October Weekly Update
Week of October 16th - October 20th, 2023
Principal's Message
Monday is: Day C
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Don't forget to pre-order your school pictures as Hayward Photography will be at Point Webster on Tuesday, October 17th for school picture day! School pictures will be taken outside, weather permitting. Please note that information about school pictures has been shared with all of you, can also be found in this newsletter and a hard copy of information went home with students last week.
We will also be hosting our monthly PTO Meeting this Tuesday, October 17th from 6:30-7:30 pm. A copy of the agenda for the evening can be found below. We look forward to welcoming new members to our PTO!
This Friday, October 20th will be Boston Celtics Day at Point Webster as we kick off the All-Star Program Perfect Attendance Contest sponsored by the Boston Celtics and The Arbella Foundation. Our All-Star Program Assemblies will take place this Friday. Students are encouraged to wear Boston Celtics gear!
Please note that there have been some changes for our Extended Day Activities this week. The DEAEF Dance Program will begin on Tuesday, October 17th, Grades 6-8 Robotics is cancelled for Monday, October 16th and Tuesday, October 17th, Grade 5 Math Support will now begin on October 25th and Newspaper Club will now start on November 14th.
Lastly, if you haven't filled out your child's contact card please be sure to do so. Also, please be sure to sign and date the contact card and have your child return it to their homeroom teacher as soon as possible.
Ms. Christine Barrett
Pre-K Information
School pictures will take place on Tuesday, October 17th. Pictures will take place outside, weather permitting. Information from Hayward Photography has been sent to all parents and guardians. Don't forget to pre-order your child's school pictures!
Pre-K Staff Information
Pre-K Office Telephone Number: 617 984-8795
Please call 617 984-6600 to report your child's absence.
Danielle Parry danielleparry@quincypublicschools.com
School Psychologist
Jessica Sikora jessicasikora@quincypublicschools.com
Integrated Teachers
Aileen Quilty aileenquilty@quincypublicschools.com
Kerry Kelly kerrykelly@quincypublicschools.com
Cares Teachers
Hannah Donovanhannnahdonovan@quincypublicschools.com
Courtney Byrne courtneybyrne@quincypublicschools.com
Speech Language Pathologist
Kristin Jaros kristinjaros@quincypublicschools.com
Michelle Houser michellehouser@quincypublicschools.com
Occupational Therapist
Emily Voigt emilyvoigt@quincypublicschools.com
Physical Therapist
ChristineToler christinetoler@quincypublicschools.com
Cares Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 7:35 am - 1:30 pm
Wednesday 7:35 am- 11:15 am
Integrated Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
AM Session : 7:35 - 10:10
PM Session: 11:10 - 1:50
School begins promptly at 7:35 am and 11:10 am. It is very important to be on time in order to ease transition into the start of the day. Pre-K parents and guardians are reminded to use Edwards St. when dropping off your child. Pre-K students who are late to school are asked to report to the Front Office to enter.
School Pictures
Hayward Photography will be at Point Webster on Tuesday, October 17th for school pictures. Please see attached information for ordering pictures. Be sure to pre-order your child's picture package on-line as soon as possible.
The Arbella Foundation and Boston Celtics All-Star Program
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We are pleased to share with you that Point Webster will be partnering with The Arbella Foundation and the Boston Celtics for the 2023-2024 All-Star Program. Our kick-off assembly for grade 5 and homeroom assemblies for grades 6-8 will take place on Friday, October 20th. Our monthly attendance contest will begin on November 1st. Please see the calendar of events for the All-Star Program sponsored by The Arbella Foundation and the Boston Celtics.
The Arbella Foundation and the Boston Celtics All-Star Program Information
October 20- Kick-off/Launch
November 1- Perfect Attendance Contest begins
January 15- Writing and Art Contest Begins
February 29- Deadline for Writing and Art Contest
March 18- Writing and Art Contest Winners announced
May 10- End of the Year Party at Veterans Memorial Stadium
Arbella All-Star Family Attendance Pledge
Students will be bringing home their Arbella All-Star Family Attendance Pledge form to fill out with parents and guardians as we kick-off our All-Star Program Perfect Attendance Contest. Please sign and have your child return this Pledge to their homeroom teacher.
