Anna Yates Elementary
Updated September Newsletter
Thank You For Joining Us At Back To School Night!
I am so appreciative to all of the families that were able to join us this past Wednesday at Back To School Night! This was a great opportunity to meet teachers, learn classroom expectations, and how we can communicate and collaborate throughout the year. For anyone that was unable to join or wanting to revisit classroom resources, below are the links to each teacher BTSN slideshow/resources.
Click Here For BTSN Slideshows
As shared before, it is only as a collaborative community that we can continue to be both safe and successful so thank you for engaging with these bimonthly newsletters. This edition highlights reminders and resources so that we can continue to build off of our amazing start!
Mrs. Burke
Our Goal This Year Is To Be In The Green!
Please Be At School And On Time Daily!
Labor Day: September 5
Coffee With The Principal: September 15
Picture Day: September 18
Our Fall Picture Day is Monday, September 18. Order forms went home last week, additional flyers and forms are in the office. Uniforms are required.
Order online at mylifetouch.com
School Site Council: Please Join!
We will be voting soon so if you are interested in joining, please let me know! Thank you to the parents who shared an interest at BTSN, we will be reaching out to you this week.
Supervision In Cafeteria Begins At 7:30 a.m.
Second Chance Breakfast
Food Allergy Reminder
Due to student allergies, there are four classrooms that we request are "nut free zones" and we request not sending foods with nuts to school:
Ms. Miles, Mr. Reynoso, Ms. Chloe, Ms. Fenimore
Student Medication Needs At School
Please be sure to add information about your child’s medical condition(s) and health history in Aeries. Also please be sure to let BOTH the school AND the after-school "Rec" program know about any allergies or other health conditions if your child is enrolled in both, as these are separate organizations.
Contact Information:
Keegan Roehr, District Nurse
email: keegan.roehr@emeryusd.org
Please Reach Out!
Email: samantha.burke@emeryusd.org
Website: annayatesk8.com
Location: 1125 53rd Street, Emeryville, CA, USA
Phone: (510)601-4918
Facebook: facebook.com/annayatesschool