Hawthorne Happenings
Hawthorne Happenings
November 23-24th Thanksgiving Recess School Closed
December 1st Picture Retake Day
December 2nd Elementary PTA Holiday Lights Craft Fair, CES 10:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.
December 5th-6th Holiday Boutique
December 12th Instructional Bond Vote WHS, 7:00 a.m.- 9:00 p.m.
December 15th Second Grade Vocal Performance
Show Times:
8:45 a.m. Chiodi & Pirrotta, Schoener, Taylor
9:30 a.m. Bartucca, Boccio, Rush & D'Amico
10:15 a.m. Weitman & Fennell, Luzon
Quick Links:
Happy Thanksgiving
We would like to wish all of our Hawthorne families a restful Thanksgiving. We are so fortunate to be working with your children every day. We get to witness their brilliance in action as they learn and grow. Our Wildcubs are eager to share their creative ideas and imaginative stories. They have boundless energy and enthusiasm. They are also full of silliness and fun!
Kindergarten Centers
Our kindergarten students are very busy learning in centers. They engage in academic and play centers. One area of focus for our learning is the development of fine motor skills. Students are engaged in a variety of center activities to develop strength and coordination.
Students use tweezers to grab and sort pom poms.
Students practice hole punching.
Students use their whiteboards to practice writing lowercase letters.
Save the Date: Celebrate Westlake, December 12th
When you come to vote on December 12th, plan to spend some time with us on the Westlake campus. For more information about the proposed instructional bond, please visit our district webpage.
4-8 p.m. Food Trucks!
4-9 p.m. Kid Vote - Pick the next Wildcat! (WHS Gym lobby)
4-6 p.m. Elementary STEM Fair (WHS Library)
4-5 p.m. Cheer Clinic (WMS Gym)
4-5 p.m. Football Clinic (Patch)
5-6 p.m. Boys/Girls Soccer Clinics- (Jiannott Field)
6-7 p.m. Boys/Girls Basketball Clinics- (WHS gym)
7-8 p.m. 6th grade concert (John S. Whearty Theater)
Stay tuned for more details!
Picture Retake Day
Picture retake day is December 1st. If you did not receive an email with your child's access code, please check your spam folder. If you still haven't received the email, please email B.A.R. None Productions directly at barnoneproductions@yahoo.com.
You can use the QR code below or the Google Form Link to sign up for picture retakes.
Kindergarten Registration
Is your child eligible to register for Kindergarten? Please see the flyer below for more information. Please visit our Registration Page to begin the registration process. Please contact Lisa Annunziata, Registrar, at 914-769-5500 Ext. 5109 lannunziata@mtplcsd.org with any questions.
Brighton Reminders
As we get into the busy holiday season, please remember to follow the rules of the road at Hawthorne. Our Brighton parking lot is a busy place each day as students and staff members are entering and exiting the property. Please drive slowly and be on the lookout for others. Please avoid parking in staff parking spaces when dropping off and picking up.
Early Pick Up
If you need to pick up your child prior to dismissal, please do so by 2:30 p.m. at the Memorial Drive entrance. After 2:30 p.m. we need to keep Memorial Drive clear for buses. Please use the Brighton car line if you are arriving after 2:30 p.m.
Elementary PTA
Mount Pleasant Recreation Department
Each year our Mt. Pleasant Recreation Department offers after school clubs at Hawthorne. If your child will be attending a club, please do not forget to update School Dismissal Manager with those dates. You can register for clubs at https://www.mtpleasantny.com/recreation-parks-department.