C&CC April Newsletter
April 2022
Volunteers Needed!
If you would like to volunteer in our College & Career Center, please let us know. No experience needed.
Volunteers will be working directly with kids to plan their future. The ASPIRE program uses adult volunteers to be "another shoulder to lean on" for kids finding their path. Volunteers will learn how to work on college applications, creating resumes, financial aid applications and generally being a support to students. (You will have plenty of help from the C&CC staff.)
If this interests you, please contact Patty Neuenschwander at neuenschwander@gresham.k12.or.us or 503-258-4890.
Volunteers will be asked to complete a GBSD volunteer application and will be required to follow district guidelines like checking in at the main office.
Learn more about the ASPIRE program.
GREAT news about the Oregon Promise...
- The minimum award has been increased from $1000 to $2000.
- The minimum GPA has been lowered from 2.5 to 2.0.
- The $50/term co-pay has been eliminated resulting in more accessible funds for students.
Has your senior completed their Oregon Promise application? Have they submitted their FAFSA or ORSAA, too? These funds can be used at any Oregon community college for a wide variety of classes and training for future employment opportunities.
Completing these applications could provide between $2000-$8000 to students.
The deadline to apply is June 1, 2022. This is a ONE TIME only opportunity.
Complete the Oregon Promise application here.
Complete the FAFSA here.
Complete the ORSAA here. (For students who are non-citizens.)
Comparing Financial Aid Awards
28 Helpful Financial Aid Definitions
Financial Aid and Life After High School Webinars
Your juniors will be your seniors before you know it! Families will learn the basics of financial aid & scholarships. Your juniors will know what to do to prepare for FAFSA, ORSAA and scholarship applications, while your first and second year students will learn about the types of financial aid available, net price calculators, and Oregon's 529 plan.
Wednesday, March 30, 2022
6:00 pm Pacific Time, 7:00 pm Mountain Time
To Register: https://bit.ly/3MCKUNE
Preparing for Life After High School
Our second "college night" webinar for your classes of 2023, 2024 and 2025. We'll focus on the options students have to create their lives after high school, including college, Career and Technical Education (CTE), entering the trades and other options. All are welcome, and questions are encouraged!
Thursday, April 21, 2022
6:00 pm Pacific Time, 7:00 pm Mountain Time
To Register: https://bit.ly/3tZbat5
Don't Forget the Dale Krueger Scholarship-Due April 1
Here is a link to our info sheet on this scholarship. Don't forget that there are TWO parts to this application. One is the online application form that goes directly to US Bank.
The second is an optional exhibit document that goes to: neuenschwander@gresham.k12.or.us These exhibit documents must be in pdf format and not on a shared drive.
The deadline is 11:59pm on April 1.
College Spotlight #1
LaGrande, Oregon (4 hours or 250 miles from Gresham)
Our admissions representative: Alassanne Diagne diagnea@eou.edu 971-246-7472
Student Population: 2800
Housing: first year required
Common Majors: Business Administration, Education, Kinesiology,
Tuition: $8700/year
Room and Board: $12500/year
College Spotlight #2
Clackamas, OR (35 minutes or 21 miles from Barlow)
Student Population: 6000 students
Common Majors: Business Administration, Liberal Arts, General Studies, Electrical Power Administration
Tuition: $5000/year
CollegeBoard's Big Future EFC Calculator
Juniors, your EFC will determine funding you may receive for college costs. This number is created by submitting your FAFSA or ORSAA. The FAFSA opens for your class on Oct. 1, 2022. Predicting your EFC, with this calculator, gives you a jump start on planning for your future expenses.
What Careers are Students Interested in Now?
Explore Careers HERE.
Scholarship Season is HERE!
Dale Krueger Scholarship: value: $8000 due April 1
Clackamas County Bank Scholarship (business majors): value: $3000 due April 29
Gresham Rotary Scholarship for MHCC: value: $3000- due April 8
KMR Group Scholarship for MHCC or Clark CC: value: $3500 renewable- due April 8
IUrban Scholarship due April 29: value $2000
Cascade Athletic Scholarship due April 21
Eastwind Running and Endurance Scholarship: due April 15
Powell Valley Garden Club Scholarship for MHCC: value $500, due May 11
GBEA-Future Educators Scholarship due April 22
Gordon Russell MS PTC Scholarship due to GRMS April 29
Gresham Lions Supper Club Scholarship due April 11
Schweiger Memorial (Undergraduate Engineering & Apprenticeships) Scholarship due May 2
Suburban Auto Group Scholarship due April 21
DCD/Zimmerman Scholarship due April 22
Going Merry Scholarship Search Engine
Oregon Goes to College Scholarship List
FREE Spring College Fair-April 24th UofP Chiles Center
57 Essential Questions to Ask on a College Visit
Juniors and Sophomores, you should be scheduling college visits NOW.
Each school will have the option to schedule a tour on their campus. Simply search a college's website for visits and schedule your time there. If you can't schedule something, you are also welcome to visit schools on your own. Walk around, see the campus, get a feel for the school. What traits make a good fit for you? What things don't feel right? These are things to consider when choosing where you will spend the next few years learning.
