Weekly Update
December 5-9
Monday, December 5
Varsity Boys and Girls Indoor Track and Field vs Multiple Schools - AWAY
Tuesday, December 6
5:30 p.m.
Varsity Wrestling vs North Point - AWAY
6:30 p.m.
JV Wrestling vs North Point - AWAY
7:00 p.m.
Orchestra Concert
Friday, December 9
Please click here for the Bell Schedule
5:00 p.m.
JV Boys Basketball vs Great Mills - HOME
Varsity Boys and Girls Swimming vs Multiple Schools - AWAY
6:30 p.m.
Varsity Boys Basketball vs Great Mills - HOME
No Bags Allowed at Game Venues: New SMCPS Policy
In a continuing effort to improve security and provide a safer experience for students, parents, staff, and community members, St. Mary’s County Public Schools is implementing increased security measures for after-school events.
Beginning with the high school basketball season, spectators will not be allowed to enter game venues carrying any bags. Spectators will only be permitted to carry a small clutch or wallet into events. Other small permissible items such as keys, wallets, cell phones, credit cards, and cash may be carried in a pocket or by hand. Prohibited items include weapons, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, electronic cigarettes, outside food and drinks, laser pointers, non-service animals, and other items deemed inappropriate by the school administration.
The increased measures have been implemented based on a review of current procedures regarding the clear bag and scanning procedures introduced during the 2022 football season. The procedures assist school staff members and on-site law enforcement officers in identifying prohibited items and reducing the likelihood of contraband being on a school campus.
For more information, please contact the Department of Safety and Security at 301-475-5511, ext. 32238.
What's happening in our classrooms?
Looking ahead...
Mod Pizza Fundraiser - Dec 15
Yearbook Information
Make Up Portrait Day for seniors and underclassmen--LAST CHANCE to be photographed for the yearbook!
Senior Portraits
Legacy Studios will be here in the morning on Wednesday, December 14 in the auditorium. Seniors MUST sign up for an appointment by clicking HERE. Information about the different portrait sessions available can be found on the Legacy site. Please note that Legacy does provide the tux, drape, and cap and gown for portraits. Seniors, if you wish to be included in the senior section of the yearbook, you must have your picture taken by Legacy in a tux or drape with a blue background and no props. Portraits that do not meet this requirement will not be included in the senior section of the yearbook.
Portraits for students in grades 9-11
Lifetouch will be here during lunch on Wednesday, December 14 in the auditorium for make up portraits. If students were not able to be photographed, they should report to the auditorium during lunch. All students need to be photographed for administrative purposes.
Grad Ads
Senior parents interested in creating a grad ad for the yearbook can do so through the Tribute Ads website. The deadline for creating an ad is December 15, 2022. Please visit the Tribute Ads site to create an ad honoring your senior.
Order A Yearbook!
If you are interested in purchasing a 2022-2023 yearbook, please visit the Jostens site. This offer will be available until February 24. After that, sales will close. Yearbooks will be distributed in the spring.
Senior Yearbook Items
Seniors, it is time to fill out the items for the senior section in the yearbook! You should fill out the senior awards & activities list, superlative form, and create your index card through your school Gmail accounts. The deadline to submit yearbook items is Monday, December 12. Seniors, please click HERE to access the form. Please note that only SMCPS students can access the form.
Pictures Needed!
We are in need of pictures for some of our spreads! Click here for specifics regarding what pictures we still need. The list has been updated! Please upload pictures directly to our Yearbook website using ReplayIt. Please do not submit screenshots of pictures or pictures with filters. Please make sure all students featured in the pictures are identified with first and last name and grade level. Please make sure that the pictures are from this summer and this school year!
2021-2022 Yearbooks
The 2022 yearbooks are here! Students may pick up their yearbooks during lunch in 2E08. If you are a 2022 graduate of LHS, you or someone you designate may pick up your book during regular hours (8:00-2:45) to retrieve your book. Please email Mrs. Page before you plan on picking up your book to ensure that it is in the office waiting for you.
