Hoover Happenings
Hoover Elementary Weekly Newsletter
End of the School Year 2023-2024
Greetings Hoover Community,
I hope you all have a wonderful summer and that you have time to relax as a family and enjoy the warm weather months. Our Hoover staff will recharge and be ready to take on another amazing school year in the end of August. Here are some fun pictures from our last days of school. I want to thank Mr. O for a fantastic Field Day and our Hoover Staff for making the last day a blast. Please enjoy the time this summer and we will see you for Popsicles on the Playground on August 22 at 6 pm. That will be our first official Kick Off event for the 2024-2025 school year that will start August 26.
Have a great summer!
Mr. D
Hoover Updates
Good Afternoon Hoover!
Next week is our last week of school for the 2023-24 school year. It is hard to believe that the end has come so soon. It was an amazing year and we look forward to spending these last days with the students and celebrating all their accomplishments this school year.
Next week we will have Field Day on Tuesday. I want to thank Mr. O in advance for planning and putting on this amazing day for the kids. I also want to thank all the parent volunteers that will show up on Tuesday and make it a special day. On Wednesday we will have our last SOAR assembly for the year and wish the kids a wonderful summer. We will recognize our SOARing students and head off to summer. Thursday is our last half day of school. Fourth Grade Clap out will be at 11:45. If you have a Fourth Grade Student please join us at Hoover at 11:45 to help line the halls as we clap them out for their last walk through the halls as Hoover Rockets. In the fall they head off to Riley to make us proud and continue their educational journey.
Have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to a great last week of school.
Mr. D
Message from Mrs. Jungwirth
Mrs. Jungwirth would like to remind Hoover families to sign up for the 2024 Summer Reading programs at the Livonia Public Library! Registration begins on June 1st. For more information, to register, and to see the schedule of fun summer programs, check out the library website here!
Happy Reading Hoover Rockets!
If you’d like to help prepare our Outdoor Classroom space for planting seeds on field day, Mrs. Jungwirth will be working there on Sunday between 11 - 1.
Hoover PTA Updates
Hi all,
The Hoover PTA would like to thank the Hoover community for an amazing year! We appreciate everyone who has volunteered at any of our events, worked as a PAL in the cafeteria, helped at the Welcome Table, and much more! Volunteers are the backbone of our group - supporting the PTA in turn supports the students, staff and community here at Hoover. Please check out the following info for the remainder of the year and summer!
Executive Board 2024-25
President: Danielle Brandon
1st Vice President: Sarah Ryan
2nd Vice President: Susan Thomas
Treasurer: Christine Wright
Assistant Treasurer: Michelle Arbini
Recording Secretary: Megan DuMont
Corresponding Secretary: Jenn King
- Purchase your Spree wristbands via the link below and support the Hoover PTA, encourage your friends and family to use our link! The PTA will earn $2.50 for each pre-sales wristband you purchase (valid Tuesday-Saturday only).
- Please take a moment and let us know your thoughts on how we did this year and how we can do better next year.
- We need your help! Fill out this quick survey to let us know how you can help for next school year.
- The Hoover PTA has a dine to donate set up at Red Robin (6 mile location) for the last day of school, June 6th. Come out and support the Hoover Robotics program all day long. See flyer for more details.
- The Hoover lost & found is once again overflowing - make sure to check for left behind items. Unclaimed items will be donated after school lets out for the summer.
- Join us over the summer for playdates - all will take place on the NORTH Hoover playground. Drop by and play with friends (no restrooms available).
Hoover Updates
It was another great week at Hoover! Tuesday we welcomed the entire community for the Annual Spring Carnival. The Hoover PTA does such a nice job putting on this event each year. We hope everyone had fun with friends and enjoyed celebrating the 2023/24 school year.
Now week we turn our attention to next school year as we welcome our Young 5's Kindergarten and our Kindergarten Students to Round Up. Round Up for Young 5's is next Wednesday and Kindergarten is all day Thursday. This is an exciting time as students have an opportunity to come to Hoover for the first time and take part in a classroom experience.
Yearbooks will come home Friday, May 31. We will have a signing party the afternoon of the 31st.
I think that's all for updates. Please enjoy the long weekend and we look forward to seeing our Hoover Rockets back at school on Wednesday, May 29.
Mr. D
Yearbook Update
Good morning Hoover Rockets,
Yearbooks have arrived and will be given to students on Friday May 31st for yearbook signing day!
We have a LIMITED number of yearbooks available for purchase. They will be offered for $20 CASH ONLY until they run out. Payment must be made to the office to receive one.
Summer Reading
I hope your Hoover Rocket came home with some awesome books yesterday from our Literacy Grant. This grant provided books for every student for summer reading. Please make sure to set time aside each day for reading so that our students keep their skills sharp heading into next year. Thank you to all the parents that volunteered to help run the event. We could not have pulled it off without the amazing Hoover community.
Parking Safety
There is a no parking sign that has been installed at Levan/Ladywood. Please do not park there/up to the corner. We are working with the local community to find ways to continue to keep our Hoover Rocket safe.
important Dates
- No School May 27 and 28
- May 29 - Kindergarten Field Trip - Hawker and Poteracki
- May 29 - Young 5's Round Up - 3pm
- May 30 - Kindergarten Round Up - No School for Kindergarten Students.
- May 30 - Third Grade Field Trip
- May 30 - Second Grade Field Trip
- May 31 - Kindergarten Field Trip - Christensen and Moritz
- May 31 - Stevenson Seniors who attended Hoover - Clap Out - 11 am
- May 31 - Year Book Signing Party and Yearbooks come home:)
- June 4 - Field Day - K-2 am / 3-4 pm
- June 6 - Last Day of School - 1/2 day of school.
Weekly Update - Week of May 6
It was a great week here at Hoover! The kids are working so hard in class as we move into our final four weeks of school. This week we celebrated all our Artists and Musicians as Hoover hosted our Music and Art Extravaganza. Mrs. West did a wonderful job preparing our students and put n 4 amazing shows last night. Thank you for coming and supporting our students. We hope you enjoyed the show. The crowds get larger and larger each year. We will be looking into a larger venue next year to accommodate all our wonderful Hoover Families. Mrs. Mitchell once again knocked it out of the park with a beautiful Art Show. The kids worked with multiple mediums and their art was on display last night as well. We hope you enjoyed walking around Hoover and seeing all the student's hard work. We have some talented Hoover Rockets and we are excited to share their talents with the community.
