RMS Wildcat Weekly
Week of October 26, 2020
Contact Us
Find Their Purpose & Fuel Their Passion
Our Vision:
Renaissance Middle School prepares students to achieve their dreams by charting a path to their purpose.
Email: hawkc@fultonschools.org
Website: www.renaissancemiddle.com
Location: 7155 Hall Road, Fairburn, GA, United States
Phone: (470)254-4330
Twitter: @RMS_Wildcats
Happy Halloween
No Candy or Costumes allowed
Parents, we are requesting students refrain from dressing up in or bringing costumes ( i.e. masks, capes, etc.) on campus on Friday, October 30th or Monday, November 2nd. We are also requesting for students to leave all candies, desserts, baked goods (store-bought/homemade), and/or other edible items at home. These items are not to be sold or distributed on campus. Students who do not adhere to this expectation are subject to disciplinary action for insubordination and all food items will be confiscated and not returned. Students have been made aware of the expectations and we thank you for ensuring your student complies.
This measure will help us maintain a safe environment for all students. You can help us protect your student(s) by requesting that they not eat anything given to them by another person, anything that they have not brought from your home, or anything not in its original sealed package. Thank you for your continued partnership in keeping all of our students safe at school!
We hope you have a safe and happy Halloween! Please see the tips below to ensure your child's safety during trick-or-treating.
Red Ribbon Week
RMS Dress Code Reminders for In-Person Scholars
Greetings Parents and Scholars,
As you journey throughout your educational career here at Renaissance Middle School, please make sure you are adhering to the dress code here on campus or at any other Fulton County School sponsored activity or event. As a reminder, students are not allowed to wear jeans with holes above the knee, tights, pajamas, biking shorts, crop tops, flip flops, slides, open-toe sandals, bandanas, du-rags, hoods, sagging pants, etc. Scholars, for your convenience the dress code signs are posted throughout the building for you to review the expectations. Thank you for adhering to the policy and procedures here at Renaissance, have a wonderful wildcat day!
October Is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Just like that PINKTOBER is already upon us! It has been a tradition at RMS that in the month of October we wear PINK to Honor our RMS SURVIVORS, FIGHTERS & WARRIORS. This year we are asking EVERYONE (including scholars) to join us in wearing shades of PINK each Thursday (participants may wear jeans). On the last Thursday of the month we will dress in PINK from Head-2-Toe.
Fall Picture Day is Coming to RMS!
Lifetouch Fall Picture Day is Wednesday, November 4, 2020. All Face-to-Face scholars will be photographed during Fall Picture Day. A Picture Day Sign-Up will be sent to parents for our Remote Learning scholars.
Parents, if you would like to purchase your child’s picture, please select the desired picture package on the Lifetouch picture order form, and have your child bring in the payment on Fall Picture Day, or purchases can be made online. The Online Purchase link and order forms will be available next week.
Remember to Dress for Success for Fall Picture Day on Wednesday, November 4, 2020!
FCS Transportation Safety Guideline Update 2020-2021
As we continue to ensure the safety of all scholars who ride our school buses each day, please note the most important safety guideline below:
Per Fulton County Schools Transportation guidelines, for the 2020-2021 school year, no scholar will be permitted to ride the school bus of another scholar, even with written permission granted by a parent. If you have any questions and/concerns regarding this FCS Transportation safety guideline, please contact your child's Grade Level Administrators.
Thank you for your continuous support of our School Bus safety and guidelines.
Reporting of Student COVID Cases and Exposure
Wildcat Families,
The Fulton County Board of Health and Fulton County Schools have developed an on-line portal for FCS parents/guardians to report student COVID-19 related cases. Please make a report to the FCBOH when your student is COVID-19 positive, has a pending COVID-19 test result, or has been in direct contact with a COVID-19 positive person. Also, please use this resource for official reporting rather than alerting the school and/or teacher. If you must engage the school/teacher, please do so after you have made an official report to the FCBOH. Lastly, to ensure the protection of our school community, please do not allow your child to attend school or school-sponsored events when he/she is ill and/or has any of the above COVID-19 concerns. Please reference the attached flyer and consider posting it in a visible location for easy access.
Also, Dr. Looney stated the district will continue to monitor community coronavirus data, but decisions about potential closures of schools due to new COVID-19 cases will now be made using the FCS Closing Matrix. The process will allow for localized closures based on each case, giving the district the option to close and/or quarantine within a limited, impacted area, such as an individual classroom or school.
Parents, please click here to view the October 23rd Fulton County Department of Health Epidemiology Report. Although the district survey has closed to elect to have your student enrolled in Face to Face learning, if you would like to change your scholar to remote learning, please click the link below. Again, this link is only for students who are currently in the face to face learning (come on campus daily) and would like to switch to remote virtual learning. The selection will remain in place until the last day of 1st semester, December 18th. Please keep in mind that your scholar's schedule may need to change to accommodate the remote election.
Thank you and please stay safe.
