Friday 29th April 2022
Tēnā tātou katoa,
Welcome back to Term 2!
I would like to extend a very warm welcome to all families particularly to new families joining our St Mary's community. We do hope you have had a fantastic break and have enjoyed some time without mask-wearing.
I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support during Term 1 and the Red Traffic Light framework that we were operating in. As we begin Term 2, we welcome parents back onsite to enjoy our wonderful St Mary's community spirit once again.
We will publish a newsletter on Wednesday 4th May with some opportunities to come into school and see your child and their learning.
All communication is sent via HERO, Facebook, and the School App. All of this information is on our school website so please make sure you check in with all of these platforms. Turn your HERO notifications on to make sure you get up to date information.
School officially starts for our children on Monday 2nd May. We would appreciate your support in ensuring all children are in their correct School Winter Uniform. Shoes are the only thing that changes and will consist of black covered in leather shoes with grey school socks for boys and black stockings, or white socks for girls. As the months get colder a thermal may also be worn underneath the uniform.
Our Monday morning school liturgies will now be at 10.30am in the BAMJC. All are welcome to attend under the Orange Light setting.
Please continue to inform us if your child is unwell and is not able to attend school. There is still current regulations around contracting COVID and isolation periods.
We are looking forward to seeing all our children and families return. Under the Orange Traffic Light setting we are ready to welcome everyone back onsite.
Events and Activities
We will start to reintroduce large hui and gatherings over the course of this Term. We will confirm these dates, events and activities in next Wednesday's newsletter.
Face Coverings
Currently under Orange Light settings, face coverings are not mandated in schools. However, if there is another outbreak or the staff are at risk, we may ask our community to help protect us by wearing face coverings again.
We do ask that children in Years 4-6 still bring a mask incase there is a need for it to be used. This now becomes a personal choice when in school grounds. There will be children, adults and staff who will choose to continue wearing their masks and we must be respectful of everyone's choice.
Our children, staff and community have been outstanding in following guidelines previously and we thank you for this. Now is the time for us to begin a new chapter of this pandemic and we will start to engage our children and community in new ways and continue with some of the historical ways.
Good hygiene remains a key element in preventing the spread of COVID. We will continue to ensure our children's safety by regularly cleaning and providing hand sanitizer and tissues to support good practices.
Parent Conferences in 2022
This year we want to be able to have face-to-face conferences and we are hoping we can manage this depending on what happens with the pandemic.
Term 3 - Wednesday 27th July, 3-6 pm, Thursday 28th July 12.30-6 pm.
SCHOOL CLOSES AT 12 PM Thursday 28th July.
Term 4 - Wednesday 7th December, 3-6 pm, Thursday 8th December 12.30-6 pm.
SCHOOL CLOSES AT 12 PM Thursday 8th December.
Teacher Only Days 2022
Tuesday 7th June
Friday 18th November
Blessed are you, Lord God, Creator of body and mind and heart; you have sent the Spirit of wisdom and knowledge to guide your people in all their ways.
At the beginning of this new school year term we implore your mercy: bless the students, teachers, and staff of our catholic Communities, that together we may grow in faith, hope, and love as we learn from you and each other how to follow your Son Jesus.
Expand the horizons of our minds, that we may grow in wisdom, understanding, and knowledge; deepen our commitment to seek the truth of your ways; and enliven our faith to reach out to those in need.
Glory and praise to you, Lord God, in the Church and in Christ Jesus forever and ever.
If you can please make sure all your contact details are up to date so we can get in touch if needed. Please email Theresa in the office to update your details. office@stmarystga.school.nz
Ngā Mihi
St Mary's Team
Contact Us
Email: office@stmarystga.school.nz
Website: https://www.stmarystga.school.nz/
Location: 11 Thirteenth Avenue, Tauranga South, Tauranga 3112, New Zealand
Phone: +64 7 578 8066
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stmarystga/