TVUSD Community Update - Athletics
Wednesday, February 3, 2021
Status of Athletics
Riverside County remains in the purple tier. As such, below is the current status of athletics in TVUSD.
TVUSD is proceeding with a league only competition for Season 1 sports. The league only competition schedule will be contingent on current CDPH and Riverside County guidelines, CIF officiating availability, CIF safety guidelines, and district approval.
Season 1 TVUSD Sports and County Color Tiers:
Cross Country - Purple
Field Hockey - Red
Football - Orange
Volleyball - Orange
Water Polo - Orange
What Season 1 Sport Can Compete Now?
Cross country is the only Season 1 sport that can currently compete within the Purple Tier. All others are contingent upon changes to the county’s color tier status. We have developed plans for league only play opportunities for all Season 1 sports, should they transition to the appropriate color tiers within the Season 1 sports timeframe.
What is Considered Competition?
Consistent with Riverside County health requirements, a competition cannot have more than two teams competing.
How Will Cross Country Meets Proceed?
COVID screening protocols will be in place for athletes before events and communicated directly by the school sites.
Athletic trainers and student trainers will be in attendance.
Dual meets will be held at one site. Arrival and departure staging areas will be identified to maintain cohorts of teams.
Only competing athletes and assigned school staff will be allowed on-site. No parents, visitors, spectators, or fans will be allowed at this time.
Competing athletes and legal guardians/parents will be expected to adhere to the stated safety requirements or risk restrictions to the athlete’s participation.
Still Being Developed:
We ask for your patience and understanding while we finalize safety protocols and guidelines to allow visitors to attend future competitions to support your student-athlete. Our primary goal is to ensure that our athletes have the opportunity to participate in their sport safely.
On-Campus Athletic and Co-Curricular Conditioning/Training:
On-Campus athletic and co-curricular conditioning/training sessions will continue. These are authorized under current authority, regardless of the county's color tier. All those participating in athletic conditioning or approved co-curricular activities will be required to follow:
Daily self-screening for symptoms before conditioning.
Face coverings must be worn at all times when not engaged in direct conditioning or practice.
A physical distance of 6 feet between all individuals must be maintained.
Activities may include specific sports equipment but NOT contact equipment (restricted equipment).
Students are encouraged to bring their own equipment.
Activities must be conducted outdoors, where gathering size limitations still apply.
All activities must be scheduled through the site’s Athletic Director and follow the facility use protocol.
No visitors are permitted to attend conditioning or practice sessions. This includes parents and community members.
No locker room access.
No stable cohorts of more than 10 participants, with pods of 40 participants in an area at a time (outside only).
Temecula Valley Unified School District