Next week we look forward to welcoming all our Volunteers on Wednesday for the Volunteer Tea. Please join us and allow us to thank you for all you do to support Hoover. We could not do the things we do for our students without an amazing group of volunteer parents! On Tuesday we will honor our Service Squad by sending them to the Detroit Tigers game. This is a small thank you for the countless hours these students gave to support teachers here at Hoover.
Keep a close eye on the upcoming dates. May is very exciting as we have an event a week with the school year wrapping up the first week of June.
Please reach out with any questions or concerns.
Mr. D
Important Dates:
5/14 - Service Squad Tigers Game - 6:40 pm
5/14 - Fourth Grade Riley Visit
5/15 - Volunteer Tea - 3 pm - Hoover Gym
5/21 - PTA Spring Carnival - 6-8 pm
5/24 - Half Day - Memorial Day Weekend
5/27 and 5/28 - No School
5/30 - Kindergarten Round Up - No School for current Kindergarten students
5/31 - Stevenson High School Clap Out - Former Hoover Rockets
Hoover Spring Music Performances
Mr. O working with students making our Heart Garden Look Great!
Hoover PTA Updates
Staff appreciation week was a success! The Hoover staff were treated to meals, gifts and more this week! The PTA loves getting a chance to thank our fabulous staff! They had a special breakfast, lunch from Buddy's, popcorn, snacks and gift cards all to tie in with our Hollywood Star Studded Staff theme! Thank you to Livonia Italian Bakery and Busch’s for donating delicious food! Many thanks to the generosity of our Hoover families whose donations helped to make this week possible!
Purchase your Spree wristbands via this link and support the Hoover PTA, encourage your friends and family to use our link! The PTA will earn $2.50 for each pre-sales wristband you purchase (valid Tuesday-Saturday only). See attached image for more details!
Link to purchase Spree wristbands
The PTA hosted Spring Carnival is quickly approaching! Bring your family and join us for our event on Tuesday May 21st from 6-8pm at Hoover.
Raffle tickets will be sold until Monday, May 13th via pre-sales AND at the Carnival. Get your tickets now to avoid the rush at the event! Please make sure to send exact cash or check (Hoover PTA) in a well marked envelope. Be sure to include your students name and teacher so we can get the tickets to you!
Help needed! We cannot put on our awesome event without volunteers - please check the signup genius to see if you or a family member (7th grade and up) can fill a shift!
Raffle baskets - The Basket Raffle is back! We have assigned each grade level a "theme" for raffle baskets - please consider donating items to help fill our baskets (please send all donations by 5/16). Grade level themes can be found on the attached PDF. Baskets will be on display during the carnival and raffled off at the end of the night. All money raised from raffle basket ticket sales goes directly back to supporting our Hoover community!
Thanks for all your support,
Hoover PTA
Facebook: Hoover Rockets PTA
Hoover PTA Updates
Thank you to all who sent in donated items for next week's Staff Appreciation events! We are looking forward to celebrating all of our amazing staff!
Purchase your Spree wristbands via this link and support the Hoover PTA! The PTA will earn $2.50 for each pre-sales wristband you purchase (valid Tuesday-Saturday only). See attached image for more details!
Link to purchase Spree wristbands
The PTA hosted Spring Carnival is quickly approaching! Bring your family and join us for our event on Tuesday May 21st from 6-8pm at Hoover. American Cafe & Treats (menu attached) will be set-up at 5:30 if you want to come early and grab some dinner. Dan the Kona Man will be there too!
Games and entertainment are free of charge!
Help needed! We cannot put on our awesome event without volunteers - please check the signup genius to see if you or a family member (7th grade and up) can fill a shift!
Raffle baskets - The Basket Raffle is back! We have assigned each grade level a "theme" for raffle baskets - please consider donating items to help fill our baskets (please send all donations by 5/16). Grade level themes can be found on the attached PDF. Baskets will be on display during the carnival and raffled off at the end of the night. All money raised from raffle basket ticket sales goes directly back to supporting our Hoover community!
Raffle tickets will be sold until May 13th via pre-sales AND at the Carnival. Get your tickets now to avoid the rush at the event! Please make sure to send exact cash or check (Hoover PTA) in a well marked envelope. Be sure to include your students name and teacher so we can get the tickets to you!
May is Math Month:
For the next 3 Mondays, your child will be coming home with a Math Log. Each night, our goal is to have your child do at least 10 minutes of either eSpark math, IXL math, or math facts (any way you want!)! Sign the bottom of the log and send it to school with your child on Friday. If your child turns in this log on Friday, they may participate in the fun spirit day that is listed at the bottom of the log on that same Friday!
Fourth Grade Trip to Lansing
Hoover Updates
Happy Thursday Hoover Community,
It was another great week at Hoover! Please remember that there is no school tomorrow. Please enjoy the three day weekend. This week we were excited to welcome our Hoover families for STEM night. Please see the STEM update below and pictures. We will have our next SOAR assembly for the school year on Friday, May 3. We will recognize students who continue to SOAR at Hoover by Spreading kindness, Overcoming Challenges, Always doing their best, and Respecting others. We look at what's going well at Hoover and what areas we want to focus on for our final month of school. Next week our Hoover third graders will head to Greenfield Village for a field trip and our Fourth graders will enjoy Lansing as they visit the Capitol, Historical Museum, and a Science Museum. This is one of our culminating events for our fourth graders that we look forward to each year.
Next week we will also have our final PTA meeting for the school year on Wednesday, May 1.
Important Dates:
May 9 - Hoover Music Concerts and Art Show
May 21 - Hoover Spring Carnival
May 24 - 1/2 Day
May 27 - No School - Memorial Day
Hoover STEM Night
Stem Night was a tremendous success! Thank you to all our Hoover families for joining us for this fun and engaging evening. We also want to give a BIG Thank You to the Hoover Staff who made this event possible! We had the High School, Middle School, and Hoover Robotics Teams presenting as well as build rooms in PLTW, Math Games, and Coding. Overall, a great time was had by all. We hope to make this an annual event so please join us next year to learn all about Science and Technology.
