BSD Family Updates
For Bremerton School District students & families
Tuesday, January 2, 2024
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See you tomorrow!
We hope you had a wonderful winter break
A warm welcome back from Superintendent James Crawford
Dear Bremerton School District students, families and staff,
I hope you all had a wonderful winter break. As we step into a new year together, I am delighted to extend a sincere welcome back to each and every member of our incredible Bremerton School District community.
The return to school after a rejuvenating break is always exciting—a time to rekindle the spirit of learning, reconnect with friends and colleagues, and embrace the promise of fresh opportunities. Whether you spent the holiday season traveling, relaxing with loved ones, or diving into new adventures, I hope you return with renewed energy and enthusiasm for the exciting journey that lies ahead.
Our school district is a beacon of diversity, pride, and achievement, and I am honored to be your superintendent. As we embark on the remainder of this academic year, let us continue to foster an environment where curiosity thrives, and where every student, staff member, and family feels valued and supported.
I look forward to the upcoming months of collaboration, growth, and shared accomplishments. May this new year bring joy, inspiration, and success to us all.
Welcome back, and let's make 2024 a remarkable year!
Warm regards,
Dr. James Crawford
PROUD Superintendent
Be a part of our strategic planning process!
Bremerton School District Funding Measures: February 2024
January is School Board Appreciation Month!
Photo (L-R), Director Jonee Dubos, Director Carolynn Perkins, Director Karen Bolton, Board President Aly Rotter, Board Vice President John Hurley. Not pictured: Student Representative Dillon Lovestedt and Student Representative Nora Ramstad.
B Present: Attend today, Achieve tomorrow
Did you know...
Together we can B Present: Attend today, Achieve tomorrow. We invite you to learn more at www.BremertonSchools.org/BPresent
FAFSA and WASFA Workshop
Are you looking for help paying for college? A second financial aid event is scheduled for Thursday, January 11th from 5-6:30 pm in the BHS Library.
The FAFSA and WASFA are the two main forms used to apply for college financial aid and both of these applications are undergoing significant changes this year. All seniors and parents of seniors are welcome to attend to receive help completing these important forms.
Join us for our next Beloved Community Listening Circle - Wednesday, January 10
Bremerton School District's Restorative Program is working to create a learning environment where all of our scholars feel cared for; a place absent of violence, bigotry, and hate.
If we are going to create a healthier, happier school climate, close the achievement gap, and create competitive workers and forward thinking citizens, we all have to work together to create our own "beloved community." With care and compassion driving us, partnered with the use of restorative practices, together we will transform our schools.
Join us! Students, parents, staff and community members are invited to participate! The next Beloved Community Listening Circle is Wednesday, January 10. If you are interested in participating in person, please email china.cooper@bremertonschools.org or nyasha.jackson@bremertonschools.org. If you'd like to observe a Beloved Community Listening Circle, please visit the District website for information and the Zoom link.
The 2024-25 academic calendar is now available!
Click the link below to download, or visit www.BremertonSchools.org/Calendar to download copies in English and Spanish.
Reminder: No school on Monday, January 15
Family Quick Links
Check out our before- and after-school childcare options for each elementary school and Mountain View Middle School.
Health Resources for Students
PCHS school-based health clinics
Hazel Health
In an effort to ensure that all of our students have timely, affordable access to mental and physical healthcare, we are partnering with a health services program called Hazel Health.
With parent or guardian permission, students can speak with a Hazel mental health professional or have an on-demand medical visit at home or at school. We invite you to learn more here!
Gaggle Teletherapy
Background photo: Bremerton High School JROTC Cadets scored a 10+" (the highest score possible!) during their annual inspection last month. View more photos here.
The Bremerton School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employee(s) has been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Garth Steedman at 360.473.1031 or the Section 504 Coordinator, Mark Mayfield at 360.473.4702. Mailing address: 134 Marion Avenue North, Bremerton, WA 98312.
Bremerton School District
Email: communications@bremertonschools.org
Website: www.BremertonSchools.org
Phone: 360-473-1000
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