PUSD Update
August 20, 2021
Message from the Superintendent
Today’s COVID-19 Dashboard has been posted and reflects the total number of confirmed cases and students and staff placed in quarantine since August 1, 2021 and since the last update on August 19, 2021.
Since August 1, 2021:
Total number of confirmed student cases: 25
Total number of confirmed staff cases: 10
The total number of students and staff in quarantine is 344, reflecting unvaccinated 7th-grade students and a group of 10th-grade students at Marshall, and a group of students at Longfellow Elementary.
The rise in quarantine numbers is due to our aggressive action to quarantine unvaccinated 7th-grade students and prevent the spread of the virus at Marshall when two confirmed cases were linked.
Schools are the fabric of our society and when there is an increase in the rate of COVID-19 cases in the community, it is reflected on our campuses.
We have taken immediate steps to further bolster our District’s strong COVID-19 Safety Plan
Adding three health personnel to every elementary site for weekly testing
All students will be tested with parent consent
Requiring at-risk students groups in grades 6-12 (athletes, band, ROTC) to get tested weekly
Implementing the State public health order and requiring employees to show proof of vaccination or take weekly tests
Masks, ventilation, handwashing, limiting visitors on campus, cleaning and disinfection
Recommendation to the Board of Education that students eligible for the vaccine show proof of vaccination or take a weekly test
Our hard-working health team and school-site staff are collaborating with local health professionals to ensure that we are taking the best approach to keep our students and staff safe.
We will keep you posted on the latest developments.
Brian McDonald, Ed.D.
Getting the vaccine will help protect our students and employees. COVID-19 vaccines are available for everyone ages 12 and over. Get the COVID-19 vaccine to keep our community safe! www.pusd.us/vaccine
#VaccinatePasadena #PUSDproud @CityOfPasadena
Pasadena Unified School District
Email: communications@pusd.us
Website: www.pusd.us
Location: 351 South Hudson Avenue, Pasadena, CA, USA
Phone: 626-396-3606
Facebook: facebook.com/pasadenaunifiedschooldistrict
Twitter: @PasadenaUnified