Dear Hoover Families,
The Hoover Library has purchased a few great databases for online reading! These resources will be available to students from home and school until May 2025. I will introduce students to the resources during library time over the next few weeks. I encourage you to use them at home as well.
BookFlix is geared towards PreK - 2nd grade students and features fiction/non-fiction pairs of books on a multitude of topics. There are also many games, web resources, and other interactive activities.
TrueFlix is for 3rd - 6th grade students and contains non-fiction science and social studies e-books with many interesting topics that correspond to the curriculum. There are also engaging videos, web links, quizzes, and more.
Both resources can be found under “Books & Reading” on our Hoover Kid Connections page or by clicking on the links above.
The log-in for both resources is:
Username: hoover
Password: flix
Happy Reading,
Mrs. Jungwirth
Congrats to all our Hoover Rockets who participated in the Martian Marathon!
Archived Below
Hoover News
It was another great week at Hoover! We ended the week with a Spirit Day and a little friendly competition for the staff to see who would show the most Spirit! This week we continued to work on our state testing and the kids are working hard. Next week we look forward to a 4 day week. Please remember that there is no school on Friday. April 26. Next Wednesday we look forward to welcoming in our community for STEM night. These nights are a great opportunity to join other Hoover Families and take part in fun educational experiences as a community. Mrs. Cornellier and Mrs. Bennett have worked hard with a team of teachers to put together a fun and engaging evening in which students will get to see Robotics in action, build and create, and play math games. We look forward to seeing everyone. Thanks again for your continued support. Have a wonderful weekend.
Mr. D
PTA Update
Teacher Appreciation Week begins May 6. This is a very special week where we show our appreciation to the Hoover Staff for all they do for our children and our community. Please use the following link to sign up to help with donations to thank our staff. Staff Appreciation
The PTA is already planning for next year and we need your help! Please fill out this PTA volunteer interest form to let us know how you can help or share your ideas! We appreciate any and all help!
Mark your calendar to join us at our last PTA meeting of the year, May 1st at 6pm in the LMC (childcare provided). We will be voting to approve the slate of officers for next year's board (we are still accepting nominations).
Madonna Spring Football Game
As you know the Madonna Football team has been at Hoover the last two Fridays to Fist Bump and welcome our Hoover Rockets to school. Madonna University Football has requested that we inform our families about an upcoming spring game this weekend. They will be playing at Detroit Catholic Central High School this Sunday April 21, 2024 at 6pm. They would love to see you there!
Thank you.
Archived below
Hoover Updates
Greetings Hoover Community,
We had another fantastic week beginning with our Solar Eclipse party on Monday. It was amazing to see the looks on our Hoover Rocket's faces as they witnessed something that we will not see again until they are all grown up. Check out the pictures below as our students took in this special event. This week we also began MSTEP testing. Our third and fourth grade students began ELA this week and will finish it up next Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday we will move onto the math assessment.
Next week we will have a special event on Thursday as it is National Poem in your Pocket Day. This is a fun way to celebrate the beauty of our language through sharing great poems. April is Poetry Month and this is a fun way to celebrate. If your rocket wants to participate have them copy down their favorite poem and carry it around in their pocket on Thursday. They will have many opportunities to share their poem throughout the day. Friday is our next Spirit Day. Show your spirit by dressing like your favorite Decade.
That's all for now! Have a wonderful weekend. Please reach out with any questions or concerns.
Mr. D
Upcoming Dates
April 24 - STEM Night
April 30 - Third Grade Field Trip
May 1 - PTA Meeting - 6 pm - All are Welcome:)
May 9 - Art Fair and Music Concerts
May 21 - PTA Spring Carnival
Year Book Orders
Yearbooks are now on sale! Please make your purchases by April 19. They are $16 for a yearbook that will be delivered closer to the end of the year to your child. After April 19 the price will go up to $20. Please take a minute and order your yearbook.
To order: ybpay.com
Hoover Yearbook Code: 3075924
Hoover PTA Updates
Teacher Appreciation Week
Teacher Appreciation Week begins May 6. This is a very special week where we show our appreciation to the Hoover Staff for all they do for our children and our community. Please use the following link to sign up to help wit donations to thank our staff. Staff Appreciation
For this upcoming fall, if you are moving or attending a different school not located in Livonia Public Schools, please email our school secretary at......so we can make sure your child's educational files are prepared for your child's next school and we can accurately account for this in our projected enrollment and staffing plans.
Solar Eclipse 2024!
Weekly News
Archived Below
Greetings Hoover Families,
It was a great week at Hoover. We were so happy to see all the smiling faces as we returned from Spring Break. This week we focused on procedures as we head into the last 8 weeks of school. Mrs. Broome and I visited every classroom to discuss recess expectations and I talked expectations in the lunchroom each day. Our goal is to have a safe and happy end of the school year. There are lots of exciting events around the corner as we look forward to the Art Show, Music Concerts, STEM night, PTA End of Year Picnic, Field Day, and so much more. It is hard to believe the end of the school year is right around the corner. We appreciate your continued support at home as you make reading a priority each night and send in happy Hoover Rockets ready to learn each day. Next week we start state testing and look forward to the Solar Eclipse on Monday. On Tuesday I will welcome our incoming Kindergarten students as we host Kindergarten Parent Night from 6-7 pm. Please read on for more information from Mr. O and the Hoover PTA.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mr. D
Solar Eclipse - April 8
On April 8th, 2024 from 3:00-3:20 p.m., Hoover Elementary will have a "Solar Eclipse Viewing Party" Outside. Every student will be given protective solar glasses. These were received through a grant written by Mrs. Bennett. Thank You Mrs. Bennett! If you would like your child to opt out of this viewing party please let your child's classroom teacher know. Thank you!
Update form Mr. O
Hello Hoover Families,
Kids Heart Challenge Update:
-Hoover Elementary students collected and made a donation of $5,139.87 to the American Heart Association
-Congratulations to our entire school for continuing to promote healthy, active living.
-"Thank you" prizes from our AHA fundraiser will be handed out at school once they arrive
Martian Marathon - April 13th
-Saturday, April 13th at Ford Field Park in Dearborn at 12:20 pm (plan on arriving to Dearborn by 11:30 am to find a parking spot)
-If anyone is still interested the registration link will stay open until noon on April 10th.