The Heart & Soul of a College
Juniors, what are you doing to prepare for your college future?
Writing that college admissions essay.....are you adding your voice?
The Best and Worst 10 Paying Majors Five Years After Graduation
Read more here.
Central Oregon Community College-Scholarship Application
New Scholarship for the Trades-Due April 18
Due by April, 18th, 2022.
Call or email LindaLee for help. frazier2@gresham.k12.or.us
Schweiger Memorial Scholarships for Undergraduate Engineers and Apprenticeships -Due May 2
Schweiger Memorial Engineering Undergraduate Scholarship and Apprenticeship Programs application. Due May 2. Learn more about Advanced American Construction here.
Applying to a Trade/Union After Graduation?
Here are some tasks to work on:
- Create a resume that highlights the ability to use tools and work as a team
- Create a visual portfolio that shows projects you have worked on (built a fence...)
- Practice your interview skills with the Star Method and this Video
- Learn specifics about the trade in which you are interested Learn More Here
- Get your driver's license
- You will be drug tested- stay clean
- Get a job and a reference letter from your boss- This shows you are dependable.
- Work on your fitness- this is a physical job
- Volunteer for "project-based" opportunities like Habitat for Humanity
- Sign up for a pre-apprenticeship class- Constructing Hope, Oregon Trades Women, or Portland Youth Builders
Have more questions? Come in to the College & Career Center to learn more.
Construction careers in today’s market are all about high-end, high-stakes, huge earning potential, and the opportunity to travel the world.
This event is organized to introduce students to these exciting opportunities in our industry. Don’t miss out!
WHEN: APRIL 22, 2022 (not a school day so you must get to Barlow on your own)
Session 1: 7:30 am – 11:30 am (Bus will take us all to the Construction Fair)
WHERE: Northwest College of Construction
The first 30 students will be able to attend this field trip
Oregon SAIL Summer Program
Summer Program Dates for 2022:
August 1- 5
August 8 – 12
FREE week-long Day and Residential programs hosted on the University of Oregon campus, where high school students learn about various subjects from distinguished University of Oregon faculty members through fun social and interactive activities. Residential programs provide students an opportunity to live on campus for the week. These programs begin the Sunday prior to the dates listed above.
Win Prizes! Receive High School Credit!
To apply, the student must be an Oregon resident and meet at least one of the following criteria:
- Come from a low-income family (for example, qualify for Free and Reduced lunch program)
- Be the first in your family to attend college
- Come from an underrepresented minority background
- Unaccompanied youth (in state custody, foster care, homeless or not living with family)
- Returning student
- Sibling of a returning student
Summer Internship with PDX Youth Summer Works
Bodecker Foundation Spring Classes
3 Free Youth Workshops-
Customize at Home with Sebo Walker- Mondays & Wednesdays in April Create your own personal pattern and customize sneakers, a backpack, or a skateboard.
Comic Book Illustration with Steven Weissman on Mondays & Wednesdays in April & May -This workshop will provide students with an opportunity to explore cartooning masters' past and present; sharing their favorites while discovering new artists to follow. At the end of the
workshop, participants will have created an original comic book comprised of their collective work.
Intro to Tattoo Design with Virginia Marting on Tuesdays & Thursdays in May- You’ll learn about ink application, linework, shading, and will familiarize yourself with the language,
techniques and materials of the tattoo trade.
Led by professional artists, musicians, designers, and writers, the Bodecker Foundation’s FREE multidisciplinary workshops are designed to empower creative youth to imagine and achieve their artistic, educational, and professional dreams. Threaded throughout is a career exploration and applied arts approach that uniquely centers collaboration, inclusivity, and positive affirmation of student identities. Class size is generally limited to 12 students. Transportation stipends are available for all in-person sessions.
The Bodecker Foundation welcomes and prioritizes the participation of Black, Indigenous, and other students of color as well as emerging English speakers, LGBQTIA+ youth, and students with disabilities.
Online registration is now open at
Calling All High School Students
Students can spend a week this summer at OSU-Cascades! Summer Academy introduces students to life on a college campus, and they'll earn a scholarship doing it. Your students will meet new friends while exploring their academic and career interests with university professors and experts.
After a morning of classes, students get out there with daily outdoor recreation trips led by recreation staff and some of the best tour companies in Central Oregon. Activities include hiking, paddling, floating the river, rock climbing, and more.
Session 1: July 31 – August 5
Session 2: August 14 – 19
High school students entering grades 9 – 12
OSU-Cascades in Bend, Oregon
Stay in our state-of-the-art residence hall or register as a day student
Overnight Option: $945*
includes lodging, meals & snacks
Day Option: $675
includes meals & snacks
*Financial assistance may be available, thanks to a grant from the Oregon Community Foundation. See website.
Space is limited. Learn more here.
Sam Barlow College & Career Center
Email: neuenschwander@gresham.k12.or.us
Website: bit.ly/BarlowCandCC
Location: 5105 SE 302nd Ave, Gresham, OR 97080, USA
Phone: 503-2584890