Madina Academy
Principal's Message
Dear parent/guardian, As salaam ‘Alaikum
As we enter the Holy month of Ramadan, I pray this letter reaches you in the best of health and Iman. The staff and students alike are enthusiastic for Ramadan. The students and staff have been diligently decorating the school to make it feel like Ramadan at Madina Academy. May Allah continue to bless the students, staff, and parents of Madina Academy. On behalf of myself and the entire board, administration, and staff of Madina Academy we wish you and your family a blessed month of Ramadan.
Mask Mandate
The Connecticut State Department of Education has called for the mask mandate in schools to be lifted in February. However, we decided to do our due diligence and ensure the Covid rates continued to decrease. As the Covid rates continue to drop in Connecticut and Covid vaccines remain freely available to individuals aged five and older, we decide to lift the mask mandate after Ramadan. Therefore, as of Monday, April 11th, Madina Academy students and employees will no longer be required to wear masks. Also, each student and staff will receive testing kits on April 8th. We are asking parents to test their child on April 10th to confirm Covid status before they return to school. On May 5th, All students will be tested when they arrive at school after the Spring break and the Eid holiday.
Parents who wish to send their child to school without a mask are free to do so; similarly, parents may want to send their child to school with a mask. All who continue to wear a mask are unquestionably affirmed in their decision. We have worked together over the past two years to protect the health and well-being of our students and employees. I want to bring to your attention the following items:
· Suppose circumstances arise, such as an increase in Covid cases in the school or local community or a new statewide mandate. In that case, Madina Academy reserves the right to require school-wide mask-wearing at any moment.
· If a child is sick, has Covid-like symptoms, or is needed to quarantine, parents must act properly and keep their children at home.
· Individuals with Covid-like symptoms will be sent home from school and allowed to return in accordance with school policies.
We appreciate your cooperation and support as we work together to achieve our students' academic and social growth in a safe and secure environment.
Uniform Policy
We remind parents and families to continue to review the uniform policy at Madina Academy. The students are doing a great job with the uniform policy.
A few reminders for upcoming events:
Ramadan Iftar Fundraiser
Please join us for a Ramadan Iftar on April 8th at 7 pm.
Ramadan Schedule for 2022
School hours 8-1:30pm
Arrival 7:30- Dismissal 1:30
Dismissal time is: 1:30-1:45 pm each day
Note: Mrs. Meena is available for after-school care during Ramadan. Please contact her directly at 1-860-796-7649 or 1-860-849 to make arrangements.
Spring Break and Eid Holiday
Spring break: April 25th-April 29th
Eid Holiday: May 2nd-May 4th
Dr. Cooper
Hat Day & Dress Down Day!
Self-Help Article: Self-Help by Maryam Akbar
How to Speak Well and Confidently:
To be a confident and well-spoken speaker, one must first have confidence in oneself. Not only that, but you should have faith in your ability to be a confident speaker. This confidence will not be provided to you by others; rather, you will have to build it step by step on your own, with the help of others. Confidence can be built up over time as you practice it. Here are some pointers on how to become a better speaker!
1- Presenting with confidence:
Always state your opinions with conviction. Before you speak, make sure you actually believe what you are saying
Don’t use phrases such as “I think that” because whatever comes after that is not really believable
Make eye contact. Eye contact will help others to listen to your thinking carefully
Find someone you’re comfortable with making eye contact with
In addition, if you look down at the floor it makes you appear less confident
Know the room. Arrive early, walk around the speaking area and practice using the microphone. Knowing what the room will look like and having a sense of where you'll stand, how the crowd will look, and what it will feel like to move around as you speak can definitely ease your nerves
Visualize giving a speech in the exact place where you will be giving it. Imagine yourself speaking confidently and delivering a well-spoken speech. It will boost your confidence.
Have confident body language
Know your topic and have it practiced
2- Speaking Fluently:
Speak loud enough that everyone can hear you clearly. There is no point in giving the speech if no one can hear you. Also, don’t speak too loud
Expand on your vocabulary. Don’t use simple words
Expand on your thoughts but don’t be too excessive in using big words that no one will understand
Do not use slang if you want to give a well-spoken speech
Don’t be afraid to pause in order to gather your thoughts
Use hand gestures but don’t be too excessive
Be clear in your speech in order to get your point across quickly
Repeat your main points so your audience knows what your speech is about
Use concrete examples to grab your audience’s attention
A Day to Enjoy the Beautiful Sunshine
Students of the Month:
Faaiz Hashmi:
Faaiz is always so kind to everyone, whether it is a student or a teacher. He does not hesitate to do the right thing. Faaiz is always on top of work and puts up persistent effort. He always goes above and beyond without being asked, such as picking up trash, moving huge sticks out of the way of games, and cleaning up any spills. Faaiz is incredibly helpful to both his teacher and his classmates, and he deserves to be recognized for his efforts!
Hayaa Alzamzamy:
Hayaa is an outstanding student who is respectful of all of her teachers. She not only observes classroom norms, but she also walks quietly from one location to the next in the hallway. Hayaa always makes sure to get all her work done on time. She is a great help to her classmates and will do her best to make sure they understand the material. Hayaa has worked extremely hard to memorize all 40 hadith an-Nawawi, as well as 5 ajza' from the Qur'an. She is very polite to her fellow students and continues to work hard every day in school.