-Additional details and registration information here: Martian 2024
-The Kids Martian tee shirts, race packets, and a letter with additional race details will be handed out in school NEXT Friday.
(Please email me if you are available to drive to Dearborn between 2:00 pm and 5:00 pm on April 11th to pick up all of our tee shirts.)
Heart Heart Heart!
Mr. O
Hoover PTA Update
The PTA is pleased to share our slate of officers for next school year. We are still accepting nominations until the May 1st meeting at which time we will vote. There are paper copies of nomination forms in the PTA basket in the main office. Please reach out to livoniahooverpta@gmail.com if you have questions about joining the PTA board for next year!
Not ready for a PTA board position but you'd still like to help out? Please fill out this form let us know how you can help! Many hands make for light work - we'd love to have you join us!
Upcoming dates/events:
4/19 Spirit Day - decades day
5/1 PTA meeting 6pm (last of the year + voting) **date change from 5/8
5/3 Spirit Day - Star Wars day
5/6 - 5/10 Staff Appreciation week
5/21 Spring Carnival **date change from 5/22
Many thanks,
Hoover PTA
Facebook: Hoover Rockets PTA
MSTEP Testing for all Third and Fourth Graders
We will begin our state testing on Tuesday, April 9. All Third and Fourth Grade students will take the MSTEP test. This is an important assessment that gives our school good information for how we can continue to grow as a school. The MSTEP also gives parents information on how their student is performing in Math and Literacy. Every student in Michigan takes this assessment and your son or daughter will take it every year through high school. There is nothing you can do to prepare for MSTEP testing. Getting a good night sleep and eating a healthy breakfast on testing days will help your son or daughter perform at their best. We will take our MSTEP Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in the morning for the next two weeks. Please do your best to not miss school on these days. If every Hoover Rocket has a positive attitude and works hard and does their best they will do amazing on MSTEP.
Optional Summer Bridge Books
Hello families,
As the end of the school year approaches, we wanted to give families an opportunity to order an optional summer workbook for your child. The Summer Bridge Book is designed to review the standards taught in your child's current grade, and preview the skills to be learned in the next grade. This workbook includes reading, writing, math, science, social studies, P.E. activities, and even includes an answer key. If your child is currently in 1st grade, your family would order the "Bridging Grade 1 to 2" book. Each book is $10, and we are accepting checks only made out to Livonia Public Schools. Here is a link if you would like to view the workbook. All orders are due to your classroom teacher or the office by Wednesday, April 17. Thank you so much.
Archived from March 22
Hoover Updates
Greetings Hoover Community,
This week was a very exciting week at Hoover. We wrapped up Reading month by accomplishing our challenge. The students and staff read 4054 hours as of 9 am this morning. I will be Duct Taped to the wall this afternoon. Please check out Facebook for updates and pictures. Make sure you follow the Hoover PTA and or Hoover Elementary to see updates. I will also post pictures at the end of the day. The real goal of Reading Month is to create strong reading habits at home. Please encourage your children to keep those reading habits going. The research is very clear that students that read 20 minutes a day will develop strong literacy skills that will help them for life.
In addition to the Reading Challenge, we hosted our second annual Literacy Night last night. It was a fantastic event in which students had a blast reading and doing activities surrounding reading. I want to thank all the Hoover Families that came out last night for this event. I also want to thank the Hoover staff for setting it up and running the event for our families. It's events like this that bring our community together. When we have a strong home/school connection our students benefit!
Finally, we had some special guests today. The Madonna Football team came out to Hoover for Fist Bump Fridays. They greeted our students this morning and it was all smiles as the students entered the building.
Next week we are off for Spring Break. I hope all those traveling are safe and those staying home enjoy the time off with your loved ones.
Have a wonderful Spring Break!
Mr. Daraskavich
Reading Month Challenge - Pictures will be posted this afternoon:)
Hoover Literacy Night
Madonna Football - Fist Bump Friday!
Yearbook Orders
Hoover Art and Music Night
Mark your Calendars for our Spring concerts and Art show!
Art & Music Night Details!
Art & Music Night will be Thursday May 9 in the gym. Having students dress up for this event is encouraged! Students will report to their classroom 15 minutes before their performance time. Students are working very hard in Art and Music classes to prepare for this fun evening of fine arts! Please note that between each performance the audience will exit, and the gym will be closed to set up for the next performance group. Art will be on display all evening!
-Ms. Mitchell & Mrs. West
5:30 1st Grade Performance - (report 5:15)
6:00 2nd Grade Performance - (report 5:45)
6:45 3rd Grade Performance - (report 6:30)
7:30 4th Grade Performance - (report 7:15)
Livonia Fine Arts Festival
Dear Hoover Community,
Congratulations to our Hoover soaring artists whose artwork was selected to be on display at the district wide K-12 Fine Art Festival! Being chosen is an honor and selection is very challenging since the number allowed is restricted.
The opening night celebration is April 4, 2024 from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. at Livonia’s Civic Center Library. I encourage you to visit the Civic Center Library, located at 32777 Five Mile Road in Livonia and bring your friends and family. The exhibit will run from April 5 through April 29th and may be viewed anytime during the following library hours:
Monday - Thursday 10 am - 8 pm
Friday & Saturday 10 am - 5 pm
Sunday 1pm -5pm
The Hoover artists who have work in the show are:
Amira D.- Hawker
Mira K. - Eckerle
Lauren M.- Eckerle
Marcelo I.- LaFave
Mia V.- Flak
Amelia L.- Seelbach
Marie S.- Seelbach
River P.- Skibinski
Ken N.- Harris
Olivia M.- Harris
Emily O.- Castiglione
Harper S.- Castiglione
Wyatt W.- Castiglione
Caleb H.- Cannell
Ava M.- Cannell
Raegan B.- Filiatraut
Adeline C.- Cornellier
Jacob W.-Cornellier
Madison M.- Kerpet
Isabel T.- Kerpet
Amaris S.- Kerpet
Kennedy G.-Williams
Samuel B.- Williams
Ayla G.- Lipinski
Declan B.- Lipinski
We hope to see you there!