Haunted Hallway and Halloween Dance
Point Webster's Student Council will be hosting a Haunted Hallway on Monday, October 30th and a Halloween Dance on Tuesday, October 31st. The Haunted Hallway is free of charge and the cost of the Dance is $3. Costumes are optional and must be appropriate. A list of guidelines will be shared with all students. Please note that costumes are not allowed to be worn to school and candy is not allowed in school. Dance Tickets will go on sale the week prior to the dance at all lunches. The dance will take place from 1:30-3 pm in the school gymnasium.
Point Webster's Cultural Fair 2023
Point Webster Middle School will host its annual Cultural Fair on Friday, November 17th from 1-2:30 pm at Point Webster Middle School. Please see attached flyer.
Point Webster Fall Extended Day Activities
Attached you will find a calendar of before and after school activities. Please note that BOKS sign-ups must be done on the BOKS registration form. Please note that the DEAEF Dance Program will begin on Tuesday, October 17th, Grades 6-8 Robotics is cancelled for Monday and Tuesday (October 16th and October 17th), Grade 5 Math Support will now begin on October 25th and Newspaper Club will now start on November 14th.
PTO Meeting Schedule
PTO Meeting-Tuesday, October 17th at 6:30 pm
Come join Point Webster's PTO Meeting this Tuesday October 17th at 6:30-7:30 pm. Please see attached agenda for the evening.
Point Webster PTO Merchandise Order Form
Point Webster Athletics Information
Cross Country Schedule
Tennis Schedule
Volleyball Team Sign-ups
Students in grades 6-8 will have the opportunity to play for Point Webster's Volleyball team. Please see attached sign-up form. A game and practice schedule will be out late next week.
Important Dates
17 School Pictures/PTO Meeting 6:30 pm
18 Pre-K, Gr. 5 Early Release Day
19 Cross Country City Championship Meet 3:30 pm at Pageant Field
20 Boston Celtics Day-All-Star Program Launch Day
25 Pre-K, Gr. 5-8 Early Release Day
27 Gr. 6-8 Interim Report Cards posted
28 Tennis City Championship 9 am @ QHS
31 Halloween Dance 1:30-3 pm
1 Pre-K, Gr. 5 Early Release Day
6 Gr. 5 Field Trip to Holly Hill Farms
7 Election Day-No School
8 Pre-K, Gr. 5-8 Early Release Day
9 Gr. 5 Field Trip to Holly Hill Farms
10 Veteran’s Day-No School
14 PTO Meeting 6:30 pm
15 Pre-K, Gr. 5 Early Release Day
17 Cultural Fair 1-2:30 pm
22 Early Release Day-No lunch served all grades
23-24 Thanksgiving Recess– No School
28 Gr. 6 Field Trip to the Norfolk County Sheriffs Ropes Course
29 Pre-K, Gr. 5 Early Release Day
30 Gr. 6 Field Trip to the Norfolk County Sheriffs Ropes Course
1 Gr. 5 Report Cards distributed
5 Tis the Season...Symphony and Song at QHS 7pm
6 Pre-K, Gr. 5 Early Release Day
7 Gr. 6-8 Trimester 1 Report Cards posted/Gr. 6-8 Parent Teacher Conferences
8 Gr. 8 Field Trip to AMC
12 PTO Meeting 6:30 pm
13 Pre-K, Gr. 5-8 Early Release Day/Pre-K and Grades 5-8 Parent Teacher Conferences
23 Winter Break begins
1 Winter Break ends
2 Return to school
Quincy Public Schools 2023-2024 Calendar
Please note that the QPS Calendar was revised as of the September 13, 2023 School Committee Meeting.