Titan News
November 2023
Treaty 6 Land Acknowledgement
We acknowledge that Battle River School Division is located on Treaty 6 territory, and we respect the histories, languages, and cultures of First Nations, Metis, Inuit and all First Peoples of Canada, whose presence continues to enrich our vibrant community. We acknowledge that the connections to the land and each other are vital to the work we do.
Administrators' Message
Mrs. Zenovia Lazaruik, Principal
Mrs. Jennifer Erick, Assistant Principal
Mr. Mark Chanasyk, Assistant Principal
As November arrives, Canadians across the country take a moment to pause and reflect on the sacrifices made by the many brave men and women who have fought for peace in our nation. On Friday, November 10th at 10:30, the Tofield community will come together to pay tribute to these heroes. This event is open to all, and we encourage everyone to attend.
During this solemn occasion, we will remember the special people who have given up time with their families, sustained physical or mental injuries, and even made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. It is because of the selflessness and bravery of these individuals that we have the many freedoms we enjoy as Canadians. We are free to attend public education, free to travel anywhere, free to live where we want, and free to pursue our dreams.
Let us take this opportunity to express our gratitude and show our support for the courageous members of our military who have dedicated their lives to preserving peace and security in Canada.
Congratulations to the many students who received awards on October 26, 2023, for academics, athletics and citizenship. We are proud of all our student accomplishments. We are very thankful at Tofield School for the many businesses who provide monetary donations for trophies, medals and scholarships. Without your support, we would not be able to celebrate our students.
Congratulations to our volleyball teams. They have a very successful season with winning tournaments, the league and divisions, with upcoming regionals (November 7) and Zones ( November 18). GO TITANS!
Report cards go home on Friday, November 10, 2023. Our complimentary course quarter two change happens on Thursday, November 9, 2023. An opportunity for students to participate in new complimentary courses.
Enjoy the November break from November 13 to 17, 2023 as a time to recharge for students and staff. We look forward to students returning on November 20, 2023.
Upcoming Events
November 6: University of Calgary Presentation
Social 30-1/30-2 Diploma (Part B)
November 7: Jr. High Regional Volleyball
Biology 30 & Physics 30 Diploma
November 8: Science 30 Diploma
November 9: Grade 12 Commencement Meeting @ 7pm
November 10: Remembrance Ceremony
November 11: Remembrance Day
November 13-17: Fall Break--No School
November 29: Grade 6 Field Trip to Telus World of Science
December 1: Grade 5 Field Trip to Royal Alberta Museum
Cross Country Running
Our cross-country season has come to an end! Congratulations to all our runners!
Junior Volleyball
On October 21 & 22, Tofield School hosted a Jr. Volleyball Tournament. Our Jr. Boys brought home silver while our girls brought home gold. Congratulations, Titans!
Congratulations to our Jr. Girls Volleyball team on a season of undefeated league play! Because of this, they hosted the Junior High Girls Divisional Volleyball on November 3.
Senior Girls Volleyball
The Senior Girls Volleyball team started their season before school even started this year, in order to prepare for their first tournament at the end of the first week of school and continued to practice twice a week since then. There has been tremendous growth from all players this season. The girls also debuted their new jerseys this season.
This year we had 17 players on the roster:
Grade 10 - Adri Freeman, Brooklyn Ochitwa, Cassidy Penner, Eveline Rickett, Isabella Anderson, Presley Perry
Grade 11 - Amy Fraser, Claire Rickett, Elizabeth Purves, Mercedes Fisher
Grade 12 - Anri Kawabe, Avery Stevenson, Bailee Kowalchuk, Cleo Tritschler, Gabby Woodruff, Kayden Strilchuk, Kendra Yuha
Coach - Adam Madsen (Principal of CW Sears School)
Assistant Coach - Mackenzie Fisher (Tofield Titans volleyball alumni)
The Sr. Girls attended 5 tournaments this season in Vermillion, Lamont, Wainwright, Irma and New Norway/Hay Lakes. League games were against Wainwright High School, Blessed Sacrement Catholic School (Wainwright), Our Lady of Mount Pleasant School (Camrose), and Central High Sedgewick Public School. Unfortunately, we did not make it to Zones this season as only the top 4 teams in the league advance.
Our year wrapped up with a Titans vs Parents game and player awards night. We would like to congratulate our winners:
All Stars: Kayden & Avery
Team Spirit: Gabby
Hardest Working: Kendra
Most Improved: Cleo
Rookie of the Year: Isabella
We say goodbye to our five graduates this year: Avery, Bailee, Gabby, Kayden & Kendra, and wish them all the best as they move on to their next adventure.
We also send best wishes to our two exchange students that chose to learn volleyball with us. Cleo & Anri, we hope you enjoyed your time with us and volleyball too! Best wishes to you as well.
Athletics Fundraiser: Reminder
Just a reminder that you can support Tofield School's athletics program throughout the 2023-2024 school year by donating bottles! See below for more information!