Ms. Mitchell
Archived Info Below
Hoover Updates
Good Morning Hoover Families,
Week two of Reading Month was amazing! The students and staff of Hoover Elementary read over 1600 hours last week. Wow! We are well on pace to accomplish our goal of 4000 hours by Friday. I am so proud of the hard work the students are putting in and more importantly I hope we are establishing some positive reading habits at home. The goal is to keep these reading habits going in April, May, June, and so on. This week we dress up like our favorite characters tomorrow and have our Family Literacy Night on Thursday (6-7:20 pm). We will see if we accomplish our goal by Friday and it will be Duct Tape Time:)
Next week we are off for Spring Break. I hope you and your families have a wonderful break. Relax and enjoy some time with your loved ones.
Looking forward to a great week.
Mr. D
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday, March 20 - Report Cards Viewable on Parent Connect
Thursday, March 21 - Reading Proficiency and i Ready Reports emailed home
March 23-April 1 - Spring Break
Hoover Year Book Cover Winner!
The cover design that won was created by Amelia Battigan in Mrs. Cornellier’s class.
Runners up were
2nd place Amira Jaghab in Mrs. Williams class
3rd place Madison Marz in Ms. Kerpet’s class and Adeline Carden in Mrs. Cornellier’s class.
Hoover Updates
Week one of Reading Month is in the books. It was a great week that started off with a visit from author, Kelly DiPucchio and ended with tallying up all the hours of reading. Last week the Hoover Rockets read 1065 hours. That is an amazing week of reading! Students were randomly chosen from their class to receive a prize at the end of the week for turning in their hours. This week is the Elite Eight in our March Madness Book Challenge and Friday we have a whole school Read In. We also have Spring Picture Day on Wednesday of this week and Spring Break is right around the corner, March 23-31. I look forward to seeing our Hoover Families next week at our Family Literacy Night on Thursday, March 21.
Make it a great week Hoover Rockets!
Mr. D
Reading Month Challenge
Author, Kelly DiPucchio
SACC Registration
SACC Registration
Attention families who may be in need of before- and after-school childcare next school year! The School-Aged Childcare (SACC) program will start a staggered registration online later this month.
Please visit the webpage for all of the important details:
Sub your Favorite LPS Staff Member
Sub Your Favorite Staffer contest is back!
Everyone knows that we absolutely LOVE our LPS Education Foundation and all of the wonderful support it provides to our students, staff and schools. That’s why we are happy to announce the return of the ever-popular Sub Your Favorite Staffer fundraiser for the Foundation!
Members of the district’s Cabinet team (department directors) along with Superintendent Oquist have committed to subbing for a ½ day for a select number of staff members who win a random drawing on March 22!
This is where YOU come in!
You are invited to nominate your favorite staff member to receive a ½ day off, while a member of the district’s Cabinet team, including the Superintendent, fills their role!
Here’s how it works:
Think of a staff member who you believe is most deserving of a free morning or afternoon to themselves.
Purchase a “raffle” ticket for $5 or improve your odds with 5 tickets for $20.
You can purchase multiple tickets for one individual, or individual tickets for one or more staff members.
Designate your staff member (one staffer per form) on the form below, and cross your fingers!
Link to nomination form:
A random drawing will be held at the end of the day on Friday, March 22 for multiple staff members to receive a ½ day off between now and the end of the school year! All staff members are eligible (except for bus drivers, due to licensing).
ALL proceeds from the raffle will support the Foundation’s 2024-25 Teacher & Support Staff Grant Program. Many thanks to our Superintendent & Cabinet team for donating their time to support the Foundation.
March is Reading Month!
Greetings Hoover Families,
March is Reading Month and we celebrate each year by having lots of fun events all month long involving Reading. We had our big Kick Off today where I challenged the students to read 4,000 hours, as a school, in the month of March. Each grade level has a target for the month which is all explained in a letter that will come home today. You will also find the Reading Month Calendar and the first Reading Log to track your hours next week. Please make time each day for Reading. This is a great way to start a new habit if you don't already have a reading time in your day and most importantly have fun reading some amazing books. We are excited to welcome Kelly Dipucchio author of Gaston, Grace for President and many more popular books our students love on March 4. The Hoover Staff will host a Literacy Night on March 21 as well. Overall, we look forward to an amazing month celebrating Reading.
Our next PTA meeting is on Wednesday, March 6 and is a morning meeting. Please join us in the LMC at 9 am if you want to learn more about the amazing supports that the Hoover PTA provides. Next week please don't forget that Friday, March 8 is a half day for students.
Please reach out with any questions or concerns. Have a wonderful weekend.
Mr. D
Message from Mr. O
Hello Hoover Rockets!
A few Heart Month reminders:
Martian Marathon - April 13th
-If you are interested in signing up the price goes up after March 4th
-More details here: Martian 2024
Kids Heart Challenge (KHC)
-If you are interested in participating in the KHC sign-up is free.
-There also is an opportunity to collect or make donations for the American Heart Association through the second week of March.
-I'm challenging each Hoover student to be kind to others, play outdoors, and read everyday.
-More details here: KHC 2024
Heart, Heart, Heart!
Mr. O
Mark your Calendars for our Spring concerts and Art show!
Art & Music Night Details!
Art & Music Night will be Thursday May 9 in the gym. Having students dress up for this event is encouraged! Students will report to their classroom 15 minutes before their performance time. Students are working very hard in Art and Music classes to prepare for this fun evening of fine arts! Please note that between each performance the audience will exit, and the gym will be closed to set up for the next performance group. Art will be on display all evening!
-Ms. Mitchell & Mrs. West
5:30 1st Grade Performance - (report 5:15)
6:00 2nd Grade Performance - (report 5:45)
6:45 3rd Grade Performance - (report 6:30)
7:30 4th Grade Performance - (report 7:15)
News from the Hoover PTA
Friendly reminders:
The PTA is still collecting gently used children's books (preschool - chapter books) in the vestibule. These books will be used during the Literacy Night event in March.
Also, the Lost & Found is overflowing and will be donated by this coming Tuesday - please have your child look for left behind items OR you can come look for yourself!
News from LPS:
The Livonia PTSA Council is collecting donations from LPS families for our Transportation, Maintenance, & Warehouse staff members in the district. There are 130 hard-working folks and we will be providing goody bags and breakfast for them on Thursday, March 21st. Families can purchase items from our Amazon wishlist or make a monetary donation through our Memberhub site
See the flyer for more details!
