Principal's Weekly Newsletter
A Message from Dr. Nadjarian
I am so proud of our Grade 2 students who worked hard towards receiving their Sacrament of Reconciliation. Ms. Connors, our Grade 2 teacher, did a fabulous job in preparing them!
As I have mentioned in my past newsletters, we are proud to announce that we have partnered with True Robotics from Worcester Polytech Institute. Today, Middle School launched this project and will begin to build their robots on Monday.
We are looking forward to Holy Week and participating in our school-wide Lenten service project next week!
Have a great weekend and Happy Palm Sunday!
First Penance
Morning Announcements
Mr. Febesh introducing True Robotics to Middle School!
Looking Ahead Dates
April 2nd
Palm Sunday
April 3rd & 4th
Catholic Spring Book Fair with The Daughters of St. Paul
April 4th
Middle School Nature’s Classroom Field Trip
April 5th
All School Service Project (Prek-8)
April 6th:
- Holy Thursday - Early Release at 11 am
- All School Morning Prayer at 9 a.m
No EDP or after-school activities
April 7th:
Good Friday - No School
April 10th:
- Easter Monday - No School
April 11th
- Parent Volunteer Council and Room Parent Meeting at 6 p.m
April 13th:
Admissions Online Info Session 9 am
April 14th:
April Vacation Begins @ 2:25 pm, No EDP
April 17th - April 21st:
April Vacation - No School
April 24th:
Welcome Back!
Spring Clubs Begin
April 24-28th
Empowering God’s Children Lessons
April 25th
1st Communion Retreat
April 28th
Admissions Open House
April 29th
First Communion
A Message from Nurse Catherine
I am happy to report that we have had 0 Covid-19 cases this week.
Enjoy your weekend
A Message from Dan Griffin, Director of Advancement
We are more than halfway to meeting our last Matching Challenge of $5000 of the Lenten Appeal for the Fund for St. Mary's. Please see the attached image to learn how your support provides St. Mary's with the resources and equipment to best meet and fulfill our mission.
Easter Book Fair
Early Childhood Spanish
Mrs. Curley's class used the Handwriting Without Tears curriculum to form the letter B using lines and curves. Students also worked hard using the Building Blocks curriculum and learned all about graphing and comparing numbers.
Mrs. Creamer's class learned all about the importance of Palm Sunday and practiced waving their palms before Mass on Sunday!
Grade 1
Excellent work Grade 1!
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 4-6 Field Trip to Boston Symphony hall
Grade 7
Some of the content included in the presentations included:
- What is a genetic mutation?
- Symptoms
- What are the causes?
- Is there a cure?
- Benefits and Disadvantages
- Signs of the Disorder
- Treatments
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LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/st-mary-of-the-assumption-school
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stmaryschoolbrooklinema