RMS Remote Learning Selection Form
important: please apply for free & reduced meal benefits!
Thank you for your continued efforts with the Free or Reduced Price Meal Eligibility Program. We have processed many applications, but there are still households who have not applied for free or reduced-price meal benefits for the 2020-2021 School Year. The goal of the School Nutrition Department is to identify and provide all eligible students with meal benefits. To do that your continued support is needed.
- Even though all students will temporarily receive free meals, households are strongly encouraged to complete a Free & Reduced Meal Application. Once the extension of USDA waivers expires, students will be charged for their meals based on their meal eligibility status (free, reduced, or full pay). If there is an interruption in benefits or the household does not reapply, the household is responsible for the payment of meals until the application is approved.
- Free & Reduced Meal Applications support the entire district!
- A new application must be completed every school year. Visit www.fulton.schoollunchapp.com to begin the online Free & Reduced Meal application.
Fulton County receives funding from a variety of federal grants based on the number of children in the district that qualify for Free or Reduced priced meals, regardless if they choose to participate in the meal program. Many federal grant awards are allocated nationally to public school districts based on Free and Reduced percentages such as Title-1, E-RATE, and The National Direct Teacher Loan Cancellation Program.
For more information about Fulton County School Nutrition please visit www.fcsnutrition.com.
Fulton County receives funding from a variety of federal grants based on the number of children in the district that qualify for Free or Reduced priced meals, regardless if they choose to participate in the meal program. Many federal grant awards are allocated nationally to public school districts based on Free and Reduced percentages such as Title-1, E-RATE, and The National Direct Teacher Loan Cancellation Program.
RMS Cheer Cats
Cheer Cat Application
Cheer Cat Audition Routine
Upload Audition Here
RMS Student Government Association
Meet our candidates
SGA Candidate Speeches via Flipgrid
Matthias Hagans- 8th
Beau Morning 8th
Jeramie Moore- 6th
Amina Muhammad- 7th
Mariah Robinson – 6th
Ariyana Hardaway- Dixon
Deion Nash
We have candidates however no commercials have been submitted at this moment.
Class Representative
London Mitchell- 6th
Govannie Sutherland- 8th grade
RMS BETA Club Interest Link
U BETA BELIEVE IT!!! The 2020-2021 BETA Club Chapter at RMS is kicking off our year starting now. If you are an A/B Honor Roll scholar, a returning BETA member (in good standing), a leader, or an aspiring leader looking to improve your leadership and social skills, the BETA club can be for you!!
Interested Scholars, please use the link below to submit your interest in the BETA CLUB. You will need a recent report card and a minimum of 2 teacher referrals. Once you complete the application you and a parent will sign and submit the form electronically. DEADLINE TO SUBMIT IS 10/30/2020.
We will announce your acceptance into the Jr. BETA Club on 11/16/2020.
masks are required for all students, staff, and visitors
- The masks must be consistent with CDC recommendations (gaiters and masks with valves are not recommended)
- Masks are required by students during face-to-face instruction and while on the school bus. Additionally,
- Schools should have reusable student masks available to students as needed
- Students should not share masks
- Masks should be worn during CTAE, performing arts, and indoor classes
- Masks are not required when students are participating in aerobic activities
- Students are required to provide a doctor’s note if requesting an exemption to wear a mask
- An employee/student may wear a face shield in conjunction with a mask but not instead of wearing a mask
- Those refusing to wear a mask will not be allowed to enter into the facility or interact with others.
Community Corner
Please see the reminders and flyers below for events that are happening throughout our community! If you have an event that you like to be included in the community corner, please email Diantha Parker at parkerd3@fultonschools.org
Treats from Treatment Drive-Thru Event
Hillside and 13 other Treatment programs in the Atlanta area are putting together a safe and fun, family friendly, Treats from Treatment Drive-Thru Event for our local mental health community!
It'll be Saturday, Oct 31, from 10 a.m. till noon in the parking lot of First Baptist Church Sandy Springs!
Please RSVP so that the programs can make sure to have enough goodie bags! For more information and to RSVP
The Path from Middle School to College in the Midst of the Coronavirus. What's Changed?
Webinar Presentation
“The Path from Middle School to College in the Midst of the Coronavirus. What's Changed?”
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Tuesday, December 8, 2020
7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. CST
Author, Speaker, and Trainer, Stanley B. Lemons, talks with parents and students about the educational path from middle and high school to college. Mr. Lemons highlights critical steps for students to follow in order to be successful in school and ultimately to earn their college degree. Additionally, Mr. Lemons will discuss key ways for students to stay engaged and on task with their studies during the COVID -19 pandemic.
Presentation topics include:
- How to be successful in middle school and high school
- What colleges look for in applicants
- What to do about the SAT and ACT in light of the coronavirus
- How to write winning college admissions essays
- How to finance college
- How to get scholarship money for college
If you're looking for educational support and guidance during this time of uncertainty, register today for this timely and much-needed webinar.
Register here and please spread the word to families in your community!