Also happening right now is the "Sub a Staffer" fundraiser which goes to support the LPS Education Foundation.
- Think of a staff member who you believe is most deserving of a free morning or afternoon to themselves.
- Purchase a “raffle” ticket purchase tickets for $5 or improve your odds with 5 tickets for $20
- Designate your staff member (one staffer per form) on the form and cross your fingers! Please use the form linked here to make your nomination.
Don't forget!
The PTA board is actively seeking parents who are interested in joining the PTA board for the upcoming school year, 2024-25. We will vote and approve next year's board members at the May meeting - we will present the slate of officers at the April meeting. Please see the attached form for more details - paper copies will be in the Hoover office.
Please reach out to any of the current board members if you are interested in more information!
Upcoming dates:
3/6 - 9 am PTA meeting (no childcare available)
3/7 - Skate night, 5:30-7:30pm at Riverside Arena
3/8 - Dine to Donate at Panera (Laurel Park location) from 4-8pm
Many thanks,
Hoover PTA
Facebook: Hoover Rockets PTA
SOAR Award Winners for February
Mrs. Gage - Staff SOAR Award!
Recognize anything in the lost and found?
Hoover Updates
Greetings Hoover Families,
It was another great week at Hoover as we welcomed what feels like Spring all week long. On Wednesday we celebrated Founder's Day with the Hoover PTA. Founder's Day is an event that includes the PTA units from every school in Livonia. It is a celebration of the PTA and all that this amazing group does for our students in Livonia and especially right here at Hoover (pictures below). The week ended with hearing and vision testing for the students and an amazing in-school fieldtrip for our Hoover third graders.
Next week we begin our next round of testing using the i Ready and Running Record assessments. There is no school on Tuesday as our staff has a Professional Development Day. Mr. O comes back next week and we are so excited to have him back working with our Hoover Rockets.
Friday we will kick off Reading Month. This is a fun and exciting month that will include an Author Visit, Reading Challenge from Mr. D, Family Literacy Night (sign up below) and so much more.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mr. D
PTA Founder's Day
LMC Renovation
The Hoover LMC Renovation will begin the last week of March. We will be closing down the LMC at this time. Mrs. Jungwirth will still teach LMC class but from a different location and books will unfortunately not be available for check out for the remainder of the year. The last dates to check out library books for 2023-24 will be February 26 - March 1st. We ask that ALL books be returned the following week of March 3rd - March 8th so we can make sure we have everything in place to pack up for the renovation.
Hoover Students SOAR
Our Hoover Rockets continue to SOAR as they Seek Success, Overcome Challenges, Always do their Best, and Respect others!
Update from Mr. O
Hello Hoover Families!
February is Heart Month.
This year’s celebration will take place the remaining weeks of February and overlap the beginning of March’s Reading Month.
The classes will continue to discuss the importance of quality family time, being kind, daily exercise, healthy eating, and minimizing screen use. These choices can positively impact a child's happiness, behavior, school performance and success all throughout their lives.
As part of our Heart Month Celebration families have the option to sign-up for the Kids Heart Challenge (American Heart Association) and the Martian Marathon.
For more information on the Kids Heart Challenge click the link below:
For more information on the Martian Marathon click the link below:
If you have questions about the Kids Heart Challenge or the Martian Marathon please let me know.
Happy Heart Month!
Physical Education
& Health
Third Grade In School Field Trip
Thursday and Friday our Third Grade students had the privilege of seeing Genot Picor's Michigan History presentation. This presentation is a hands on story telling event where the kids really learn what it was like to live in Michigan before it was a state. They learn about animals, culture, and Native Americans. Genot Picor is fun and engaging and the kids got to have hands on experiences as well.
Archived Below
Greetings Hoover Families,
We have come to the conclusion of another great week at Hoover. This week was super exciting as we celebrated Valentine's Day and the 100th Day of school. The 100th Day of school is a really big deal for our younger students as they build up to this day all school year long. Students dressed up like they were 100 and staff played along as well. See pictures below of some of the fun. Next week we will be off on Monday for Mid Winter Break. Right around the corner we will have our SOAR Assembly on March 1 which kicks off Reading Month. We are very excited to celebrate Reading Month. Stay tuned for more information to come home March 1.
Literacy Night - Thursday March 21
Hoover PTA Updates
Hi Hoover community,
The PTA is still collecting gently used children's books (preschool - chapter books) in the vestibule. These books will be used during the Literacy Night event in March.
The PTA board is actively seeking parents who are interested in joining the PTA board for the upcoming school year, 2024-25. We will vote and approve next year's board members at the May meeting - we will present the slate of officers at the April meeting. Please see the attached form for more details - paper copies will be in the Hoover office. Click Here for form.
Please reach out to any of the current board members if you are interested in more information!
Upcoming dates:
3/6 - 9 am PTA meeting (no childcare available)
3/7 - Skate night, 6-8pm at Riverside Arena
3/8 - Dine to Donate at Panera (Laurel Park location) from 4-8pm
Many thanks,
--Hoover PTA
Facebook: Hoover Rockets PTA
Hoover Updates
Good Morning Hoover Families,
We had a great week at Hoover in which we had five days of school in a row! Yeah! We need these consistent weeks to really dig into the curriculum with the kids and make progress academically and socially. The students had lots of fun in the snow on Tuesday and we hosted our second Wax Museum this time featuring Mrs. Cornellier and Mrs. Kerpet's classes.
Next week we look forward to our next PTA Meeting on Wednesday and the beginning of Heart Month. This is a month when Mr. O would traditionally teach our students all about heart health and we would have our Family Fitness Night. While Mr. O is out we will do our best to carry on the tradition and celebrate heart health month beginning next Friday with a Spirit Day. Wear red to show your support of Heart Month. Mr. O is getting better and we look forward to welcoming him back soon.
Have a great weekend!
Mr. D
Wax Museum - Mrs. Cornellier's and Mrs. Kerpet's Rooms
Hoover PTA Updates
Hi Hoover community,
Mark your calendars:
2/7 PTA meeting @ 6pm in the Hoover LMC (childcare provided)
2/9 Spirit Day - wear red for heart month
Every year the PTA gets to honor one staff member and one parent for their outstanding work with the Hoover community. This year we are thrilled to announce that we have chosen to honor Mrs. Filiatraut (3rd grade) and Spencer Lane (Hoover dad). The PTA appreciates their dedication and hard work that does not go unnoticed! They will be recognized at the Livonia PTSA Founder's Day event later this month.
