Developing Your Digital Footprint
From a Teen's Perspective
Our Journey
We are a group of high school students who have embarked on an adventure of using social media to promote and establish a nonprofit organization and a student tech team. We learned "digital citizenship" lessons along the way (and are still learning!) as we created websites and began using Twitter to connect with others.
Connect with Us
Texas Teens Teach
Texas Teens Teach is a non-profit organization created by two Weatherford Texas teens to collaborate with children in communities to learn in a fun and interactive environment. Essentially we go to public hubs such as parks and libraries and host mini-classes which encourage kids to enjoy and understand the importance of learning. While we are based out of Weatherford we serve Parker County and invite all children to our courses.
You can connect with us on Twitter at @TexasTeensTeach
WISD Student Tech Team
The WISD Student Tech Team has launched several projects, including creating tech trainings for teachers, promoting the use of Kajeets (portable WiFi hotspots) for students lacking in-home WiFi, and coordinating with administrators to improve teachers tech tools. Despite our clear technology-based initiatives, it is important for collaborators and other tech teams to remember that the point of the tech team is implement positive educational change. First and foremost, we want to be the voice the of student body to create change. Truly, our project is igniting change.
You can connect with us on Twitter at @TeamWISD
Bailee Wilson
Twitter: BaileeWilson0
LinkedIn: Bailee Wilson
Joey Portillo
Twitter: joeycportillo
LinkedIn Joseph Portillo
Tyler Hagwood
Twitter: TylerHagwood
LinkedIn Tyler Hagwood
Wiley Allen
Twitter: WileyAllen0
LinkedIn Wiley Allen
Kylie Fuller
Jade Hebbert
Twitter: @jade_hebbert