Purdys Chocolate Fundraiser
Tofield School's Library Learning Commons is doing a Purdys Chocolatier Fundraiser to raise money for some new books! You can check out the Christmas catalogue here or at the attachment below.
Orders are due November 26 and will be available for pickup during the week of December 10 (orders can be picked up in the Learning Commons).
To order through the campaign, just follow this link, enter your email address, and hit "Join Campaign" (if you require a Customer Number, it is 55379). You can easily browse the catalogue and add items to your cart by going to "Shop Online" and then clicking "Use Marketplace".
Thanks so much for supporting our Library Learning Commons!
Travel Club Fundraiser
This spring break, our travel club is going to Greece! Help support their adventure by purchasing some Rolling Hills Coffee. To order please use the fundraiser order form below. All orders will be delivered to the school in time for Christmas.
Grade 12 Commencement Meeting
The first family meeting for the Grade 12 Commencement will be held on Thursday, November 9 in the Learning Commons at 7 PM. At this time, we will go through important information and expectations, then allow people to sign up for the various family committees. The grade 12 information packages will also be handed out this time.
Family Committees that need volunteers include: Banquet, Decorating, Clean-up, Ministerial Service, Grand March, and Fundraising.
There will also be a student Grade 12 meeting on Thursday, November 9 in Block 2 to run over information and expectations. The grade 12s will also be signing up to help on the various committees at this time.
Grade 12s: watch your emails in the next few weeks for information regarding grad photos!
Any questions, please contact Ms. Korpan at (780) 662-3133 or mkorpan@brsd.ab.ca.
School Trip to K3 Corn Maze and Family Farm
On October 13, students in all grades had the opportunity to visit K3 Corn Maze and Family Farm as part of the Tofield/Beaver County West FCSS has received a SOARING grant through AHS for youth led initiatives to identify and address risk protective factors to help youth live healthy, safe, and active lives. We have Tofield students on the Youth Engagement committee planning the SOARING project. In alignment with project objectives, the youth involved have decided to focus their project on bringing awareness to the importance of our Mental Health and Physical Wellness. It was a wonderful day filled with fun by all!
Career Counselling Newsletter
Check out this month's career counselling newsletter, highlighting the continuing post-secondary open houses, information for pursuing the trades, and more!
Hockey Hooky
Our elementary students had the opportunity to attend a Camrose Kodiaks game on October 26 for Hockey Hooky!
Grade 9-12 Awards Night
On October 26, 2023, we celebrated and recognized all the incredible student success in academics, athletics, and citizenship for our grade 9-12 students. Congratulations, Titans!
Athletic Awards
We gratefully recognize the community organisations, businesses and individuals who have supported our school awards program and ceremony.
Tilly’s Restaurant - Gymnasium Decoration
Tofield Auto Body - Athletic MVP Medals and engraving
Tofield Centex - Academic Medals, engraving and Certificate Sponsors
Tofield Subway - Athlete of the Year Trophies
To Our Scholarship Sponsors
Battle River Local #32 ATA
Beaver County
Beaverhill Veterinary Services
Busy B Bargains
Dacro Industries
Dave Watt Family
Government of Canada
Home-Time Realty
Melita Wall Memorial Fund
Strix Ecological Consulting
Tofield Historical Society
Tofield Legion
Tofield Lions Club
Tofield Municipal Library
Tofield NAPA
Tofield School Staff
Tofield United Church
Town of Tofield
Uncle Roger’s Family Dining
Wild Oats and Notes Scholarship Fund
Trade and Technology Program Expansion
Thanks to the generosity of three local businesses, Canadian CORE Tofield, FXD Tofield, and FA5, Tofield School will now offer new courses in mechanics and 3D printing technology.
Tofield School has always provided complementary Career and Technolgy Studies (CTS - grades 10 to 12) and Career and Technology Foundations (CTF - grades 5 to 9) trade courses in woodworking, fabrication and welding. The 21st-century societal demands have created a void with workforce skills, but the Trades and Technology section of the CTS program at Tofield School now offers additional courses along with the above-mentioned course in CNC manufacturing, electronics and robotics.
Our hope is to prepare students with the problem-solving, logistic strategies and work commitment necessary for our changing world.
Again we would like to thank you for your donation!
Halloween 2023
Staff Costumes
Lots of the staff showed up in group costumes!
Grade 6 Costume Contest
The grade 6s did a costume contest for Halloween. The winners were:
Funniest: Pearl.
Best Make-Up: Jacey.
Best Group: Molly and Nolan.
Scariest: Corey.
Best DIY was a tie: Phineas and Gracie.
The winners won a gift certificate to the concession. Congratulations, Titans!
Haunted House
Thank you to Mr. Hamm and his Grade 9 Leadership class for putting on the haunted house for our school this year!
Take Your Kid to Work Day
Grade 8 Science
Our grade 8 Science classes dissected cow hearts in October!
Tofield's annual Winterfest is happening on December 2! Check out the poster below to learn more!
Titan Wear
Order your own Titan wear by clicking this link.