RHJ Weekly Update
Nov 17 Update
Welcome to the end of another great week of learning! Students have beeen hard at work coming back from their break. We look forward to seeing you next week at Student/Parent/Teacher interviews.
Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions, comments, or concerns via email at gregory.cruickshank@eips.ca
Greg, Glenda, and the RHJ Team
Upcoming Dates
Upcoming events and important dates:
- November 20: National Child Day
- November 21: Your Future Post-Secondary and Career Fair
- November 21 and 23: Student, Parent, Teacher Conferences
- November 22: Junior High Honours Info Session
- November 24: Trimester 2 Starts (Grade 7 and 8 CTF Options)
- November 27: School Council Meeting 6:00
- December 1: Junior High report cards
- December 7: RHJ Band Concert
Parent and caregiver survey
Student/Parent/Teacher Interviews 3:30-7:30 Nov 21 and 23
To book a time slot, please go to https://www.rudolphhennig.ca/bookings
RHJ Band Plays at Rogers!
RHJ is proud to announce that our school band will be playing O'Canada on December 15, 2023 at 7:00PM. RHJ will be selling tickets for $20ea. Stay tuned for details on how to order!
RHJ Honours Info Session
This is a quick reminder about the upcoming virtual EIPS Junior High Honours program information session. If you’re considering the program for the 2024-25 school year, we hope to see you then.
Wednesday, November 22
6 p.m. Join the session
More information about the Junior High Honours program is available on the Division website. Applications for the 2024-25 program will open in January 2024. Details about the application process and deadline will be shared with all current grades 7 and 8 families when it’s available.
Purdy's Fundraiser
RHJ Theatre is once again participating in the Purdy's Christmas Chocolate Fundraiser. All proceeds will go towards the production of our spring musical Mean Girls Jr. All orders must be placed by December 2, 2023. Orders will be sent home with your student on December 18. Please click on the link below to purchase. You can contact Ms. Essington at savannah.essington@eips.ca if you have any questions. Thank you for your support!
ADHD Info Night
Join us for a Parent session at Sherwood Heights Junior High on WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 29TH at 6:30pm.
We will be hosting ADHD Edmonton’s President Rachel Rogers who is a psychologist that specializes in supporting families with children managing ADHD.
Rachel has worked with Edmonton Public Schools as a teacher, counselor, and Psychologist on multidisciplinary teams and is a wealth of knowledge to parents.
Rachel will be talking about the history of neurodivergences, what is ADHD and the brain, will briefly talk about the role of medication, multimodal treatment, strategies, and self-regulation. She will also talk about ADHD Edmonton and the supports available (there’s a lot!) and finish with Q&A to address questions.
This session is open to caregivers and professionals and will be held in person at Sherwood Heights Junior High as well as a virtual option.
ADHD Parent Session Virtual Link Nov 29th at 6:30pm
This session is also held in person at the SWH gym, all caregivers and professionals welcome.
Family Violence Prevention Month
November is Family Violence Prevention Awareness Month in Alberta! This month FCSS and the Fort Family Violence Prevention Coalition are asking all residents to join us in learning more about the supports available to people experiencing abuse and how to recognize the warning signs so that we can end family violence in our community.
Family violence can happen to people of all ages, abilities, sexual orientations, genders and cultural identity. It happens in all communities and Fort Saskatchewan is no exception: so far this year we have seen an average of 11 family violence occurrences for every 1000 people, including 239 children. In Alberta, the statistics are equally distressing. Approximately 1 in 3 people in the province will experience family violence at some point in their lives.
This year we are hosting several events to help raise awareness about family violence in our city and how, you, as a resident, family member, co-worker, parent and friend can support someone who is experiencing violence. To learn more about the events happening this month or for more information on family violence visit: fortsask.ca/FVPM or call FCSS at 780-992-6206.
Together we can raise awareness and take action to create a safer and more supportive community for everyone. It's time to stand up against family violence and work towards a brighter, violence-free future for Fort Saskatchewan.
Krista Allan
Community Development Coordinator
FCSS Fort Saskatchean
Rudolph Hennig has joined with LunchBox to offer lunches for our students! Parents can order and pay online through the link below, and students pick up the lunches in the Raven's Nest Store in the first half of lunch.
LunchBox also bring some additional items to sell to students.
About Us
Welcome to the home of the Ravens! We support personal development and academic growth for all of our students.
Rudolph Hennig Junior High School honours Treaty 6 territory and welcomes students from Metis settlements and First Nations communities throughout Western Canada and the Northwest Territories. We strive to build a safe and caring environment where cultural practices and traditions are honoured and celebrated. We work closely with community Elders to bring the truth of Canada’s history to our students as we work towards shared reconciliation.
We hope your year with us will be an enjoyable, rewarding, and memorable experience. Rudolph Hennig’s staff are committed to ensuring all students achieve success.
Email: general.rhj@eips.ca
Website: www.rudolphhennig.ca/
Phone: 780-998-2216
Twitter: @RHJRavens
Principal @ RHJ