Naureen Ambia:
Naureen is a fantastic student who puts forth a lot of effort. She has a great deal of regard for her teachers, staff, and peers. She has worked hard since the beginning of the school year to improve in all aspects. She never fails to follow the rules. Naureen ensures that she always is on top of school work and if not, will make sure to ask for help. She is an amazing worker and very helpful towards peers. Her kindness is seen by students of all grades and is greatly appreciated.
Maryam Akbar:
Maryam is a lovely and helpful student. She will complete any task given to her without complaint. She sets a great example for her peers by adhering to all rules and regulations. Teachers are grateful for the time and work she puts into her assignments. Maryam is willing to assist in any way she can. You'll always find a smile on Maryam's face, which will brighten your day. She is an excellent role model and a conscientious student.
Outdoor Adventure Club
School Science Fair
Opinion Piece: By Marriam Khan in 11th Grade
The transition from middle to high school can be considered difficult and frightening, as the last year of high school may be considered the most stress-inducing. However, it can be argued that junior year of high school is the most challenging year to overcome throughout the high school period as this is the time where the next step in students’ lives are being prepared for.
At Madina Academy, junior and senior year are the years when students begin taking fall and spring semester classes at a local community college as part of the dual enrollment program. The balance between high school and college life proves to be a difficult endeavor at the start, but something that is gradually grown used to. This glimpse into college classes provides a perspective into the college life students will face after graduating high school.
In addition to Madina Academy’s stimulating dual enrollment program, students are preparing their resumes for college. They are tackling as many opportunities as possible to strengthen their applications for college. Volunteer hours are being completed, internships are being applied to, and students are putting the rest of their efforts into studying for the SAT. The scholastic aptitude test is one of the main assessments that students work towards achieving a high score on and is the infamous hurdle students must overcome in high school as it paves the way for getting accepted into good colleges depending on your score.
Although the last two years of high school prove to be much more demanding than the first two years, they are beneficial in preparation for the college process and challenge students in a way that forces them to work outside their comfort zone and familiarize themselves with difficult tasks whilst finding solutions to overcome them.
Practicing for History Day Competition
Humor Page: By Tasneem Haroun
Assalamualaikum today I will talk about ramadan. I absolutely LOVE Ramadan. It is the best month of the year and my favorite month, obviously. This year, my class decided to decorate our room with Ramadan decorations. The school needs it because y’all really ain’t doin much to uplift the Ramadan spirit like COME ON!!! We decorated the highschool hallway with the help of Ms. Tahani, of course because what would we do without her. We started making these long chain things and paper lanterns. We hung them up and of course they were the best thing ever so out of natural instinct, other people want to do the same, of course. Sadly though, you guys kinda need to focus on your own class and clean it up first before trying to step up and work on the hallways. Maybe next time add some original thought to it…joking..unless. It's really good that the days of school are shortened, but honestly it was now the brightest idea to make us come in earlier. As I said before, everyone likes getting their sleep. If you're my teacher you already know how much I sleep in classes so to make it easier for you and me let's all come in lantern but of course, you're just gonna read this and not do anything about it. Not to guilt trip or anything but u guys are being really mean *puppy eyes emoji*. That emoji is the cringiest thing ever please never use it unironically. And don't get me started on baby talk. I will throw up on ur face. It is so nasty. You're mostly late elementary, middle, or highschool there's really no need to use baby talk. Grow up lol.
Proud of our Work!
Event Page: By Abdalhadi Alnas
The much-anticipated Muslimah Night, which every mother and daughter looks forward to, took place this month. Madina Academy has not held a Muslimah Night in two years due to COVID-19. It was brought back this year, and many of our Muslimah sisters participated. This evening had a variety of activities that the guests absolutely enjoyed. A red carpet theme was used for the occasion, which included a fashion show and a talent show. Many fun activities took place such as: jeopardy, musical chairs, karaoke, henna, and more! We're looking forward to seeing another next year, and each year it'll improve with new and exciting ideas Insha'Allah.
Imagination and excitement light the eyes of people, including the entire middle and elementary student-body. The joy behind making experiments and discovering what happens is something we all look forward to in our everyday lives. The Madina Academy Science Fair brings out the creativity and curiosity for all students who participate and gives them a platform to showcase their work. Students whose projects are thoroughly thought out and very well made can even get the chance of winning first place! On Friday all of the students had their projects in the event hall for parents to come in after school to see them and read about each one.
One of our key motivations for going to school and the reason we keep going is our career. The subject of what you're passionate about and what you'd like to be is always on my thoughts. Upper and middle school students were given the opportunity to voice their emotions and ask questions at a meeting with college student majors. It's difficult to think about college, let alone what degree you want to pursue. The college students answered all of the questions and made sure that the Madina Academy middle and upper schools were well informed. They also let the children know that it's okay to be undecided about what they want to study in college.
The day of the crazy hats had arrived. On Friday, March 25, 2022, students were given freedom to dress down in a wacky hat of their choice. This event drew students from all grades, who wore hats to show off their fashion savvy. The majority of the hats were amusing and unique, making children laugh as they compared their hats.