The PTA will be collecting gently used children's books (preschool - chapter books) in the vestibule starting next Monday. These books will be used during the Literacy Night event in March.
Many thanks,
Hoover PTA
Facebook: Hoover Rockets PTA
Cograts Mrs. Filiatraut and Thank You for all you do for Hoover!
Recess Snow Fun!
Archived Info Below
Message from Mr. O
Hello Hoover Families,
I ruptured my achilles tendon playing basketball. As a result I am in need of taking a 4-6 week medical leave. My doctor has prescribed for me to remain non loadbearing for the coming weeks to help with the healing process. I am making it a goal to return to Hoover at the end of February.
Mr. Daraskavich and I are working together to ensure a quality candidate is selected to teach in my place. I will remain in contact with the guest teacher during my time away from school to assist in any way I can. Mr. Daraskavich and I will also remain in contact with one another.
I look forward to seeing you all soon.
Mr. O
Family Fitness Night will be postponed at this time.
Hoover Updates
It was a great week here at Hoover. We almost got a full week in... Maybe next week:)
This week we had our Wax Museum in Fourth Grade. This is a very exciting event as our fourth grade students learn all about a famous person who impacted our history and give a speech to guests dressed up as the person. The kids get really excited and always do a great job. Ms. Cornellier and Mrs. Kerpet's students will have their chance next Tuesday. Today we had our SOAR Assembly for February. In February we will work on expectations in the classroom as well as the Character Trait of Confidence. We had a great kick off this morning. We also recognized 27 students who are SOARing at Hoover. Student who receive SOAR awards go above and beyond to SOAR each day at Hoover. This weekend we will cheer on our Detroit Lions and we look forward to celebrating another victory on Monday. Next week we will have our next PTA Meeting on Thursday at 6 pm. Please join us to learn more about how the PTA is supporting our Hoover Rockets.
Go Lions!
Have a great weekend.
Mr. D
SOAR Assembly Photos
Ms. Williams and Ms. Lipinski's Classes Wax Museum
Elementary Ski Night
Hey, do your kids downhill ski or want to learn how to downhill ski? If so, fill out this Ski Interest Form. No dates have been set, this is simply to see if there is enough interest to schedule some Friday nights at Mt. Brighton skiing. This is parent led and once I receive the results of the survey, I will be in touch.
Upcoming Dates
February 9 - Spirit Day - Red for Heart Month
No School - February 19 and February 17.
February 21 - PTA Founder's Day
March 1 - SOAR Assembly
Archived Info Below
Hoover Updates
Greetings Hoover Community,
I hope you all had wonderful holidays and enjoyed time with your families. We were excited to welcome back all our Hoover Rockets on Monday and it has been a tremendous week. The students are back into routines and are SOARing here at Hoover. This second half of the year we look forward to amazing student growth as their hard work in class pays off. Please check out the following Updates here at Hoover:
- Intervention Groups for Round 2 started Monday. Students who are receiving intervention will be seen daily by one of our amazing support staff as well a their classroom teacher to accelerate growth academically and socially.
- The Hoover PTA approved funds to provide online Math Support for every Hoover Rocket. Each grade level selected a program that will allow students to have extra practice during intervention block and at home. In grades 3 and 4 we renewed IXL. You should have a login for IXL at home and classroom teachers are sending home expectations and logins so that you can benefit from this program in the evenings and weekends. It will also be available over the summer. Please set up a time each day that your student can practice. Teachers can tailor the lessons to exactly what your son or daughter needs and as little as 20 minutes a day can make a tremendous difference. Grades K-2 will have access to ESpark. ESpark offers Reading and Math Intervention. Please look for logins and expectations from your classroom teacher.
- Family Fitness Night will be Thursday, February 8. This is a wonderful evening planned by Mr. O to get families out and exercising on a cold February night. You will play fun games and a great time will be had by the entire family. Mark your calendars.
- Important Dates:
1/26 - SOAR Assembly 9:05 am
2/7 - PTA Meeting 6 pm
2/8 - Spirit Day - Heart Month, wear red
Family Fitness Night
2/19 - No School - Mid Winter Break
2/27 - No Students - PD Day
Go Lions!
Hoover PTA Update
Hi Hoover community,
Welcome back! We hope you all had an enjoyable and restful time with family and friends over the break.
- No PTA meeting in January
- 1/19 Spirit Day (PJ day)
- 1/20 PTSA Chili Cook-Off (Franklin High School) - see flyer for details
- Must be a PTA member to enter, registrations are due by 1/14
Looking for ways to help?
- Lend a hand in the mornings or at lunch (PLEASE NOTE THESE ARE NEW SIGNUPS FOR 2024):
- Make sure you are supporting Hoover when you shop at Kroger and Busch's
- Click here to set up your Kroger rewards (search Hoover Elementary PTA - Livonia)
- Click here to set up your Busch's rewards (search Hoover Elementary PTA)
- Join our Facebook page: Hoover Rockets PTA
- Buy your Hoover spirit wear: Spirit Wear
- It's never too late to become a PTA member, click here to Purchase a PTA membership
Many thanks,
Cold Weather / Additional Clothing
The weather is getting colder as we head into January. Please keep in mind that we go outside if it is above 15 degrees Fahrenheit (We use Acuweather as a district). Make sure that your son or daughter has cold weather gear for recess. Hats, gloves, and snow pants are recommended. If you need help getting cold weather gear please call our office and we ae happy to help.
With that said, we do try and keep a stock of dry clothes, hats, gloves, and coats in the office. Over the last couple months we have given out lots of clothing to children. If your child comes home in clothes borrowed from the office, please wash and return the item. We are beginning to run low on supply. If you have gently used boys pants we can really use more in the office. Mr. D has all girls and is no help with boys pants:)
Archived Info Below
SOAR Assemblies
We are going to move our SOAR Assemblies to the last Friday of the month beginning in January. Stay tuned to see who is SOARing at our next Assembly on January 26.
