6th Grade Newsletter
Week of May 13 - 17
Thank You Parents!!
Thank you for making our Teacher Appreciation Week so special!!!
We have had on our to-do lists all week to write personal thank you notes to each of the families who did something to make our week so special, but we have not had the chance to get them done. So, rather than putting it off any longer, we'd like to send a general HUGE THANK YOU to all of you! We were blessed with so many thoughtful notes, emails, snacks, treats, drink cups, and gift cards. Each of these mean so much to us! We appreciate each of you!! We have such a heart to work with your kids, and to guide them toward success in their education. We have very much enjoyed teaching each of them this year! Thank you, again!
Clap-Out Breakfast: May 23rd 10:00 - 11:40
6th Grade Celebration and Clap-Out will be from 10:00 - 11:40am
We would love for all of you to join us on the last day of school for our 6th Grade Celebration and the Clap-Out. Please sign up to bring something to contribute:
If you're contributing something non-perishable, please send it with your student to school on Mon, Tues, or Wed. We will gather party items in the back of Mrs. Weber's room.
Students should not bring their backpacks on Thursday. They should only bring a pen and their yearbook / autograph book. They cannot bring their phones to school. Parents may bring a phone to the Clap-Out Breakfast Celebration, and students may use their phone only for taking photos.
What to wear this coming week:
Spirit Week:
Monday: Mismatch Day
Tuesday: Sports Day
Wednesday: Decades Day
Thursday: either wear your Friday shirt, or Dress to Impress to look good in pics
May Birthdays!!!
5th - Adarsh
5th - Braydon P
8th - Julia
20th - Sage
23rd - Srinika
23rd - Hansini
24th - Maria
25th - Carson
29th - Eric
June Birthdays!!!
12th - Aarush
12th - Aayush
12th - Janice
21st - Kaenon
27th - Amelia S
July Birthdays!!!
6th - Avery
Looking for volunteers... pretty please!!
If you have a spare hour during the school day, Mrs. Weber is looking for some volunteers. She needs to put contact paper book covers on her student textbooks. If you would be good at this task, and if you have an hour to help her out, please send her an email at weber.amy@cusd80.com.
Explanation: Next year, our 6th grade is only going to get digital copies of the math textbooks, but if we cover our old copies of the textbooks with contact paper, we can make them last longer. We appreciate any help that you are able to give. There's 50+ books to cover, so if you are able to just contribute one hour, that is still a big help to Mrs. Weber! Or, better yet, get a few moms to come work on it at the same time, then you can take over the workroom, and it will be more fun! There's also no huge time-crunch for this task, so if you want to come work on it for one hour each week, that would be amazing!
Learning Focus
Unit 4: What kinds of adventures can you experience when you use your imagination?
We will be reading three different texts : a novel except from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, a poem, Jabberwocky from Through the Looking-Glass also by Lewis Carrol and finally a reflexive essay, "The Importance of Imagination" by Esha Chhabra.
Students have been working all week on writing a fictional narrative. This is due on Thursday, May 9, 2024.
Sadlier Unit 9 test will be on Friday, May 17, 2024.
Students have their final poem recitation due on May 8th. This is the "I Am" poem that they wrote and submitted last week.
Math Period 1:
Math Periods 2 & 3:
Social Studies
Social Studies:
In social science this quarter we have learned about many ancient societies. We began in ancient Greece, then we learned about Persia and Alexander the Great. From there we learned about the first Chinese dynasties, and we ended strong learning about the Roman Empire. Students enjoyed these topics, as they are so interesting! We will pick back up in the fourth quarter with the Dark Ages. It's such a pleasure to teach your children!
We have completed our science projects! All students have completed a slides presentation that is being sent to the district so that your child can compete in the district-wide science fair! All of the students have also worked on making a science project board, which has been a fun process. The students have taken so much time to complete their projects and I'm very proud of the results and all that they've learned.
6th Grade Teacher Contact Information
Mrs. Weber weber.amy@cusd80.com
Mrs. Skierkowski skierkowski.jamie@cusd80.com
Website: https://www.cusd80.com/independence
Location: 1405 W Lake Dr, Sun Lakes, AZ, USA
Phone: 480-224-2700
Block Schedule: 2:30p-3:00p
All 6th grade students go to STEM on Day 2 in the 6-Day Rotation.
All 6th grade students go to TechLab on Day 4 in the 6-Day Rotation.