samayoa
Drivers Ed w/ Ms. Jasleen in room 109
Cosmetology w/ Ms. Garcia in room 105
1. Tutoring with...
Tuesday 2/28/2023
Promise Alliance (room 103)
After School today
1. Tutoring with...
- Ms. Campos in room 113
- Ms. Lopez in room 205
- Mr. Pouget in room 1
- Mr. Padilla in room 5
- JKL (Kent at Bell; Romero at 52nd street)
- Basketball at Bell w/ Ms. Rubi
Drivers Ed w/ Ms. Jasleen in room 109
Thursday 3/02/2023
Lunch Time Clubs
GBLA (room 204)
After School today
1. Tutoring with...
- Ms. Angulo in room 204
- Ms. Lopez in room 113
- Ms. Tran in room 203
- Mr. Samayoa in room 109
- LEGO (Celentano)
- Art (Garcia)
- JLK (at 52nd w/ Romero)
Podcast w/ Ms.Jasleen in room 109
Game Club (Pouget)
- Senior PBIS (Ford)
Friday 3/03/2023
After School today
1. Tutoring with...
- Mr. Rob in room 110
- Ms. Garcia in room 105
- Mr. Kent in room 112
- Ms. Choudhry in room 104
- Mr. Celentano in room 114
- Theater (Angulo, Lopez and Le)
- Girls Soccer (at Bell w/ Mr. Valdez)
Bell Schedule Semester 2 Week 8
After School Tutoring and Clubs
Tech Issues?
If a student is having tech issues please have them email charlesd@lapromisefund.org and jhonathanv@lapromisefund.org, and ask for assistance. The office cannot provide support, if Mr. Charles or Mr. Jhonathan are not on site.
Days to Keep in Mind
- ELPAC testing window opens March 6
- College Field Trip: 9-11th grade March 8
- Winter Administration/Interim #2 (Mid-Year) - March 20-24, 2023
- 10 week grades - Friday, 3/24/23
- Spring Formal Dance on Thursday, March 30th