New Mission Graphic and Allergy Zones!
Your Hoover Staff
Welcome Back Letter from Mr. D
Dear Parent/Guardian and Student:
Welcome back Hoover Elementary! My name is Mike Daraskavich and I am the Hoover Principal. I am so excited to meet and work together with each and everyone in our Hoover community. The staff and I are looking forward to an amazing year of working with you and providing you with a quality educational experience. Our cooperative effort will help ensure the accomplishment of this goal. The following information should help to answer any questions you might have as we start school August 28.
8:55 a.m. – 4 p.m.
LUNCH: 11:40-12:30
HALF DAY SESSIONS: Dismissal 12:10 p.m.
Teacher Workday: 8:20 a.m. – 4:02 p.m.
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Please mark your calendars for these very important dates below:
Tuesday, August 22, 2023 - 5:00-8:00 p.m. -Bounce Back to School @ Stevenson High School.
Thursday, August 24, 2023 - 6 pm - Popsicles on the Playground - Hoover Playground
Monday, August 28, 2023 - First Day of School - Half Day for Students - Dismissal 12:10
Wednesday September 6, 2023- Curriculum Night and Open House
5:30-6:00 - Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Grade Curriculum Night
6:00-6:30 - K-4 Open House
6:30-7:00 - 3rd and 4th Grade Curriculum Night
Fall RE-Enrollment information from the district:
In recent years, LPS initiated an online process that replaces the traditional practice of sending “pink emergency cards” home for a parent's signature. The electronic completion of our Fall Enrollment Confirmation is an annual start-of-the-year requirement for each child currently enrolled in an LPS school. This must be completed for new and returning students.
Parents must access the electronic Fall Enrollment Confirmation through Parent Connect for the 2023-2024 school year. The Fall Enrollment Confirmation tab (in red, located in the upper right corner of screen) on Parent Connect has been activated and will allow parents/guardians to directly edit items such as emergency contact information and student health information. Other requirements include parental confirmations of items such as internet usage rules, medical authorization, and a student handbook review.
Please take a few moments before the school year begins to complete the confirmation.
Transportation Information:
All students in K-12 eligible for transportation based on their home address will be required to request transportation for the 2023-2024 school year. Students who do not "opt in" to request transportation will not be assigned a route. Details of how to "opt in" are linked here.
Bus route information for eligible students who "opt in" for bus transportation will be posted in Parent Connect for students in grades K-12 on August 18.
If you are not certain whether your child qualifies for transportation in the 2023-2024 school year, please email lpsbus@livoniapublicschools.org or call 734-744-2517.
Hoover Procedures:
Teacher Placement Notification
Parents will be informed of their student’s teacher placement on August 24. This can be found in Parent Connect. If you are not familiar with Parent Connect or need help accessing, please contact our office.
Gentle Arrival:
We will once again have a drop off window in which students can be dropped off at any time between 8:45 and 8:55 am. Students will enter the building through their assigned doors and staff will be around the building to ensure they get in safely. Children should arrive no earlier than 8:45 a.m. There is no supervision for students before or after school. Students will be dismissed at 4 p.m. and are expected to immediately walk home or get on the bus.
School Supply Lists
School Supply Lists can be found on the Hoover Website. Click here
The Hoover Handbook can be found by visiting our website. This handbook covers all the rules and procedures including the district code of conduct. Please review this handbook and use it for reference throughout the school year. If you are unable to view this document online, please let our office know and we can send a copy home.
The Parent Teacher Association is a dedicated group of parents and teachers who enrich the lives of the boys and girls at Hoover by sponsoring and supporting many wonderful activities. Joining our PTA is a way to support your children. Even if you are unable to volunteer for PTA activities because of your work or home schedule, please consider supporting your child by becoming a member of Hoover PTA. Look for the PTA welcome table at Open House and have coffee on the first day. Visit them for more information.
Lunch and Breakfast Program
The hot lunch program will start Tuesday, August 29, and be available every full school day. School lunch will be free for all students again this year. Free and reduced meal application forms must be completed online this year (Click Here). All family members should be listed on one form. If you need help with the process of applying for free and reduced lunch, please call the office and someone will assist you. A new application must be filled out every school year.
Breakfast will be available every morning.
Please be aware that Livonia Public Schools does not insure students for accidental injuries during the school year. The personal insurance of the parent or guardian is assumed to cover any and all medical treatments for such injuries. Unfortunately, some parents and guardians have limited or no medical coverage and health care is expensive. Each school year, the school district offers reasonably priced student accident insurance plans. Application forms and brochures explaining the options are available at the Board of Education during the school year. Our objective is not to sell insurance but to inform parents and guardians that there are alternatives for those who have no medical coverage.
Livonia Public School policy prohibits school employees from diagnosing, prescribing, or dispensing medication of any kind to a student without special permission from the student’s physician. Medical authorization forms are available in the school office. These forms need to be completed and signed by the physician and signed by the parent/guardian every school year. Please contact Mrs. Broome with any questions about medication or health plans. cbroome@livoniapublicschools.org.
Our building will be open for medication dropoff on Tuesday, August 22nd 8:00-3:30, Thursday, August 24th 12:00-6:00, and Friday, August 25th 8:00-3:30. You may also drop off medications on the first day of school, but please note our office is very busy on the first day and you will likely need to wait in line. For the safety of your student, we ask that all life saving medications such as epi-pens and inhalers be dropped off prior to the student’s first day.
Hoover has a school attendance line that is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Please contact us at 734-744-2731 to let us know about an absence. There is also a form available on the Hoover website where you can let us know about an absence. If you will be out an extended period of time, please use the attendance line to let our offices know. We will be using an automated call service again this year. You will get a call in the AM and PM if your son or daughter is not at school that day. If you would like schoolwork for your child, please call in the morning on the main school line so teachers have ample time to prepare the work. You may pick up the work in the office after school, or have it sent home with a sibling or friend.
For the safety of the children at Hoover and to reduce classroom interruptions, parents and visitors are required to report to the office upon entering the building.
CALL US – 734-744-2730
The staff and I are eager to work with you and your child and we anticipate having a fantastic school year. If you have any questions at any time, please feel free to discuss them with your child’s teacher or me.
I look forward to an amazing school year! Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. My door is always open!
Mike Daraskavich