MMS Update August 25, 2023
Welcome new students and welcome back returning students!
Registration/Back to School - TODAY IS THE LAST DAY!
Please visit the following link: http://www.slcs.us/millennium_middle_school/mms_back-to-school_process.php
This process needs to be completed by TODAY in order for your child's schedule to be made available on Monday, August 29th.
Meet the MMS Office and Administrative Team
Mr. Ross Baker
Mrs. Kelly Gallagher
Ms. Christina Cibrario
Mrs. Anita Hartlep
Mrs. Kelly Mathis
Mrs. Stephanie Anderson
Mr. Chuck Chinavare
SRO - Deputy Mishark
Student Lunches
To make the lines move quicker, please encourage students to use their ID Card with barcode, 5 digit keypad number or student id. All students are required to go through the serving line.
School Opening - REPEAT
Students may visit the school to find their lockers and classrooms on August 28th (7/8 grade) or August 29th (6th Grade) between 8:00am-2:00pm (office closed for lunch 11:30-12:30). Please remind your student to bring their schedule. You do not need to check in, but students must be accompanied by an adult.
Sixth grade students will have a tour on the orientation day on the 29th.
MMS will be closed Friday, September 1st and Monday September 4th in observance of Labor Day.
Lockers - REPEAT
Scheduling Concerns - REPEAT
- Obvious errors or omissions of required courses
- Duplicate classes
- Not have six classes each semester
Our counselors will address these concerns beginning August 31st. Please write "Scheduling Issue" in the subject line. Please note that due to the complexity of our mater schedule and various constraints (class size, traveling teachers, teachers with multiple course and grade level assignments, etc.), we generally are not able to grant request for schedule changes. Please also keep in mind that we do not make changes based on teacher requests.
Students Last Name Guidance Counselor Email
A-G Mrs. Diane Bardsley bardsleyd@slcs.us
H-O Ms. Madison Kelly kellym@slcs.us
P-Z Mr. Jason Gilders gildersj@slcs.us
6th Grade Student Orientation - This TUESDAY!
We are excited to welcome our 6th graders to a fantastic WEB (Where Everyone Belongs) day on Tuesday, August 29th from 8:00 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. Our 8th grade WEB leaders are preparing fun activities, including touring the school, practicing lockers, and meeting new friends. There will be WEB leaders and staff members directing students to the orientation. Please do not accompany your sixth grader into the building. The 6th graders should bring a printed or handwritten copy of their class schedule from Skyward (including teachers’ names and room numbers), their locker number and combination from Skyward, and a water bottle. They do not need to bring any other materials. Lunch is not provided as this is only a half day event. All activities will conclude by 12:30 PM.
Band Instrument
We are thrilled to welcome you to the South Lyon band program! As part of our preparation for the upcoming school year, we are hosting our annual instrument fitting sessions. This is a fantastic opportunity for our new band students to explore different instruments, make their final selections, and get placed into their band classes.
Many of our students have already had the opportunity to try out instruments during their 5th-grade classes. However, these summer sessions offer additional time to make a well-informed choice and possibly change their original selection.
The instrument fittings will take place in the Millennium Middle School Cafeteria on:
- Tuesday, September 5th from 5-8pm
To ensure smooth running of these events, we have divided the sessions into smaller groups based on last names. If you cannot make your scheduled time slot, feel free to drop in at a time that works for you:
- 5:00pm: Last names A-I
- 5:45pm: Last Names J-N
- 6:30pm: Last Names O-S
- 7:15pm: Last Names T-Z
We look forward to welcoming you to these exciting sessions and helping to set you child up for a successful first year in band! Please reach out to Mrs. Watson at watsont@slcs.us if you have any questions.
Musically Yours,
Mrs. Watson
MMS Cross Country
Cross Country for all grades will start on the first full day of school. Cross Country is a distance running sport involving a two mile race. There will be a parent meeting for new parents on the Wednesday before the school year starts (8/30) at 4:30 pm in the large cafeteria at CMS. Please bring completed physicals to the parent meeting or on the first day of school/practice. Runners will need to bring a physical dated on or after 4/15/2023 to participate.
Click here for the informational flyer
We’ll be using the Band app for MMS Cross Country: Click here to sign up
*note - it is the same group as last year so if you ran with us last year you do not need to sign up again*
Here is a link to the parent packet that includes the spirit wear order links
It can also be found at bit.ly/xcinfo23
Spirit wear link: bit.ly/xcshirt23
Start getting ready!
MMS Girls Volleyball
● Wednesday, September 6th and Thursday, September 7th from 2:50 – 4:50 p.m.
Athletics Reminder
Volunteers Needed - REPEAT
You will always be contacted prior to any volunteer need - you are not committed to anything by sharing your interests!
Thank you for being a part of this great school community!
Louie - MMS Therapy Dog
Immunization Reminder
If you have a student entering 7th grade in September 2022 please make sure their immunizations are up to date before the first day of school on September 6. As of January 2015, school districts can no longer provide immunization waivers. Waiver forms needs to be a certified State of Michigan, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) Immunization waiver Form. Schools can only accept the current 2019 State of Michigan waiver form.
Parent/guardians can contact their county health department for more information on certified State of Michigan waivers.
We’re hoping to give families time to schedule any needed immunizations prior to the start of the 2022/2023 school year.
If you have questions please refer to the links below:
NWEA Testing
Upcoming Dates
August 29: 6th Grade Orientation (8:00 AM -12:30 PM) Large Gym
September 1-4: Office Closed
September 5: First Day of School
September14: Curriculum Night (6:30 PM)
September 13: Band Rental Night (6:00-7:30 PM)
September 22: Picture Day
Millennium Middle School
Ross Baker, Assistant Principal
Christina Cibrario, Assistant Principal
Email: gallagherk@slcs.us
Website: https://www.slcs.us/millennium_middle_school/index.php
Location: 61526 9 Mile Road, South Lyon, MI, USA
Phone: (248) 573-8200
Twitter: @MillenniumMS