Counseling Corner
StudyPoint’s webinar, “Understanding Your PSAT Score, the Testing Calendar, and Test-Optional Policies,” will be hosted live on December 7th at 8:00pm ET / 5:00pm PT. To help families understand the PSAT score report, a group of experts will walk through what each component of the report means and how to use it to guide test preparation. You can learn more and register for the webinar here (if you register but cannot attend the live session, we’ll send you a recording of the event).
Students may also be interested in taking an SAT or ACT practice test before the end of the year. To view StudyPoint’s free practice test dates and register, click here.
PSAT scores are available on College Board, students need to log into their account to find their report.
9th grade information: PSAT 8/9, PSAT 8/9 video how to understand your score,
10th grade information: PSAT10 , PSAT10 video how to understand your score.
11th grade information: PSAT/NMSQT, PSAT/NMSQT -video how to understand your score
If you need a letter of recommendation from your school counselor, please use this link, Student Recommendation Request, make a copy of this google document and then share it with your counselor once you have completed it. Please include a resume as well to your counselor. Counselors are not included in your teacher recommendations for common applications, our letters are considered “Counselor Evaluations.”
Make sure to know your counselor!
- Hensel: A-C - jahensel@smcps.org
- Wolcott: D-Go & GIS - rrwolcott@smcps.org
- Neitz: Gr-L - lkneitz@smcps.org
- Guidry: M-R - lcguidry@smcps.org
- Marino: S-Z - cmmarino@smcps.org
- Sawyer: Freshmen Academy - wnsawyer@smcps.org
Need an appointment? Please e-mail Guidance Secretary, Ms. Williams (jkwilliams@smcps.org).
Information for Parents/Guardians re: VAPING
Mental Health & Wellness Information
Career Center Updates
Upcoming Events:
Tuesday, December 6th
FAFSA Night at LHS at 6PM in the Media Center Register Here
Wednesday, December 7th
Allegany Community College Visit at 10:30 AM Register Here
Wednesday, December 14th
Air Force ROTC & Space Force Presentation in the Career Center @ 8:50 AM.
Juniors and Seniors are welcome to attend. Register Here
New Scholarship Added to Naviace
The Grace Erline Memorial Scholarship
To view all scholarships, login to Naviance via Clever. Click Colleges >> Scholarship Search.
Patuxent Partnership (TPP) Pathways Scholarship Application
The Patuxent Partnership (TPP) Pathways Scholarship Application is now open for 2023-2024.This scholarship is for graduating seniors who plan on attending CSM and majoring in Engineering to support STEM workforce development at NAWCAD. Please view this link for the application and eligibility requirements. Deadline is January 31, 2023
FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)
The Application is now open. Make sure to use the 2023-2024 Form and tax information from 2021. FAFSA Link
One-Lunch Updates
What to do during lunch?!
Click here for one-lunch club offerings.
Not sure where to go? Need a planning template to help utilize your time? CLICK HERE
Student Meal Charges
Fast Food Policy
Bus Passes:
Bus passes should only be requested when students have a change in physical address or when there is an emergency situation and a student needs to ride a different bus or get off at a different stop. Bus passes will not be granted for students simply wanting to go visit with a friend.
Need to obtain a bus pass?
Parents can write a note or send an email to Ms. Revis at btrevis@smcps.org in order to request a bus pass. All relevant information must be included in the written request.
Bus Information includes: Student name, address, parent phone number, existing bus stop to be used, bus #, date, medical concerns, destination address, destination phone # and reason for the pass
Learn how to create a MySchoolBucks account: click here.
MySchoolBucks & the Media Center
New for 2022, families have the option to pay for lost or damaged resources in My School Bucks. A resource can include: library books, laptops, chargers, textbooks, consumables, etc.
When a media specialist marks anything as lost or damaged in Destiny, that fee AUTOMATICALLY shows up as a "real time fee" in My School Bucks.
Please refer to this information on My School Bucks and your school library.
Need Tech help? Click below!
All Things Parking at LHS
Parking Lot Procedures
Seasonal Parking Pass Letter
LHS Parking Website
Leonardtown High School
Website: https://schools.smcps.org/lhs/
Location: 23995 Point Lookout Rd, Leonardtown, MD 20650, USA
Phone: 301-475-0200
Twitter: @LHS_SMCPS