Chief Charlo HOWL Newsletter
All grades Art Project inspired by the book - The Dot, written by Peter Reynolds
Our wonderful Music teacher, Miss Barr will be breaking up our Holiday Programs over 3 days:
Kindergarten/1st grades - Tuesday, December 12th, 1:00pm
2nd/3rd grades - Wednesday, December 13th, 1:00pm
4th/5th grades - Thursday, December 14th, 1:00pm
We are hoping that student photos will be delivered prior to Winter Break. After receiving your photos, if you have any questions about them, please contact Little Bear Photography directly at (406) 531-9726 or littlebearmt@gmail.com
NO SCHOOL December 22 - January 1 for Holiday break
** See you all back in school on Tuesday, January 2!!
December 12 - Kindergarten/1st Grade Holiday Program, 1:00pm (located in school gym)
December 13 - 2nd/3rd Grade Holiday Program, 1:00pm (located in school gym)
December 14 - 4th/5th Grade Holiday Program, 1:00pm (located in school gym)
December 14 - Early Out - ALL students dismissed 2:30pm
December 18 - Snowflake Wall presents DUE to the front office by 4:00pm
December 18 - 5th Grade Band/Orchestra Performance, 2:30pm (located in school gym)
December 21 - Kindergarten Polar Express Day
December 21 - Early Out - ALL students dismissed 2:30pm
December 22 - January 2 - Holiday Break (NO SCHOOL)
PTO Events
December 13 - PTO Meeting, 6:00-7:00pm (located in the library) - FREE Childcare provided
* See PTO sponsored Staff Wish List information below *
Can the Cats Display
Kindergarten teacher, Mr. Reiley, and our soon to be greatly missed Secretary, Ann Bates, show off the 790 pounds of food that Chief Charlo families and students donated to the Missoula Food Bank's local Can the Cats competition. Thank you to everyone that donated!!
Can the Cats
The Missoula Food Bank and Community Center, along with the Gallatin County Food Bank in Bozeman, raised an almost 1,500,000 pounds of food this year during this Can the Cats competition. Missoula won this year's competition bringing in a whooping 870,192 pounds of food, while Bozeman trailed behind with a still amazing amount of 596,787 pounds collected.
Both Cats and Griz Roam Our Halls
Some light hearted fun was had between 5th grade teacher, Mr. Petersen, and Chief Charlo Parent/Griz Football Coach, Justin Green.
Woot Woot Wagon
Staff gets an afternoon pick me up from the 'Woot Woot Wagon', Principal Gaub and PTO President,
Elyse Johnson. A great BIG thank you from all the staff!!
PTO School Spirit Apparel Store
The School Spirit Apparel Store is now live! Our PTO has launched an online apparel store with many options. Check it out here and find items for your gift giving needs!
Pictures needed for the 2023-2024 yearbook
If you have any fun pictures that you have taken while volunteering at or taking part in an event at Chief Charlo, please submit them to: chiefcharloptoyearbook@gmail.com
The more fun pictures we have, the greater the memories we can put in the next yearbook.
The 2022-2023 yearbooks have just arrived. Watch your email for information about when and where to pick up your child's copy.
Lice Information
Lice information
Lice are a common community problem among school-age children. While lice are often transmitted in the community and home, schools are often where it is first detected in a child. Lice can be a nuisance, but they are not known to spread disease or pose a health risk. Detecting and treating lice early makes it easier to eliminate and reduces the spread to others; therefore, it is recommended that parents and guardians check their children regularly for the most common signs of lice:
- itchy scalp (which is also common with dandruff and dry skin)
- the presence of small nits that seem “glued” onto individual hairs close to the scalp so the nits do not “fall off”
MCPS Health Services follows evidence-based practices and guidelines provided by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the National Association of School Nurses. For more information and resources, please visit our lice information web page.
Chief Charlo Students and Griz communities support one another
Chief Charlo siblings raised the Legacy 37 Flag at a home football game
Chief Charlo student is part of Lady Griz Vollyball
Dream Come True Experience
Fun Art Projects - Kindergarten, 3rd Grade and 4th Grade
3rd, 4th and 5th Graders Take a Field Trip to a Lady Griz Basketball Game
Adobe Digital Bookshelf
Access countless books digitally anytime at Adobe Digital Bookshelf. Go take a look:
Chief Charlo's Scholastic Book Fair Wrap Up
Chief Charlo Students LOVE to READ!! Our school book fair was another great success. We sold $8400.00 worth of books! Thank you all for purchasing all these books for our students. The library will receive $4200 in book fair credit to order more books for the library. A special thank you to all our Chief Charlo volunteers:
April Miller, Amy and Matt Mill, Emily Earl, Charlene, Addie, and Ella Magdalik, Brittney Trowbridge, Elyse Johnson, Ariann Schultz, Michele McLean, Jean Masson, Sara Masson, Charla Fontaine, and Brittney, Nolan, and Cora Fregerio. Our school book fairs can not happen without these wonderful volunteers.
Chief Charlo Library's Book and Media Center
For the month of December, the character trait we are focusing on is Empathy. Empathy is understanding and connecting to another person's feelings. Some examples of how we are practicing empathy this month are on perspective taking ,learning how to deal with conflict, being a good friend, and showing kindness to others. In the classroom, this can look like listening to your teacher, being excited for a friend when something fun happens, or learning how our actions can impact others. When we use empathy, we can build strong relationships with students, adults in the school, and family members at home.
Families in Transition Coordinator - Rm 233
The Families in Transition (FIT) Program is here to assist Chief Charlo students and families experiencing housing instability (McKinney-Vento Act) and/or economic hardship. FIT works as a bridge between those families, our school and the district staff to empower students to stay in school and remain successful both in school and as lifelong learners. FIT also provides families access to community resources and services.
FIT is here to support your family, because we care about all of our Wolves - BIG and small!!
Coryll Rupert (FIT Coordinator)
406-728-2400, X4983
Free and Low Cost Activities Around Missoula
MCPS Information
Fun Winter Activity
Native American Students Learn About Significance of the Buffalo
MCPS Native American Student Services recently gave a presentation to Chief Charlo Elementary School students on the significance of the buffalo to Plains tribes. The presentation also covered some of the many ways the Plains tribes made use of buffalo.
Chief Charlo Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
Current Board Members:
Elyse Johnson, President: chiefcharlopto@gmail.com
Mindy Glenna, Co-Vice President: chiefcharloptovp@gmail.com
Kristen Owens, Co-Vice President: chiefcharloptovp@gmail.com
Annie Harris, Treasurer: chiefcharlotreasurer@gmail.com
Michelle Reilly, Secretary: chiefcharloptosec@gmail.com
Meeting Schedule: Monthly meetings occur the SECOND WEDNESDAY of each month in our school library, 6:00-7:00pm. FREE childcare is always available.
Interested in becoming a member? Everyone is welcome! Membership is free due to our amazing sponsors. The Chief Charlo PTO encourages families to join, stay informed, and help out in any way you can. It's never too late to join and be part of the FUN!!
Check us out at http://facebook.com/chiefcharlopto